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单词 小白花
释义 〔miterwort〕Any of several North American plants of the genusMitella, having heart-shaped leaves and clusters of small white flowers with pinnately divided petals. Also called bishop's cap 唢呐草:一种北美唢呐草属, 植物,有心形叶子并有成束带羽状分开花瓣的小白花 也作 bishop's cap〔fireweed〕Any of several weedy North American plants of the genusErechtites, having small white or greenish flowers grouped in discoid heads. 菊芹:几种北美菊芹 属植物中的任意一种,有在花盘上聚在一起的小白花或略带绿色的花朵 〔goldenseal〕A woodland plant(Hydrastis canadensis) of eastern North America, having small greenish-white flowers and a yellow root formerly used medicinally. Also called orangeroot 白毛茛:一种产于北美洲东部的林地植物(白毛茛 白毛茛属) ,有略呈浅绿色的小白花,黄色的根,以前作药用 也作 orangeroot〔honewort〕An eastern North American perennial plant(Cryptotaenia canadensis) having umbels of small whitish flowers and compound leaves with larger, double serrate leaflets. 北美鸭儿芹:一种北美东部(加拿大鸭儿芹 鸭儿芹属) 常绿植物,有小白花组成的伞形花和较大的双层锯齿叶构成的复叶,生长于北美东部 〔partridgeberry〕A creeping, evergreen, perennial plant(Mitchella repens) of eastern North America, having small white flowers and scarlet berries. Also called twinberry 蔓虎刺:一种蔓生,常绿,多年生植物。(蔓虎刺) 产于北美洲东部,长有小白花和鲜红的浆果 也作 twinberry〔galax〕A stemless, evergreen, perennial plant(Galax urceolata) of the eastern United States, having a rosette of glossy, heart-shaped leaves and small, white flowers in spikelike clusters. Also called beetleweed ,coltsfoot ,wandflower 加莱草:一种产于美国东部的多年生的无茎常绿植物(加腊克斯 加腊克斯属) ,具有带光泽的心形叶子的蔷薇叶丛和穗状小白花 也作 beetleweed,coltsfoot,wandflower〔peppergrass〕Any of several plants of the genusLepidium, especially the North American species L. virginicum, having small white flowers and pungent foliage and seeds. Also called peppercress ,pepperwort 独行菜:一种植物,属十字花科 ,尤指北美洲的 独行莱属 ,有小白花和辛辣的簇叶与种子 也作 peppercress,pepperwort〔sarsaparilla〕Either of two North American plants(Aralia hispida or A. nudicaulis) having umbels of small white flowers and bipinnately compound leaves. 裸茎楤木属:一种(硬毛楤木楤木属 或 裸茎楤木楤木属) 的植物,开有呈伞状花序的小白花,生双回羽状复叶 〔pussytoes〕Any of several low-growing perennial plants of the genusAntennaria, having leaves with whitish down and clusters of small, white flower heads. 蝶须属,猫爪花:一种生长得较短的多年生植物蝶须属植物 属,长有带白色绒毛的叶片和簇生头状花序的小白花 〔boneset〕Any of several plants of the genusEupatorium in the composite family, especially the eastern North American species E. perfoliatum, having opposite leaves united around the stem and clusters of small, white flower heads. Also called thoroughwort 贯叶泽兰:菊科泽兰属 任一种植物,尤指北美洲东部的环绕着茎长着对生叶和许多簇小白花穗的 贯叶泽兰 也作 thoroughwort〔buttonbush〕A deciduous North American shrub(Cephalanthus occidentalis) having opposite leaves and spherical clusters of small white flowers. 风箱树:生于北美的一种落叶灌木(风箱树 风箱属), 有对生叶和由小白花构成的球状花簇 〔dropwort〕A Eurasian plant(Filipendula vulgaris, formerly F. hexapetala) having finely divided leaflets and clusters of small white flowers. 蚊子草:一种欧亚产的植物(六瓣合叶子 原为 蚊子草属) ,有细密地裂开的叶子和簇状的小白花 〔cowbane〕A perennial North American herb(Oxypolis rigidior) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers. 毒牛芹:一种生长于北美洲的多年生草本植物(毒牛芹) ,生有羽状的复叶,开伞状小白花 〔goatsbeard〕A tall dioecious plant(Aruncus dioicus) native to the eastern United States, having bipinnately compound leaves and a large panicle of small white flowers. 假升麻,绣线菊属植物:一种雌雄异株的高大植物(假升麻 假升麻属) ,原产于美国东部,具有二回羽状复叶,以及由小白花构成的复总状大花序 〔allspice〕A tropical American evergreen tree(Pimenta dioica) having opposite, simple leaves and small white flowers clustered in cymes. 多香果树,众香树:一种美洲热带常绿树木(众香树) ,有对生的单叶和成聚伞花序的小白花〔stitchwort〕Any of several low-growing plants of the genusStellaria, having opposite leaves and small, white, star-shaped flowers. 繁缕:任一种繁缕 属的低生植物,生有对生叶,开星状小白花 〔samphire〕An Old World coastal plant(Crithmum maritimum) having fleshy compound leaves and small white flowers grouped in compound umbels. 圣彼得草:一种欧洲生长的(圣彼得草 伞形花科) 海滩植物,具有肉质叶和有伞状花序的小白花 〔chokecherry〕A deciduous North American shrub or small tree(Prunus virginiana) in the rose family, having elongate clusters of small white flowers and astringent, dark red to nearly black fruit. 美国稠李:北美洲的一种蔷薇科落叶灌木或小树(美国稠李) ,开有细长的一簇簇小白花和结有深红色到几乎黑色的味涩果实 〔ribgrass〕A weedy Eurasian plant(Plantago lanceolata) having lance-shaped, ribbed leaves and a dense spike of small whitish flowers. Also called English plantain ,ripplegrass 长叶车前草:一种高而瘦的欧亚大陆(车前草属 矛尖状车前草) 植物,具有矛形肋状叶及浓密的小白花穗 也作 English plantain,ripplegrass〔elder〕Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genusSambucus, having clusters of small white flowers and red or purplish-black berrylike fruit. 接骨木:一种接骨木属 的灌木或小树,开大团小白花,结红色或黑紫色类似浆果的果实




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