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单词 小约翰
释义 〔compartment〕"The information has not been compartmented"(John H. Cushman, Jr.)“情报没有分成几个部分”(小约翰H.库什曼)〔Cage〕American composer of avant-garde works, such asSonatas and Interludes for a piano with its strings damped by wood and metal (1946-1948). 凯奇,小约翰·米尔顿:(生于 1912) 创作前卫派作品的美国作曲家,如《奏鸣曲和间奏曲》 为琴弦被木料和金属损坏了的钢琴(1946年到1948年)而作 〔Williamsburg〕A city of southeast Virginia northwest of Newport News. Settled c. 1632, it was the capital of Virginia from 1699 to 1779 but declined after the capital was moved to Richmond. In 1926 a large-scale restoration project, financed mainly by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was begun, in which some 700 modern buildings were removed, 83 colonial buildings were renovated, and more than 400 buildings were reconstructed on their original sites. The city is now a popular tourist center and the seat of William and Mary College (established 1693). Population, 11,530.威廉斯堡:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部一城市,位于纽波特纽斯西北方。1632年建立后,从1699到1779年是弗吉尼亚州的首府,但首府移至里士满后开始衰败。1926年主要由小约翰·D·洛克菲勒资助的大规模复兴计划开始实施,大约有700座现代建筑被迁移,83座殖民地时期的建筑被修复,400多座建筑在其原址上改建。这个城市现在是受人喜爱的旅游中心。威廉和玛丽大学(建于1693年)位于此城。人口11,530〔obligation〕"I believe that every right implies a responsibility;every opportunity, an obligation;every possession, a duty" (John D. Rockefeller, Jr.).“我相信每一项权利意味着义务;每一个机会意味着束缚;每一份财产意味着责任” (小约翰·D·洛克菲勒)。〔Hammond〕Family of American engineers and inventors, includingJohn Hays Hammond (1855-1936), a mining engineer who helped develop mining interests in California and South Africa, and his son John Hays Hammond, Jr. (1888-1965), who invented remote-control, telephonic, and telegraphic devices. 哈蒙德家族:美国的工程师和发明家家族,包括约翰·海斯·哈蒙特 (1855-1936年),他是一位矿业工程师,他帮助开发了在加利福尼亚和南非的矿藏,还有他的儿子 小约翰·海斯·哈蒙德 (1888-1965年),他发明了远距离控制、电话以及电报装置 〔attrit〕"Pro-active counterattacks are a useful way to attrit the enemy"(John H. Cushman, Jr.)“前期的反攻是使敌人消耗的有效方式”(小约翰H.库什曼)〔Rockefeller〕American family, includingJohn Davison (1839-1937), an oil magnate who amassed great wealth through the Standard Oil Company and spent about half of his fortune on philanthropic works. His son John Davison, Jr. (1874-1960), continued his father's work and had five sons, including Nelson Aldrich (1908-1979), who was governor of New York (1959-1973) and Vice President of the United States (1974-1977) under Gerald Ford. 洛克菲勒:美国的一个家族,包括石油大王约翰·戴维森 (1839-1937年),他通过标准石油公司聚积了大笔财富,并把其财富的一半用于慈善事业。其子 小约翰·戴维森 (1874-1960年)继承了父业并生有五子,其中包括曾任纽约州州长(1959-1973年)和杰拉德·福特任总统时的美国副总统(1974-1977年) 的内尔森·艾尔德利奇 (1908-1979年) 〔Fox〕American writer of sentimental novels about Southern life, includingCrittenden (1900). 福克斯,小约翰·威廉:(1863-1919) 美国描写南部生活的感伤小说作家,包括《克里坦登》 (1900年) 〔Glenn〕American astronaut and politician. On February 20, 1962, aboardFriendship 7, he became the first American to orbit the earth. He was elected U.S. senator from Ohio in 1974, 1980, and 1986. 格伦,小约翰·赫歇尔:(生于 1921) 美国宇航员、政治家。在1962年2月20日乘友谊7号 航天飞船进行轨道飞行,成为第一个绕地球轨道飞行的美国人。他先后于1974年、1980年和1986年当选为俄亥俄州的参议员 〔Held〕American illustrator and writer known for his interpretations of Jazz Age subject matter.赫尔德,小约翰:(1889-1958) 美国连环漫画家,作家,以其对“爵士乐时代”题材的理解而闻名




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