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单词 尔特
释义 〔fool〕"trying to learn how to fool a trout with a little bit of floating fur and feather"(Charles Kuralt)“试着学习如何用一点的皮毛和羽毛来引鳟鱼上钩”(查尔斯·库拉尔特)〔doctor〕“[He] does more than practice medicine. He doctors people. There's a difference" (Charles Kuralt)“ 不仅执业行医,而且为人治病,这是不同的地方” (查尔斯·库拉尔特)〔Tristan〕In Arthurian legend, a knight who fell in love with the Irish princess Iseult, who was betrothed to his uncle King Mark of Cornwall.特里斯坦:亚瑟王时代的传奇中的人物,是一个骑士,爱上了与他的叔叔康沃尔国王马克订了婚的爱尔兰公主伊休尔特〔belt〕"This is America's rural poverty belt"(Charles Kuralt)See Synonyms at area “这是美国乡村的贫穷地带”(查尔斯·库拉尔特) 参见 area〔Boucicault〕Irish-born American actor and playwright whose original and adapted works includeThe Octoroon (1859) and The Colleen Bawn (1860). 鲍西考尔特,戴恩:(1820?-1890) 爱尔兰裔美籍演员和剧作家,他创作和改编的作品有《混血儿》 (1859年)和 《少女鲍恩》 (1860年) 〔Portuguese〕ultimately from Late Latin Portus Cale [the ancient port of Gaya (Oporto)] 最终源自 后期拉丁语 泊尔特斯·塞尔 [古代加雅港(波尔图)] 〔dinosaur〕"The old, big-city teaching hospital is a dinosaur"(Peggy Breault)“古老的大城市教学医院象是一个恐龙”(佩吉·布劳尔特)〔shrewd〕"He was observant and thoughtful, and given to asking sagacious questions" (John Galt).“他观察敏锐、富有思想、喜欢问睿智的问题 (约翰·高尔特)。〔stob〕The Southern wordstob means a short, straight stick of wood: "Jim Rozier's skill with a piece of iron and a hardwood stob sets up a vibration in the earth that Sopchoppy worms find extremely disagreeable" (Charles Kuralt).Related tostub and stubby, stob is one of numerous Indo-European cognates, for example, Greekstupos, meaning "stump (of a tree or branch).” In Middle Englishstob seems to have been a variant spelling of stub, with one of its meanings being "the amputated stump of a human limb.”However, the word has chiefly denoted a short piece of wood,such as "a small post or stake or stump of a shrub, [and is] commonly so used in many, if not all, parts of the [American] South"(Charles F. Smith).南方语言stob 指一段短而直的树枝: 吉姆·罗泽尔的铁条或硬木树枝技术使大地呈现一片繁荣,苏普乔皮虫感到极为不快” (查尔斯·库拉尔特)。许多印欧语系同源词与stub 和 stubby,stob 有关, 例如,希腊语stupos 指 “(树或树枝的)树桩”。 在中古英语中,stob 看起来是 stub 的另一种拼法, 并有“人类肢体切断的残余”的意思。但是,这个词主要指一短块树木,如一小段桩子或柱子或树枝的残存部分,广泛用于[美国]南部大部分地区,如果不是全部地区的话”(查尔斯·F·史密斯)〔melancholy〕"There is melancholy in the wind and sorrow in the grass"(Charles Kuralt)“风儿忧郁,草儿悲哀”(查尔斯·库拉尔特)〔Gunnar〕The husband of Brynhild, the brother-in-law of Sigurd, and the brother of Gudrun in theVolsunga Saga. 贡纳:沃尔松传说 中布林尔特的丈夫,西格德的妹夫和古德伦的兄弟 〔prevailing〕"The drinking of tea . . . now . . . became very rife" (John Galt).“饮茶…现在…变得很流行” (约翰·高尔特〔relieve〕"I . . . prayed to the Lord to mitigate a calamity which seemed to me past the capacity of man to remedy" (John Galt). “我…向上帝祈祷,祈求他减轻这场人力所不能补救的灾难” (约翰·加尔特)。 〔raucous〕"the raucous give and take of American democracy"(Charles Kuralt)“美国民主存在和消失的闹剧”(查尔斯·库拉尔特)〔Tyner〕American jazz pianist who introduced complex harmonies, scales, and African rhythms into American jazz, especially during his time with John Coltrane's quartet (1960-1965).泰纳,麦考依:美国爵士乐钢琴家,他把复杂的和声、音阶和非洲韵律引入美国爵士乐,特别是在与约翰·考尔特兰尼合作的四重奏期间(1960年-1965年)〔gob〕[of Celtic origin] [源于格尔特语] 〔expression〕"an old Yankee expression . . . ‘Stand up and be counted’”(Charles Kuralt)“一个老年北方佬的口头禅‘立起,报数’”(查尔斯·库拉尔特)




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