单词 | 尤金 |
释义 | 〔Ormandy〕Hungarian-born American conductor who directed the Philadelphia Orchestra from 1938 to 1980.奥曼蒂,尤金:(1899-1985) 匈牙利出生的美国指挥家,曾于1938年到1980年指挥费城交响乐团〔Provincetown〕A town of southeast Massachusetts on the tip of Cape Cod. Pilgrims first landed on the site in 1620 before sailing on to Plymouth. The town is a popular resort famed for the Provincetown Players (1915-1929), a theater group that presented many new works by Eugene O'Neill. Population, 3,374.普罗文斯镇:美国马萨诸塞州东南部的一个小镇,在科德角前端。1620年清教徒移民在驶往普利茅斯以前首先在这个地方登陆。该镇是一个知名的度假地,以普罗文斯的剧团而闻名(1915-1929年),这个剧组上演了尤金·奥尼尔的许多新作品。人口3,374〔Dubois〕Dutch anatomist and paleontologist who in Java discovered in 1891 the skull and thigh bone of a hominid,Homo erectus, that came to be called "Java man.” 札布瓦,尤金:(1858-1940) 荷兰解剖学家与古生物学家,1891年在爪哇发现人科动物直立猿人 的颅骨与大腿骨,此后该直立猿人被称为“爪哇人” 〔Lamb〕American physicist. He shared a 1955 Nobel Prize for advances in atomic measurement.兰姆,小维利斯·尤金:(生于 1913) 美国物理学家。因为在原子测量方面取得成果,1955年他与人共获诺贝尔奖〔Baker〕American drama professor who tutored many notable American playwrights, including Eugene O'Neill and Sidney Howard.贝克,乔治·皮尔斯:(1866-1935) 美国戏剧教授,他辅导过许多著名的美国剧作家,包括尤金·奥尼尔和西德尼·霍华德〔Haussmann〕French public official who planned and oversaw numerous municipal improvements to Paris during the tenure of Napoleon III.奥斯曼,乔治斯·尤金:(1809-1891) 法国行政官员,在拿破仑三世在位期间,计划并负责巴黎大规模市政改建工作〔Ives〕American inventor who developed the halftone printing process and did pioneering work in color photography.艾夫斯,弗雷德里克·尤金:(1856-1937) 美国发明家,他改进了网版印刷法并在彩色摄影上做了首创的贡献〔suffuse〕"The sky above the roof is suffused with deep colors"(Eugene O'Neill)See Synonyms at charge “屋檐上天空浸染了深深的颜色”(尤金·奥涅尔) 参见 charge〔addle〕"My brain is a bit addled by whiskey"(Eugene O'Neill)See Synonyms at confuse “威士忌搞得我头晕脑胀的”(尤金·奥涅尔) 参见 confuse〔dumortierite〕after Eugène Dumortier , 19th-century French paleontologist 源自尤金 杜默蒂叶 ,19世纪法国古生物学家 〔Cherry〕American jazz cornetist whose playing and compositions were influenced by musical traditions from around the world.伽瑞,唐纳德·尤金:美国爵士乐小铜喇叭吹奏者,其演奏和作曲受到世界各国音乐传统的影响〔Anderson〕Australian-born actress noted for her roles in the plays of Shakespeare and Eugene O'Neill and for her chilling portrayal of Mrs. Danvers in the 1940 filmRebecca. 安德森,朱迪思:(1898-1992) 澳大利亚裔女演员,因在莎士比亚和尤金·奥尼尔的戏剧中扮演角色并于1940年在影片《蝴蝶梦》 中饰演令人生畏的丹弗斯太太而著名 〔Berthelot〕French chemist and public official who was a founder of thermochemistry, studied explosives, and was the first to synthesize organic compounds.贝特洛,皮尔·尤金·马瑟林:(1827-1907) 法国化学家和政府官员,热化学的奠基人,研究爆炸物且第一个合成有机化合物〔Wigner〕Hungarian-born American physicist. He shared a 1963 Nobel Prize for research on the structure of the atom and its nucleus.维格纳,尤金·保罗:(生于 1902) 匈牙利裔的美国物理学家。因研究原子及原子核结构而获1963年诺贝尔奖〔Field〕American writer best known for his children's verse, especially the lullabies "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod" and "Little Boy Blue.”菲尔德,尤金:(1850-1895) 美国作家,以其儿童诗最为有名,尤其是摇篮曲"Wynken, Blynken, and Nod"及“蓝色的小男孩”〔Gauguin〕French artist whose paintings are characterized by simplified forms and brilliant colors and are partially responsible for the significance of primitivism in modern art.高更,(尤金·亨利)保罗:(1848-1903) 法国画家,其画以线条简单、色彩艳丽为特征,这些画成为现代艺术后期印象派的根源〔Robeson〕American singer and actor who played the lead roles inOthello and in Eugene O'Neill's The Emperor Jones and sang "Ol' Man River" in Showboat . He was an outspoken critic of racism and a supporter of socialism. 罗伯逊,保罗·布斯迪尔:(1898-1976) 美国歌唱家和演员,他在《奥赛罗》 和尤金·奥尼尔的 《琼斯皇帝》 中扮演主角及在 《演艺船》 中演唱“老人河”一歌,他是公开批评种族主义的人,也是社会主义的支持者 〔adamantine〕"If there is one dominant trait that emerges from this account, it is adamantine willpower"(Eugene Linden)“如果这篇报道体现了什么主要特征的话,那就是坚强的意志力”(尤金·林登)〔Tchaikovsky〕Russian composer of often dramatic, richly expressive works, including the symphonyRomeo and Juliet (1869), the ballets Swan Lake (1877) and The Nutcracker (1892), and the opera Eugene Onegin (1879). 柴可夫斯基,彼得·伊里奇:(1840-1893) 俄罗斯作曲家,他的多数作品是戏剧,有丰富的表现意味,包括交响乐《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 (1869年)、芭蕾舞 《天鹅湖》 (1877年)和 《胡桃夹子》 (1892年)和歌剧 《尤金·奥尼金》 (1879年) 〔Bend〕A city of central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range east of Eugene. Lumbering and tourism are important to its economy. Population, 20,469.本德:美国俄勒冈州中部城市,位于尤金以东的喀斯喀特山麓的东部。伐木业和旅游业为其重要经济支柱。人口20,469〔Delacroix〕French romantic painter known for his vast, dramatic canvases and exuberant use of color, as inThe Massacre of Chios (1824) and Liberty Leading the People (1831). 德拉克洛瓦,(费迪南德·维克托)尤金:(1798-1863) 法国浪漫主义画家,以他大量的、富有激情的油画和丰富色彩的使用而闻名,如在《希俄斯大屠杀》 (1824年)和 《自由领导人民》 (1831年)中 〔Roseburg〕A city of southwest Oregon south-southwest of Eugene. Lumbering is its chief industry. Population, 17,032.罗斯堡:美国俄勒冈州西南部一城市,位于尤金西南以南。主要工业是伐木业。人口17,032〔Sue〕French writer known for his sensational novels that depict the sordid side of city life, includingThe Mysteries of Paris (1842-1843). 苏,尤金:(1804-1857) 法国作家,以形象地描写城市生活阴暗面的长篇小说著称,作品包括《巴黎的秘密》 (1842-1843年) 〔Debs〕American labor organizer and socialist leader who ran unsuccessfully for President five times between 1900 and 1920.德布兹,尤金·维克托:(1855-1926) 美国劳工组织和社会主义领袖,从1900年到1920年五次竞选社会党总统的职位,均失利〔Brieux〕French playwright whose work exposed moral and social evils.白里欧,尤金:(1858-1932) 法国戏剧家,其作品揭露道德和社会的罪恶〔Beauharnais〕French soldier and statesman. Son of Alexandre and Josephine de Beauharnais, he was later adopted by Napoleon I and became viceroy and then heir apparent to the throne of Italy (1806).博阿内,尤金·德:(1781-1824) 法国军人和政治家。他是亚历山大和约瑟芬·德·博阿内的儿子,后被拿破仑一世收养并成为总督,接着被任命为意大利王位继承人(1806年)〔Aldrin〕American astronaut who as a crew member of Apollo 11 became the second human being to walk on the moon (July 20, 1969).奥尔德林,小艾德温·尤金:(生于 1930) 美国宇航员,为阿波罗11号的成员之一,是第二个在月球漫步的人(1969年7月20日)〔Sayers〕American football player. A running back with the Chicago Bears (1965-1971), he is one of few players to score touchdowns by rushing, receiving, and kick returning during one game, and the first to accomplish this feat three times.赛耶斯,哥尔·尤金:美式足球选手。于1965至1971年间担任芝加哥熊队的后卫球员。他是少数能在一次比赛中靠着冲刺、接球再踢球回传来触地得分的球员,他也是第一位能三次达此壮举的球员〔Ionesco〕Romanian-born French dramatist whose playsThe Bald Soprano (1956) and Rhinoceros (1959) are classics of the Theater of the Absurd. 尤内斯库,尤金:(生于 1912) 出生于罗马尼亚的法国戏剧家,其剧作《秃头歌女》 (1956年)和 《犀牛》 (1959年)是荒诞派戏剧的经典作品 〔Surratt〕American alleged conspirator in Abraham Lincoln's assassination. She was convicted as a conspirator and executed along with three others, although it now appears that she knew nothing about the plot to kill the President.苏拉特,玛丽·尤金尼娅·詹金斯:(1820?-1865) 被指控为阿拉伯罕·林肯谋杀案同谋的美国人,她被作为同谋犯与其他三个人一道被定罪并处决,但现在看来她对杀害总统的阴谋一无所知〔token〕"Tears are queer tokens of happiness"(Eugene O'Neill)See Synonyms at sign “眼泪是快乐的一种奇怪的表示”(尤金·奥涅尔) 参见 sign〔Eugene〕A city of western Oregon on the Willamette River south of Salem. It is the seat of the University of Oregon (founded 1872). Population, 105,624.尤金:俄勒冈西部的一座城市,位于赛伦市南部的威拉米特河畔,它是俄勒冈大学的所在地(建立于1872年)。人口105,624 |
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