单词 | 尸体 |
释义 | 〔bier〕A stand on which a corpse or a coffin containing a corpse is placed before burial.棺材架,尸体架:埋葬前用以放置尸体或棺材的架子〔adipocere〕A brown, fatty, waxlike substance that forms on dead animal tissues in response to moisture.尸蜡,脂蜡,尸油:对潮湿起反应而形成于动物尸体组织的一个棕色蜡状油脂物质〔Pilatus〕A peak, 2,121.3 m (6,955 ft) high, in the Alps of central Switzerland south-southwest of Lucerne. According to medieval folklore, the body of Pontius Pilate was thrown into a small lake on the mountain.皮拉图斯山:瑞士中部一山峰,位于阿尔卑斯山中、卢塞思州西南偏南,高2,121.3米(6,955英尺)。根据中世纪民间传说,旁图斯·彼拉多的尸体被抛入这座山的一个小湖里〔prosector〕One who dissects cadavers for anatomical instruction or pathological examination.解剖员:为解剖教学或病理检查而解剖尸体的人〔tref〕from Hebrew ṭĕrēpâ [carrion] 源自 希伯来语 ṭĕrēpâ [尸体的腐肉] 〔necrophagous〕Feeding on carrion or corpses:吃尸的:吃尸体或尸体腐肉的:〔necrophagia〕The act or practice of feeding on dead bodies or carrion.吃尸:吃尸体或尸体腐肉的行为或实践〔body〕"Close to the western summit there is the dried and frozen carcass of a leopard" (Ernest Hemingway).The word is applied to a person, alive or dead,only derogatorily or humorously: “爬上西部山峰,那里有一只豹的干瘪冻僵的尸体” (埃尼斯特·海明威)。这个词用于活着或死去的人,仅用于贬称或幽默: 〔necromancy〕nekros [corpse] * see nek- 1nekros [尸体] * 参见 nek- 1〔carcass〕The dead body of an animal, especially one slaughtered for food.尸体,屠体:指动物的尸体,尤指屠宰后做食物的畜体〔zombie〕A supernatural power or spell that according to voodoo belief can enter into and reanimate a corpse.使尸体起死回生的魔力:根据伏都教信仰,一种可以进入尸体并使其复活的超自然力量或魔咒〔crematorium〕A furnace or establishment for the incineration of corpses.火葬场,焚尸炉:火化尸体的炉子或场所〔vampire〕Dracula might terrify some younger members in the audience of a horror film,but we know he is an imaginary creature.The wordvampire, however, comes to us from other words and other times, when these bloodsucking reanimated corpses were considered real. The word entered English by way of French (vampire ) and German ( Vampir ), but it came into German from an Old West Slavic source of the form.vŭmpir. The wordvampire is first recorded in English in a work written before 1734. 德拉库拉可能会吓住恐怖电影的年轻观众们,但是我们知道他是个想象中的怪物。但是当这些吸血的复活尸体被认为是真的时,vampire 这个词却来自其它的词和其它时间。 这个词是从法语(vampire )和德语( Vampir )中被引进英语来的, 但它是从古西斯拉夫语中以vumpir 的形式被引进到德语中来的。 Vampire 这个词在英语中首先以文字形式出现,是在创作于公元1734年以前的作品当中 〔crone〕from Vulgar Latin *carōnia [carrion] 源自 俗拉丁语 *carōnia [尸体的腐肉] 〔Bard〕American physician who was among the first to use systematic dissection of cadavers for instruction.巴德,约翰:(1716-1799) 美国医生,是将尸体系统解剖法用于教学的先驱之一〔burke〕To execute (someone) by suffocation so as to leave the body intact and suitable for dissection.把某人勒死以出卖尸体:勒死(某人)并使其尸体保持完整以适合于解剖之用〔relic〕Or relics A corpse; remains. 或 relics 尸体;残留物〔subject〕A corpse intended for study and dissection.解剖用的尸体:供解剖研究或供解剖用的尸体〔mummy〕Middle English mummie [medicinal material from embalmed corpses] 中古英语 mummie [从经过防腐处理的尸体上得到的药用物质] 〔bury〕To place (a corpse) in a grave, a tomb, or the sea; inter.埋葬:将(尸体)放入坟墓、墓穴或海里;埋葬〔sarcophagus〕from (lithos) sarkophagos [limestone that consumed the flesh of corpses laid in it] 源自 (lithos) sarkophagos [腐蚀其中尸体的腐肉的石灰石] 〔cremains〕The ashes that remain after cremation of a corpse.骨灰:尸体火化后留下来的灰烬〔body〕Carcass primarily denotes the body of a dead animal: Carcass 主要指动物的尸体: 〔embalm〕To treat (a corpse) with preservatives in order to prevent decay.防腐:用防腐剂来处理(尸体)以防止腐败〔body〕Cadaver is a corpse used for dissection and study: Cadaver 指用于解剖和研究的尸体: 〔autopsy〕Examination of a cadaver to determine or confirm the cause of death. Also called necropsy ,postmortem ,postmortem examination 尸体解剖:对尸体的检验以决定或确认死亡原因 也作 necropsy,postmortem,postmortem examination〔blowfly〕Any of several flies of the family Calliphoridae that deposit their eggs in carcasses or carrion or in open sores and wounds.丽蝇:双翅蝇类的一种蝇,产卵于动物尸体或腐肉上,或在掀开的创口和伤口中〔necrosis〕from nekros [corpse] * see nek- 1源自 nekros [尸体] * 参见 nek- 1〔necrophilia〕Obsessive fascination with death and corpses.恋尸癖:对死者和尸体的过分迷恋〔batter〕a mangled corpse;被砍得血肉模糊的尸体;〔sarcophagus〕A gruesome name befits a gruesome thing,as in the case ofsarcophagus, our term for a stone coffin, often a decorated one, that is located above ground. The word comes to us from Latin and Greek,having been derived in Greek fromsarx, "flesh,” and phagein, "to eat.” The Greek wordsarkophagos meant "eating flesh,” and in the phraselithos ("stone") sarcophagos denoted a limestone that was thought to decompose the flesh of corpses placed in it. The Greek term used by itself as a noun then came to mean "coffin.”The term was carried over into Latin,wheresarcophagus was used in the phrase lapis ("stone") sarcophagus, referring to the same stone as in Greek. Sarcophagus used as a noun in Latin meant "coffin of any material.” This Latin word was borrowed into English,first being recorded in 1601 with reference to the flesh-consuming stone and then in 1705 with reference to a stone coffin.恐怖的名字适合恐怖的事物,如Sarcophagus (指石棺的专有名称)一词,常指一个置于地上的装饰过的石棺。 该词源于拉丁语和希腊语,即从希腊语sarx (“肉”)和 phagein (“吃”)而来。 希腊词sarkophagos 意为“吃肉”, 而在短语lithos (“石头”) sarcophagos 中则指被认为能腐蚀其中尸体腐肉的石头。 该希腊词单独作为名词使用,后来指“棺材”。该词后来被引入拉丁语,sarcophagus 在短语 lapis (“石头”) sarcophagus 中指代其在希腊文中指代的同种石头。 Sarcophagus 在拉丁文中用作名词,指“任何材料做成的棺材”。 该拉丁词后来被借用于英语中,最初记载于1601年,指腐蚀肉的石头,后来在1705年开始指石棺〔body〕cadavers in the pathology department of the medical school. 医药学校病理室中的尸体 〔scalp〕A portion of this skin with its attached hair, cut from a body by certain Native American warriors as a battle trophy or by American settlers as proof in claiming a bounty.带发头皮:带有头发的一块头皮,印第安武士将其从敌人尸体上剥下以作为战利品或美洲土著人作为领取赏金的证物〔cadaverine〕A syrupy, colorless, fuming ptomaine, C5H 14N 2, formed by the carboxylation of lysine by bacteria in decaying animal flesh. 尸硷,尸胺:糖浆状的,无色的,气味浓烈的尸胺,C5H 14N 2,通过腐烂的动物尸体中细菌的赖氨酸羧化而形成 〔cerecloth〕Cloth coated with wax, formerly used for wrapping the dead.蜡布:以前用于包裹尸体的涂蜡的布〔shroud〕To wrap (a corpse) in burial clothing.将(尸体)包裹在寿衣中〔body〕The corpse of the victim could be removed only after the police had finished photographing the scene of the crime.只有在警察对犯罪现场拍照后,遇难者的尸体才可以被搬走。〔wake〕To keep watch or guard, especially over a corpse.看守,守灵:保持警觉或警惕,尤指对一个尸体〔mortuary〕A place, especially a funeral home, where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation.太平间:一种在埋葬或火化之前存放尸体场所,尤指殡尸房〔ghastly〕grisly jokes about cadavers and worms;关于尸体和蛆的吓人的玩笑; |
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