单词 | 尿道 |
释义 | 〔nitrofurantoin〕A derivative of nitrofuran, C8H 6N 4O 5, used in the treatment of bacterial infections of the urinary tract. 硝基呋喃妥英:一种硝基呋喃的衍生物,C8H 6N 4O 5,用来治疗尿道细菌感染 〔transurethral〕Performed through or by way of the urethra:流经尿道的:经过或经由尿道产生的:〔bougie〕A slender, flexible, cylindrical instrument that is inserted into a bodily canal, such as the urethra, to dilate, examine, or medicate.探条:一种插入身体管道,如尿道,以便扩张、检查或加入药品的一根细长、可弯曲的圆柱形工具〔lithotrity〕A surgical procedure to pulverize stones in the urinary bladder or urethra so that they can be passed out of the body in the urine.碎石术:一种外科手术,粉碎膀胱或尿道中的结石使其随尿排出体外〔perineum〕The portion of the body in the pelvis occupied by urogenital passages and the rectum, bounded in front by the pubic arch, in the back by the coccyx, and laterally by part of the hipbone.会阴:身体上有尿道和直肠口的盆骨里的一个部分,前邻阴道,后临尾骨,再后是臀骨的一部分〔meatus〕A body opening or passage, such as the opening of the ear or the urethral canal.道口:身体的开口或通道,如耳朵眼或尿道〔catheter〕A hollow, flexible tube for insertion into a body cavity, duct, or vessel to allow the passage of fluids or distend a passageway. Its uses include the drainage of urine from the bladder through the urethra or insertion through a blood vessel into the heart for diagnostic purposes.导管:可弯曲的中空管子,用以插入体腔管道或血管以导入液体或扩张通道。其作用包括通过尿道从膀胱引流液体或通过血管插入心脏以达到检查的目的〔lithotomy〕Surgical removal of a stone or stones from the urinary tract.膀胱石切除术:切除尿道中的结石的外科手术〔urethra〕The canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder in most mammals and through which semen is discharged in the male.尿道:大多数哺乳动物自上尿液从膀胱中排出体外的管道,雄性的精子可从中排出〔urethroscope〕An instrument for examining the interior of the urethra.尿道镜:可检查尿道内部的器械〔trichomonad〕Any of various flagellate protozoans of the genusTrichomonas, occurring as parasites in the digestive and urogenital tracts of vertebrates. 毛滴虫:各种毛滴虫 属的有鞭毛的原生动物中的任何一种,是出现在脊椎动物的消化道和尿道中的寄生虫 〔methenamine〕An organic compound, (CH2) 6N 4, used as a urinary tract antiseptic and in rubber vulcanizing. Also called hexamethylenetetramine 乌洛托品:一种有机化合物,(CH2) 6N 4作为尿道抗菌药和橡胶硫化剂使用 也作 hexamethylenetetramine〔urostomy〕Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening from the urinary tract.尿道再生术:从尿路上弄出一个人为的泌尿口的外科制造术〔urethrectomy〕Surgical removal of all or part of the urethra.尿道切除术:切除尿道全部或部分的外科手术〔urogenital〕Of, relating to, or involving both the urinary and genital structures or functions.尿生殖的,尿道的:生殖器的结构或功能的,与生殖器的结构或功能有关的,涉及生殖的结构或功能〔lithotripter〕A device that pulverizes kidney stones by passing shock waves through a water-filled tub in which the patient sits. The device creates stone fragments small enough to be expelled in the urine.碎石器:一种把冲击波通入病人所坐的装满水的盒,从而粉碎肾结石的器械。这种器械可把结石粉碎成较小块,从尿道排出〔urine〕The waste product secreted by the kidneys that in mammals is a yellow to amber-colored, slightly acid fluid discharged from the body through the urethra.尿,小便:哺乳动物由肾脏排泄出的排泄物,颜色为黄色到琥珀色之间,为略含酸性的液体,通过尿道排出体外〔gonorrhea〕A sexually transmitted disease caused by gonococcal bacteria that affects the mucous membrane chiefly of the genital and urinary tracts and is characterized by an acute purulent discharge and painful or difficult urination, though women often have no symptoms.淋病:一种由淋病双球菌所引起的主要作用于性器官和尿道粘膜并通过性接触而传染的疾病。由于排泄处化脓得厉害,因此排尿困难且疼痛难忍,但女性通常无此症状〔strangury〕Slow, painful urination, caused by muscular spasms of the urethra and bladder.痛性尿淋沥:因尿道或膀胱肌肉痉挛引起的、缓慢的、疼痛的排尿 |
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