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单词 居住
释义 〔Camden〕A city of western New Jersey on the Delaware River opposite Philadelphia. Walt Whitman lived here from 1873 to 1892. Population, 87,492.卡姆登:美国新泽西州西部的一座城市,靠近特拉华河与费城相对。沃特·惠特曼曾于1873年至1892年在此居住。人口87,492〔hometown〕The town or city of one's birth, rearing, or main residence.家乡:某人出生、成长和主要居住的城镇〔Iberian〕Of or relating to the ancient peoples that inhabited the Iberian Peninsula or their languages or cultures.伊比利亚人的:居住在伊比利亚半岛的古代人或其语言或文化的;或与这些有关的〔monastery〕The dwelling place of such a community.修道院:这种团体居住的场所〔nonimmigrant〕An alien who returns to his or her own country after a stay abroad.出境后又入境的外国侨民:在国外居住后又返回其自己国家的侨民〔Paiute〕A group occupying eastern Oregon, western Nevada, and adjacent areas of northeast California. Also called Northern Paiute 派尤特族:居住在俄勒冈州东部、内华达州西部以及加利福尼亚州东北部相邻地区的人群 也作 Northern Paiute〔Chumash〕A group of Hokan-speaking Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the southern California coastal region around and the channel islands off Santa Barbara, with a small present-day population near Santa Barbara.丘马什族:讲霍根语的土著美洲人,以前居住在加利福尼亚南部海岸地区和圣巴巴拉海峡群岛附近的岛上,人口同今天的圣巴巴拉相当〔inhabit〕To live or reside in.居住:住或居住在…〔Arden〕An unincorporated city of north-central California, a residential suburb of Sacramento. Population, 49,130.阿尔丁:加利福尼亚中北部未合并的城市,萨克拉门托的居住郊区。人口49,130〔Makah〕A Native American people inhabiting the Cape Flattery area of northwest Washington.马考族:居住在华盛顿西北部弗拉特里角的美国原住民〔Tajik〕A member of a people inhabiting the Tadzhik S.S.R. and neighboring areas in the U.S.S.R., Afghanistan, and China.塔吉克人:居住在塔吉克苏维埃社会主义共和国和相邻的原苏联、阿富汗和中国地区内民族成员〔uitlander〕Uitlander A native of Great Britain who resided in either of the former republics of the Orange Free State and Transvaal. Uitlander 外侨:居住在以前的奥兰治自由邦共和国和德兰士瓦的英国人〔Ypsilanti〕A city of southeast Michigan west-southwest of Detroit. Founded on the site of a Native American village and French trading post, it is a residential, commercial, and industrial center. Population, 24,846.伊普西兰蒂:美国密歇根州东南一城市,位于底特律西南偏西,它是在一个美洲土著人的村庄和法国贸易站的所在地建立起来的,是一居住、商业和工业的中心。人口24,846〔Alabama〕A tribe of the Creek confederacy formerly inhabiting southern Alabama and now located in eastern Texas.亚拉巴马部落:克里克联盟的一个部落,以前居住在美国亚拉巴马州南部,现在定居在得克萨斯州东部〔Mbundu〕A member of a Bantu people inhabiting southern and central Angola. Also called Ovimbundu 姆本杜人:居住在安哥拉南部和中部的班图族的一支 也作 Ovimbundu〔point〕In point of fact, I never lived at the address stated on the form.事实上,我从未在表中所填的那个地址居住〔Concord〕A city of west-central California northeast of Oakland. It is a residential and manufacturing community. Population, 111,348.康科德城:美国加利福尼亚州中西部一城市,位于奥克兰东北部,是一个居住与生产的社区。人口111,348〔housing〕A place to live; a dwelling:住房:居住的地方;住处:〔Dacia〕An ancient region and Roman province corresponding roughly to present-day Romania. Inhabited before the Christian era by a people of Thracian stock with an advanced material culture, the region was abandoned to the Goths aftera.d. 270. 达契亚:古代一地区和罗马一省份,大至相当于今天的罗马尼亚地区,在基督教时代之前居住着色雷斯族群的一个民族,有着发达的物质文明,公元 270年,这个地区被哥特族侵占 〔Clark〕An unincorporated community of northeast New Jersey southwest of Elizabeth. It is mainly residential. Population, 16,699.克拉克:新泽西州东北部的未合并社区,位于伊丽莎白的西南。主要供居住用。人口16,699〔Tocharian〕A member of a people of possible European origin, living in Chinese Turkistan until about the tenth century.吐火鲁人:一个在10世纪以前一直居住在中国土耳其斯坦的可能为欧洲人后裔的部族的成员〔Krajina〕A region of southern Croatia bordering on western Bosnia and Herzegovina. Inhabited primarily by ethnic Serbs since the 15th century, the region opposed Croatia's secession from the former Yugoslavia and set up (1990) an autonomous Serbian state. It was retaken by Croatia in 1995, largely displacing the Serbian population.克拉伊纳:克罗地亚南部地区,与波黑西部接壤。自15世纪起该地区主要居住着塞尔维亚民族,克拉伊纳反对克罗地亚脱离前南斯拉夫并成立了(1990年)自治的塞尔维亚国家。1995年该地区被克罗地亚收复,并令大批塞尔维亚人流离失所〔segregation〕The policy and practice of imposing the social separation of races, as in schools, housing, and industry, especially so as to practice discrimination against people of color in a predominantly white society.种族隔离:强制实行种族的社会分离政策及实践,如在学校、居住和工业中,尤指在白人居多的社会中实行有色人种岐视的政策〔Negrito〕A member of any of various peoples of short stature inhabiting parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, and southeast Asia.小黑人:居住在马来西亚、菲律宾和东南亚部分地区各民族中身材矮小的人〔Dumont〕A borough of northeast New Jersey, a residential suburb of Hackensack. It was settled by the Dutch in 1677. Population, 17,187.杜蒙:美国新泽西东北部县区,是海克思塞克的居住郊区,荷兰人1677年在此建立殖民地,人口17,187〔holler〕One feature of Upper Southern English and specifically of Appalachian English is its pronunciation of the final unstressed syllable in wordssuch ashollow, window, and potato as (-er). Holler, winder, and tater (immortalized as the name of the baby in Snuffy Smith ) are merely variant pronunciations reflected in spelling. A nounholler has the specific meaning in the Appalachians of "a small valley between mountains": They live up in the holler underneath Big Bald Mountain. 上南部英语,尤其阿巴拉契亚山脉地区英语的一个特征是单词的最后一个不重读音的音标,如(-er)在hollow,window 和 potato 中。 Holler,winder 和 tater (因变成 脾气急躁的史密斯 中婴儿名字而被永远记住了)不仅仅是反应在拼写中的变体音标。 名词holler 在阿巴拉契亚人心目中有其特殊的意思“山脉间的小山谷”: 他们居住在大鲍尔迪山下的山谷里 〔Scythian〕A member of the ancient nomadic people inhabiting Scythia.锡西厄人:古代居住在西徐亚的游牧民族中的一员〔habitation〕from habitātus [past participle of] habitāre [to dwell] * see habitable 源自 habitātus habitāre的过去分词 [居住] * 参见 habitable〔Pawnee〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting the Platte River valley in south-central Nebraska and northern Kansas, with a present-day population in north-central Oklahoma. The Pawnee comprised a confederation of four relatively independent tribes living in permanent villages.波尼族人:美国土著人,以前住在普拉特河谷,在内布拉斯加州中南部和堪萨斯州北部,今居住于俄克拉荷马州中北部。波尼人把居住固定的村落里的四个相对独立的部落凑成一联盟〔Somerville〕A city of eastern Massachusetts, a residential and industrial suburb of Boston. Population, 76,210.萨默维尔:美国马萨诸塞州的东部的一个城市,是波士顿的居住和工业郊区。人口76,210〔Beaconsfield〕A town of southern Quebec, Canada, a residential suburb of Montreal on Montreal Island. Population, 19,613.比肯平原:加拿大魁北克南部的一个城镇,是蒙特利尔岛上蒙特利尔市的一个居住郊区。人口19,613〔Miskito〕A member of an American Indian people inhabiting the Caribbean coast of northeast Nicaragua and southeast Honduras.米斯基托人:居住在加勒比湾沿岸、尼加拉瓜东北部和洪都拉斯东南部的美洲印第安人的一支〔household〕A person or group of people occupying a single dwelling:住户:居住在一住处的个人或一群人:〔Soho〕A district of central London, England. Inhabited in the 17th century mainly by immigrants, it is known today for its restaurants, theaters, and nightclubs.梭霍区:英格兰伦敦中部的一个区,在17世纪居住的主要是移民,现在因其饭店、剧院和夜总会而闻名〔habitation〕The act of inhabiting or the state of being inhabited.居住居住的动作或居住的状态〔Navajo〕A Native American people inhabiting extensive reservation lands in Arizona, New Mexico, and southeast Utah. The most populous of contemporary Native American groups in the United States, the Navajo are noted as stockbreeders and skilled weavers, potters, and silversmiths.纳瓦霍族:居住亚利桑那,新墨西哥和犹他州东南部的美洲印第安人。是美国同时期的美洲印第安人部落中人口最稠密的。纳瓦霍族人以豢养家禽,技术熟练的纺织者,制陶者和银匠而著名〔Ituraea〕An ancient country of northeast Palestine. The area was first inhabited by Arabians and later passed to Judea and Rome.伊特利尔:巴勒斯坦东北部的一个古国。这一地区最先是阿拉伯人居住,后来迁入了犹太人和罗马人〔shack〕To live or dwell:居住:生活或居住〔Chipewyan〕A Native American people made up of numerous autonomous bands inhabiting a large area of northern Canada north of the Churchill River. Formerly nomadic caribou hunters, the Chipewyan became settled fur traders during the 18th century.奇佩维安部落:一支由许多独立自治的团体组成美洲土著部落,居住在加拿大北部丘吉尔河以北的广大地域上,奇佩维安人原为捕猎北美驯鹿的游牧猎人,18世纪时定居下来并成为贩卖毛皮的人〔townswoman〕A woman who is a fellow resident of one's town.女同乡:同某人居住在一个镇上的妇女




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