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单词 属性
释义 〔humor〕The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness:诙谐,滑稽:使某事物可笑或者有趣的属性;诙谐:〔bring〕To carry as an attribute or contribution:带有某种属性,具有某种作用:〔hyperbolic〕Of, relating to, or employing hyperbole.夸张法的:有夸张属性的,与夸张有关的,或用夸张法的〔hylozoism〕The philosophical doctrine holding that all matter has life, which is a property or derivative of matter.物活论:认为所有的物质都有生命,生命是物质的财富或属性的哲学思想〔enormity〕Enormity is frequently used to refer simply to the property of being enormous, but many would prefer thatenormousness (or a synonym such as immensity ) be used for this general sense and thatenormity be reserved for a property that evokes a negative moral judgment: Enormity 常被用来只说明巨大、广阔状态的属性, 但很多人都更愿意用enormousness (或是像 immensity 这样的近义词)来表达这种笼统的意义, 并更愿意将enormity 专门留作表达那种能激发负面道德判断的特性: 〔distinction〕A distinguishing factor, attribute, or characteristic.不同点,差异之处:可区分的要素、属性或特点〔specific〕A distinguishing quality or attribute.显著的性质或属性〔humanize〕To portray or endow with human characteristics or attributes; make human:赋予人性,使人性化:使表现或具有人的特征和属性;使人化:〔specific〕specific qualities and attributes.独特的品质和属性〔predicate〕To state or affirm as an attribute or a quality of something:断定:断定或证实为某事的特质或属性〔glass〕Any of a large class of materials with highly variable mechanical and optical properties that solidify from the molten state without crystallization, are typically made by silicates fusing with boric oxide, aluminum oxide, or phosphorus pentoxide, are generally hard, brittle, and transparent or translucent, and are considered to be supercooled liquids rather than true solids.玻璃:具有各种高机械和光学属性的一大类材料,它不经结晶过程而从融化状态凝固而成,常用硅酸盐与氧化硼、氧化铝或五氧化磷合制而成,一般硬而易碎,透明或半透明,被认为是超低温液体而不是真正的固体〔denature〕To change the nature or natural qualities of.使性质改变:改变…的性质或自然属性〔shtick〕A characteristic attribute, talent, or trait that is helpful in securing recognition or attention:独特风格,特色:能帮助获得承认或注意的有特征的属性、才能或特点:〔attribute〕A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something.品质、属性、特征:内在的属性或特征,或归结为某人某物的属性或特征〔rubber〕Any of numerous synthetic elastic materials of varying chemical composition with properties similar to those of natural rubber.合成橡胶:具有不同的化学成分的各种有弹性的合成原料,其属性与天然橡胶类似〔Shull〕American physicist who shared a 1994 Nobel Prize for his contribution to the development of neutron scattering, a technique used to investigate the structure and properties of matter.沙尔,克里福特·格兰伍德:美国物理学家,因其在发展中子散射方面的贡献,与人分享1994年的诺贝尔奖;中子散射是用于研究物质结构和属性的技术〔descriptive〕Expressing an attribute of the modified noun, asgreen in green grass. Used of an adjective or adjectival clause. 描写性的:表达被修饰名词的属性,例如greengrass(绿草) 中的 green(绿色的) 。用于形容词或定语从句 〔promissory〕Containing, involving, or having the nature of a promise.答应的,承诺的:包含、涉及或拥有承诺的属性〔degree〕Relative intensity or amount, as of a quality or an attribute:强度,数量:相应的强度或数量,如某一特质或属性的强度或数量:〔positive〕positive tropism.向刺激方向运动的属性〔with〕Having as a possession, an attribute, or a characteristic:带着,带来:作为所有物、属性或特点具有:〔charge〕A measure of this property.电荷量:这种属性的计量单位〔polarity〕Intrinsic polar separation, alignment, or orientation, especially of a physical property:(二)极性,极:固有的二级分化、排列或定向,特别是作为一种物理属性〔lithology〕The gross physical character of a rock or rock formation.岩性:一种岩石或岩石构造的所有物理属性〔partake〕To have part of the quality, nature, or character of something.See Synonyms at share 1带有,颇有:具有某些事物的部分品质、属性或特征 参见 share1〔property〕A characteristic trait or peculiarity, especially one serving to define or describe its possessor.特性,属性:特性或不同之处,尤指用来定义或描写其占有者的特性〔chemistry〕The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems.化学:研究尤其是原子和分子系统物质的组成、结构、属性及反应的科学〔modality〕A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.属性,特性:符合一种大体模式或属于特定的组或类的倾向〔apperception〕The process of understanding by which newly observed qualities of an object are related to past experience.统觉:借助以往经验来理解一事物之新发现的属性的过程〔attributive〕Of or having the nature of an attribution or attribute.归属的,属性的:属于或有归属物性质的〔fluff〕Something having a very light, soft, or frothy consistency or appearance:似绒毛的东西:具有很轻、软或多泡的属性或外观的物品:〔entity〕The existence of something considered apart from its properties.与属性区别的本质存在〔Berkeleianism〕George Berkeley's philosophy of subjective idealism, which holds that material objects have no independent being but exist only as concepts in God's mind and as perceptions of those concepts in other minds.贝克莱主义:乔治·贝克莱的主观理想主义哲学,认为物质没有独立的属性,只是存在于上帝的头脑里的概念,也存在于其他人头脑里的对这些概念的感知中〔flesh〕The physical or carnal nature of humankind.情欲:人类物质或肉体的属性〔character〕A distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual, a group, or a category.See Synonyms at quality See Synonyms at type 特色,特征:个人、集体或范畴的区别性特征或属性 参见 quality 参见 type〔subject〕The essential nature or substance of something as distinguished from its attributes.主体,主观:区别于其属性的事物的基本性质或构成〔Dalton〕British chemist whose pioneer work on the properties of gases led to his formulation of the atomic theory. He also studied his own condition of colorblindness.道尔顿,约翰:(1766-1844) 英国化学家,他率先对各种气体属性的研究,导致了他的原子论的形成,他也研究过自己的色盲〔in〕With the characteristic, attribute, or property of:具有某种特征、品质或属性〔probabilistic〕"The Big Bang universe is . . . exemplified in the probabilistic and indeterminate interactions of the smallest known physical properties"(Frederick Turner)“宇宙大爆炸…显示于已知的最小物理属性之间的可能的及不确定的相互作用”(弗雷德里克·特纳)〔surrender〕 Submission stresses the subordination of the side that has yielded: Submission 强调已经投降的那一方的低级属性




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