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单词 屠杀
释义 〔Lidice〕A village of northwest Czechoslovakia west-northwest of Prague. In reprisal for the murder of a Nazi official, German forces killed its male population, deported the women and children to concentration camps, and burned the village to the ground (June 9-10, 1942).利迪泽:捷克斯洛伐克西北部的一个村落,位于布拉格西北偏西。1942年6月9日至10日,德国军队作为对一名纳粹军官被杀的报复,屠杀了这个村子的所有男性,并把妇女和儿童送往集中营,然后把整个村子烧成灰烬〔parricide〕-cīda, -cīdium [-cide] -cīda, -cīdium [后缀,表“杀,屠杀”] 〔slaughterhouse〕A scene of massacre or carnage.屠杀或残杀的场面〔Guise〕French military leader who helped plan the massacre of Huguenots on Saint Bartholomew's Day, 1572. His designs on the throne led to his assassination by order of Henry III.吉斯:法国军事领袖,曾参与策划1572年圣巴托罗缪日对胡格诺派教徒的屠杀。由于其觊觑王位的野心导致他被国王亨利三世密谋刺杀〔Septembrist〕One of the mob that massacred the imprisoned royalists in Paris, France, in September 1792.九月党人:1792年9月,在法国巴黎屠杀被关押的波旁王朝拥护者的暴民中的一员〔Kanpur〕A city of northern India on the Ganges River southeast of Delhi. During the Indian Mutiny, a disgruntled pension-seeker slaughtered the entire British garrison, including women and children (July 1857). Population, 1,481,879.坎普尔:印度北部一城市,在恒河上,位于德里东南部。在印度兵变期间,一个不满的寻求补助金的人于1857年7月屠杀了包括女人和儿童在内的全部英国守备部队。人口1,481,879〔massacre〕To kill indiscriminately and wantonly; slaughter.大屠杀;屠宰:大规模且残酷的屠杀;杀戮〔butcher〕To kill brutally or indiscriminately.屠杀,虐杀:残忍地或不加选择地滥杀〔shambles〕A place or scene of bloodshed or carnage.血腥场面:流血或屠杀的场所或景象〔bloodstained〕Responsible for killing or slaughter:双手染血的,犯屠杀罪的:对杀戮或屠杀负有责任的:〔Purim〕Hebrew pûrîm [pl. of] pûr [lot (from the lots Haman cast to decide the day of the massacre, Esther 9:24-26)] 希伯来语 pûrîm pûr的复数 [抽签(源于哈曼为确定屠杀犹太人的日期而做的签,埃斯特9:24-26)] 〔Drogheda〕A municipal borough of eastern Ireland on the Boyne River. Oliver Cromwell stormed the town in 1649 and massacred the inhabitants. Population, 23,247.德洛格达:爱尔兰东部博伊恩河畔的一个城区,奥利弗·克伦威尔于1649年强攻该镇并屠杀当地居民。人口23,247〔contemporary〕The mass murderer was given three concurrent life sentences.那个屠杀群众的凶手被同时判处并执行三个无期徒刑。〔shambles〕From Middle English shamel, shambil [place where meat is butchered and sold] 源自 中古英语 shamel, shambil [牲口被屠杀,肉被出卖的场所] 〔holocaust〕"an important document in the so-far sketchy annals of the Cambodian holocaust"(Rod Nordland)“迄今为止不完全的编年史中关于柬埔寨屠杀的重要文件”(罗德·诺尔兰)〔victim〕A living creature slain and offered as a sacrifice during a religious rite.祭品:在宗教仪式中的屠杀并奉为牺牲品的活的动物〔annul〕"The significance of the past . . . is annulled in idle gusts of electronic massacre"(Alexander Cockburn)“过去的意义…在阵阵电子屠杀中被抹杀了”(亚历山大·科伯恩)〔bloodguilt〕The fact or state of being guilty of murder or bloodshed.杀人罪:犯谋杀或屠杀罪行的事实或状况〔Logan〕Iroquois leader. After his family was massacred by settlers (1774), he became an ally of the British during the American Revolution.洛根,詹姆斯:(1725?-1780) 易洛魁人首领。1774年因其全家遭殖民者屠杀,在美国独立战争中与英军结盟〔pogrom〕An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews.集体迫害:对少数群体有组织的、常是受到官方鼓励的大屠杀或迫害,尤指针对犹太人的集体迫害或屠杀〔massacre〕The act or an instance of killing a large number of human beings indiscriminately and cruelly.大屠杀,残杀:对人类大规模地和残暴地进行屠杀的行动或事件〔circus〕The modern circus owes its name but fortunatelynot its regular program of events to the amusement of ancient times.The Latin wordcircus, which comes from the Greek word kirkos, "circle, ring,” referred to a circular or oval area enclosed by rows of seats for spectators.In the center ring, so to speak, was held a variety of events,including chariot races and gladiatorial combats, spectacles in which bloodshed and brutality were not uncommon.The first use ofcircus recorded in English, in a work by Chaucer written around 1380,probably refers to the Circus Maximus in Rome.Our modern circus, which dates to the end of the 18th century,was originally an equestrian spectacle as well,but the trick riders were soon joined in the ring by such performers as ropedancers, acrobats, and jugglers.Even though the circular shape of the arena and the equestrian nature of some of the performances are carried over from its Roman namesake,the modern circus, despite occasional accidental violence,has little connection with its brutal namesake of long ago.现代马戏团应把它的名称归因于古时候的娱乐,值得庆幸地不是归因于它的固定节目。拉丁文的circus 源于希腊文 kirkos “圆,环”, 指被容纳观众的座位围起的圆形或椭圆形场地。在称之为中央环地的场地中举行多种表演,包括战车赛跑和角斗,屠杀和残暴的景象并不少见。英语中记录的circus 的最早使用, 是在乔叟写于大约1380年的一本著作里,可能意指罗马的大竞技场。现代马戏团可追溯到18世纪末,最初也是马术表演,但走钢丝演员、高空杂技演员和杂耍演员很快在圆形场地中加入特技骑手的行列。尽管马戏场地的圆形形状和一些表演的马术实质是由罗马的同名物得到的,现代马戏团,尽管偶尔出现意外的暴力,与它久远以前残暴的同名物几乎没有关联〔shambles〕The original sense ofshambles to denote a meat market is by now so obscurein American usage that it must be counted the height of pedantry to insist,as a few critics continue to do,that the word should be used metaphorically only to refer to a scene of carnage.作为指肉市的单词shambles 的原始意义, 现在已很模糊,以致在美语用法中认为这个词只能隐喻地指屠杀情景,若还象一些批评家继续做的那样,准会被看作是极度迂腐的做法〔butchery〕Wanton or cruel killing; carnage.血腥屠杀:无理或残暴的杀害;屠杀〔bloodshed〕The shedding of blood, especially the injury or killing of human beings.流血,屠杀:血的流出,尤指伤人或杀人〔kill〕To destroy in such large numbers as to render extinct.屠杀:摧毁大多数造成绝种




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