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单词 山脉
释义 〔Williamson〕A peak, 4,382.9 m (14,370 ft) high, in the Sierra Nevada of east-central California.威廉森山:美国加利福尼亚内华达山脉的一个小山峰,海拔4,382.9米(合14,370英尺)〔Adour〕A river of southwest France rising in the Pyrenees and flowing about 338 km (210 mi) north then west to the Bay of Biscay near Biarritz.阿杜尔河:法国西南部的一条河流,源于比利牛斯山脉,全长338公里(210英里),先向北后折向西注入比亚里茨附近的比斯开湾〔Yucaipa〕A community of southern California in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains east of Los Angeles. It is a processing center. Population, 32,824.尤开帕:美国南加利福尼亚的一个社区,位于圣贝纳迪诺山脉的山脚、洛杉矶以东,是一加工业中心。人口32,824〔Cleveland〕A peak, 3,192.1 m (10,466 ft) high, of northwest Montana. It is the highest point in the Lewis Range of the Rocky Mountains.克利夫兰峰:美国蒙大纳州西北部的一座山峰,海拔约3,192.1米(10,466英尺)。是落基山脉路易斯山脉的最高点〔Damavand〕A peak, 5,774.9 m (18,934 ft) high, in the Elburz Mountains of northern Iran northeast of Tehran. It is the highest elevation in the range.达马万德山:一个山峰,高5,774.9米(18,934英尺),位于伊朗北部、德黑兰东北部的厄尔布尔士山脉中。它是这个山脉的最高峰〔Shasta〕A volcanic peak, 4,319.4 m (14,162 ft) high, of the Cascade Range in northern California. Discovered in 1827, it has hot sulfurous springs near the summit.沙斯塔山:喀斯开山脉的火山山峰,海拔4,319.4米(14,162英尺),位于加利福尼亚州北部。1827年被发现,在近峰顶处有硫磺温泉〔Shasta〕A volcanic peak, 4,319.4 m (14,162 ft) high, of the Cascade Range in northern California. Discovered in 1827, it has hot sulfurous springs near the summit.沙斯塔山:一座火山山峰,海拔4,319.4米(14,162英尺),属于加利福尼亚北部的喀斯喀特山脉。它发现于1827年,在接近峰顶处有含硫磺温泉〔Appalachia〕A region of the eastern United States including the Appalachian Mountains.阿巴拉契亚:美国东部包括阿巴拉契亚山脉在内的地区〔range〕An extended group or series, especially a row or chain of mountains.山脉:延展的一组或一系列,特别指一座方向固定的山脉〔Grossglockner〕A peak, 3,799.4 m (12,457 ft) high, of southern Austria in the Hohe Tauern range of the Alps. It is the highest elevation in the range and the highest point of the country.大克洛克纳山:奥地利南部的高峰,在阿尔卑斯山上陶恩山脉中,海拔3,799.4米(12,457英尺)。为该山脉的主峰和奥地利最高峰〔Klamath〕A Native American people inhabiting an area of the Cascade Range in south-central Oregon and northern California, with close cultural ties to the Modoc.克拉马特族:在美国俄勒冈州中南部和加利福尼亚州北部的喀斯喀特山脉一地区中居住的北美印第安民族,与莫多克族有密切的文化联系〔Oka〕A river rising in the Sayan Mountains of south-central Siberian U.S.S.R. and flowing about 965 km (600 mi) generally north to the Angara River.奥卡河:源于苏联西伯利亚中南部的山脉的河,大体向北,流程965公里(600英里),注入安加拉河〔Wilson〕A mountain, 1,741.6 m (5,710 ft) high, in the San Gabriel Mountains of southwest California northeast of Pasadena. Its observatory was established in 1904.威尔逊山:美国加利福尼亚西南部布尔埃尔山脉中、帕萨迪纳东北的一座山,海拔1,741.6米(5,710英尺)。1904年在这里建了一个天文台〔Oise〕A river rising in the Ardennes Mountains of southern Belgium and flowing about 299 km (186 mi) generally southwest to the Seine River in northern France. It is an important commercial waterway.奥伊斯河:一条源于比利时南部阿尔登山脉的河,大体向西南方,流程约299公里(186英里)汇入法国北部的塞纳河,它是一条主要的商业水道〔Copland〕American composer whose works include the balletsRodeo (1942) and Appalachian Spring (1944), which won a Pulitzer Prize. 科普兰,艾伦:(1900-1990) 美国作曲家,其作品包括芭蕾舞剧《罗迪奥》 (1942年)及获普利策奖的 《阿巴拉契亚山脉的春天》 (1944年) 〔oread〕from oros [mountain] 源自 oros [山脉] 〔height〕An eminence, such as a hill or mountain.高地,高处:高处,如小丘或山脉〔mediocre〕ocris [a rugged mountain] * see ak- ocris [崎岖不平的山脉] * 参见 ak- 〔landform〕One of the features that make up the earth's surface, such as a plain, mountain, or valley.地貌:组成地表的特征,如平原、山脉或山谷〔Cithaeron〕A mountain, 1,410 m (4,623 ft) high, of southeast Greece. It was considered sacred to Dionysus and the Muses.西塞隆山:希腊东南部一座山脉,海拔1,410米(4,623英尺),被认为是献给酒神狄俄尼索斯和缪斯〔Makalu〕A mountain, 8,476 m (27,790 ft) high, in the Himalaya Mountains of northeast Nepal. It was first scaled in 1955.马卡卢峰:尼泊尔东北部喜马拉亚山脉的一座山峰,海拔8,476米(27,790英尺),最早于1955年被测定高度〔Placid〕A lake of northeast New York in the Adirondack Mountains. It is a noted winter sports center.普莱西德湖:美国纽约州东北部的一个湖泊,在阿迪朗达克山脉中。为著名的冬运中心〔Chianti〕After the Chianti Mountains, a range of the Apennines in central Italy 源自 勤地 山脉,意大利中部亚平宁山脉的一支 〔Marche〕A region of east-central Italy extending from the eastern slopes of the Apennines to the Adriatic Sea. Colonized by Rome in the 3rd centuryb.c. , it was under papal control for much of the period from the 16th to the 19th century. 马奇:位于意大利中部偏东,从亚平宁山脉东坡到亚里亚海的一个地区。公元前 3世纪成为罗马的殖民地,在16世纪到19世纪的大部分时间里,该地区为教皇所控制 〔Tupungato〕A mountain, 6,804.6 m (22,310 ft) high, in the Andes on the Chile-Argentina border east of Santiago, Chile.图篷加托山:一座海拔6,804.6米(22,310英尺)的山峰,属安迪基山脉,位于智利和阿根廷的边界,在智利的圣地亚哥以东〔brutish〕"the Mesabi Iron Range, a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks"(John McCormick)See Synonyms at brute “梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段”(约翰·麦考密克) 参见 brute〔Tanana〕A river of eastern and southern Alaska flowing about 764 km (475 mi) from the Wrangell Mountains northwest to the Yukon River.塔纳纳河:美国阿拉斯加州东部和南部的一条河流,流程约764公里(475英里),从兰格尔山脉向西北注入育空河〔Gilead〕A mountainous region of ancient Palestine east of the Jordan River in what is now northwest Jordan.基列山:古巴勒斯坦一山脉,位于约旦河东岸,即现在约旦的西北部〔Rosa〕A mountain, 4,636.9 m (15,203 ft) high, in the Pennine Alps on the Swiss-Italian border. It is the highest elevation in the range.罗沙山峰:本宁阿尔卑斯山脉的一座位于瑞士-意大利边境的海拔4,636.9米(15,203英尺)的山峰,它是此山脉中的海拔最高点〔Erzgebirge〕A mountain range extending about 153 km (95 mi) along the border of Germany and Czechoslovakia. It rises to 1,244.4 m (4,080 ft).厄尔士山脉:德国和捷克斯洛伐克的交界处的一山脉,绵延153公里(95英里)。海拔约1,244.4米(4,080英尺)〔loti〕from Maloti , a range of mountains in Lesotho 源自 马洛蒂 ,莱索托的一系列山脉 〔Bali〕An island of southern Indonesia in the Lesser Sundas just east of Java. Largely mountainous with a tropical climate and fertile soil, it is sometimes called the "the Jewel of the East.”巴厘岛:印度尼西亚南部一岛屿,位于爪哇正东的小巽他群岛。有大片的山脉,为热带气候,土壤肥沃,有时被称为“东方明珠”〔bolson〕A flat, arid valley surrounded by mountains and draining into a shallow central lake.沙漠盆地,封闭盆地:被山脉包围的平坦干旱的山谷,干涸为一个浅的中央湖〔Carrantuohill〕The highest mountain of Ireland, rising to 1,041.3 m (3,414 ft) in the southwest part of the country in Macgillicuddy's Reeks.卡兰多山:爱尔兰最高的山脉,海拔1,041.3米(3,414英尺),位于爱尔兰西南部麦可吉里卡第的里克斯〔Pyrenees〕A mountain range of southwest Europe extending along the French-Spanish border from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean Sea. It rises to 3,406.2 m (11,168 ft) at Pico de Aneto.比利牛斯山脉:欧洲西南部一山脉,从比斯开湾沿着法国与西班牙边境延伸至地中海。在阿内托峰海拔3,406.2米(11,168英尺)〔sierra〕A rugged range of mountains having an irregular or jagged profile.See Usage Note at redundancy 锯齿山脊:一崎岖的山脉,有曲折的或凹凸不平的轮廓 参见 redundancy〔orography〕The study of the physical geography of mountains and mountain ranges.山志学,山岳形态学:一门研究山脉及山山脉地区的自然地理学〔Tisza〕A river of central Europe rising in the Carpathian Mountains in the western Ukraine and flowing about 965 km (600 mi) generally southward across eastern Hungary and northern Yugoslavia to the Danube River.蒂萨河:中欧一河流,发源于乌克兰西部的喀尔巴干山脉,流程为965公里(600英里),大致向南流经匈牙利东部和南斯拉夫北部,最后注入多瑙河〔Tuscany〕A region of northwest Italy between the northern Apennines and the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas. Inhabited in ancient times by the Etruscans, it fell to Rome in the mid-fourth centuryb.c. Tuscany was a grand duchy under the Medicis (1569-1860) and subsequently became united with the kingdom of Sardinia. 托斯卡:意大利西北部的一个地区,位于亚平宁山脉北部、利古里亚海和第勒尼安海之间,在古代由埃特锝鲁斯堪人居住,在公元前 4世纪中期被罗马人占领。托斯卡纳是梅迪西斯统治下的一个庞大的公爵封地(1569年-1860年),后来它与撒丁尼亚尼亚王国合并 〔Ordzhonikidze〕A city of southeast European U.S.S.R. at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains north-northwest of Tbilisi. Founded in 1784 as a fortress, it is a metallurgical and industrial center. Population, 303,000.奥约纳基撒:苏联欧洲部分东南城市,位于高加索山脉的山脚下、第比利斯西北偏北。1784年建为军事要塞,现为治金及工业中心。人口303,000




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