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单词 州府
释义 〔Meredith〕American civil rights advocate whose registration (1963) at the traditionally segregated University of Mississippi prompted a riot, which was spurred by state officials who defied federal pleas for peaceful integration.麦勒迪斯,詹姆斯·霍华德:(生于 1933) 美国民权倡导者,在1963年进入历来实行种族隔离的密西西比大学,并引发了一场骚乱,那些不顾联邦政府和平解决种族平等待遇的呼吁的州府官员们对这场骚乱起了推动作用〔statehouse〕A building in which a state legislature holds sessions; a state capitol.州府:州议会开会的建筑物;州府〔Lewiston〕A city of northwest Idaho on the border south-southeast of Spokane, Washington. A commercial and industrial center in a timber, grain, and livestock region, it was the first capital (1863-1864) of the Idaho Territory. Population, 28,082.路易斯顿:美国爱达荷州西北部的一个城市,位于华盛顿州的城市斯波坎的东南偏南并与其邻接。该市是木材、谷物、牲畜地区的商业和工业中心,是爱达荷准州的第一个州府所在地(1863年至1864年)。人口28,082〔McKim〕American architect who was a leading proponent of the neoclassic revival. His designs include those of the Boston Public Library (1887) and the Rhode Island state capitol (1892).麦金,查尔斯·福伦:(1847-1909) 美国建筑师,新古典复兴派的代表人物。他的设计有波士顿公众图书馆(1887年)和罗得岛州的州府大厦(1892年)〔Portland〕A city of southwest Maine on an arm of the Gulf of Maine south of Lewiston. Settled c. 1632, it became a commercial center in the 17th century and was state capital from 1820 to 1832. It is the largest city in the state. Population, 64,348.波特兰:美国缅因州西南部一城市,位于刘易斯顿以南的缅因湾的海湾中。该城建于公元1632年,在17世纪成为商业中心,1820年到1832年为缅因州州府。该市是缅因州最大的城市。人口64,348〔Alabama〕A state of the southeast United States. It was admitted as the 22nd state in 1819. Alabama was first explored by the Spanish, and the southern section was claimed by the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase (1803). Montgomery is the capital and Birmingham the largest city. Population, 4,062,608.亚拉巴马州:美国东南部一个州。1819年被接纳为美国第22个州。亚拉巴马首先由西班牙人勘查,南部地区作为“路易斯安那购置”(1803年)的一部分被美国占领。蒙哥马利为其州府,伯明翰是最大城市。人口4,062,608〔bonkers〕"Yet here in the capital of the energy state, when word spread that free gas was to be found, the populace, as expected, went bonkers"(Washington Post)“虽然是在能源富足的州府,但当将要发现天然气的消息传开时,公众如意料到的那样疯狂起来”(华盛顿邮报)〔Juneau〕The capital of Alaska, in the Panhandle northeast of Sitka. It was settled by gold miners in 1880 and designated territorial capital in 1900 (effective 1906) and state capital in 1959. Population, 26,751.朱诺:美国阿拉斯加州首府,在锡特卡东北部的柄状狭长地带。1880年开采金矿者在此定居,1900年被指定为地区首府(1906年生效),1959年被指定为州府。人口26,751〔McAlester〕A city of southeast Oklahoma southeast of Oklahoma City. It is a distribution center in a stock-raising area. Population, 16,370.麦卡里斯特:美国俄克拉荷马州东南部城市,位于州府俄克拉荷马城的东南。是畜牧区的集散中心。人口16,370〔Alaska〕A state of the United States in extreme northwest North America, separated from the other mainland states by British Columbia, Canada. It was admitted as the 49th state in 1959 and is the largest state of the Union. The territory was purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7,200,000 and was known as Seward's Folly (after Secretary of State William H. Seward, who negotiated the purchase) until gold was discovered in the late 1800's. Juneau is the capital and Anchorage the largest city. There are plans to move the capital to Willow, near Anchorage. Population, 551,947.阿拉斯加州:美国的一个州,位于北美洲最西北部,与其它的大陆州被加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省隔开。1959年被纳为第49个州,是联邦中面积最大的州。这块领地于1867年以7,200,000美元的价格从俄国购得,直到19世纪晚期在此发现黄金之前,一直被称为“西沃德笨蛋”(源自洽谈购买的国务卿威廉·H·西沃德)。朱诺为其州府,安克雷奇是最大城市。现计划迁州府到安克雷奇附近的威洛。人口551,947〔Massachusetts〕A state of the northeast United States. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1788. The first settlement was made by the Pilgrims of theMayflower in 1620. Governed by the Massachusetts Bay Company from 1629 until 1684, the colony was a leader in the move for independence from Great Britain and the site of the first battles of the Revolutionary War in 1775. Boston is the capital and the largest city. Population, 6,029,051. 马萨诸塞:美国东北部的州。1788年被承认为最早的十三个殖民地之一。五月花 号上的清教徒于1620年最早定居此地。1629年到1684年,该殖民地由马萨诸塞湾公司统治,并率领了殖民地从大不列颠独立的运动,马萨诸塞也是1775年进行的美国独立革命早期几次战役的发生地。波士顿为州府和最大城市。人口6,029,051 〔Willow〕A town of southern Alaska north of Anchorage. It has been proposed as a new state capital because of its central location.威洛:阿拉斯加州南部、安克雷奇以北的城镇。因位于中心位置曾被申请做新的州府




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