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单词 州政府
释义 〔local〕state and local government.州政府及地方政府〔Tuscaloosa〕A city of west-central Alabama southwest of Birmingham. Established in 1819 on the site of a Creek village, it was the state capital from 1826 to 1846. Population, 77,759.塔斯卡卢萨:阿拉巴马中西部一城市,位于伯明翰西南。该市于1819年在克里科村庄的所在地建立起来,从1826年到1846年一直是州政府所在地。人口77,759〔Davis〕American architect noted for his Greek revival edifices, such as the Patent Office in Washington, D.C. (1832), and the state capitols of Indiana (1835) and North Carolina (1837).戴维斯,亚历山大·杰克逊:(1803-1892) 美国建筑家,因其希腊复兴式的大型建筑而闻名,如华盛顿的专利办公室(1832年),印第安纳的州政府(1835年)和北卡罗来纳(1837年)的州政府〔Denver〕The capital and largest city of Colorado, in the north-central part of the state on the South Platte River. It was settled by gold prospectors in 1858 and became territorial capital in 1867. Population, 467,610.丹佛:美国科罗拉多州首府和最大的城市,位于该州中北部,邻南普拉特河。它于1858年由淘金者建立,于1867年成为州政府。人口467,610〔Michigan〕A state of the north-central United States. It was admitted as the 26th state in 1837. French explorers first visited the area in 1618, and the French retained nominal control until the end of the French and Indian Wars (1763), when the region passed to Great Britain. It was ceded to the United States in 1783, although the British held some areas until 1796. The Michigan Territory was organized in 1805 with Detroit as its capital. Lansing is the state capital (since 1847) and Detroit the largest city. Population, 9,328,784.密歇根州:美国中北部一州。1837年作为第26个州加入美国。法国探险家于1618年最初到达这一地区,直到1763年的法国和印第安人战争,法国拥有名义上的控制权,战争结束后此地区归于英国统治。1783年割让给美国,但直到1796年前英国仍控制着部分地区。密歇根州建立于1805年,底特律为州政府所在地。1847年后州政府所在地转至兰辛,底特律为该州最大城市。人口9,328,784〔thus〕Few of the nation's largest cities are state capitals; thus neither New York nor Chicago is the seat of its state's government.很多国家最大的城市并非州首府;例如,纽约和芝加哥都不是本州政府的所在地




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