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单词 州界
释义 〔Bristol〕Two cities on the Tennessee-Virginia line east-northeast of Kingsport, Tennessee. The communities, though politically independent, are an economic unit and share a main thoroughfare along the state boundary. Population, 23,421 (Tennessee) and 18,426 (Virginia).布里斯托尔:美国田纳西州和弗吉尼亚州边境上,田纳西州的金斯波特东北偏东的两座城市。尽管政治上独立,两个社区在经济上是统一体,沿州界共用一条主街。人口23,421(田纳西)和18,426(弗吉尼亚)〔Powell〕A reservoir of southern Utah and north-central Arizona formed by the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River. It is the second-largest (after Lake Mead) artificial lake in the United States. The dam, built in 1964, is located in Arizona just south of the Utah border.包威尔湖:位于犹他州南部及亚利桑那州中北部、由科罗拉多河的格蓝峡谷水坝所形成的湖泊。是美国第二大人工湖(在米德湖之后)。水坝建于1964年,位在犹他州州界以南的亚利桑那州境内




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