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单词 工业城市
释义 〔Haarlem〕A city of western Netherlands near the North Sea west of Amsterdam. Chartered in 1245, it is an industrial city best known as a flower-growing center and distribution point for bulbs, especially tulips. Population, 152,511.哈勒姆:荷兰西部一城市,位于阿姆斯特丹西部,靠近北海,在1245年经特许设立。现为工业城市,以花卉中心和根茎植物,特别是郁金香的集散地闻名。人口152,511〔Wigan〕A borough of northwest England northeast of Liverpool. An important market town in the Middle Ages, it is an industrial city in a coal-mining region. Population, 310,000.威根区:英格兰西北一区,位于利物浦东北。中世纪时曾是重要集镇,现在是煤矿区的工业城市。人口310,000〔Kano〕A city of north-central Nigeria northeast of Lagos. A powerful Hausa city-state, particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries, it was taken by the British in 1903. It is now the chief industrial city of northern Nigeria. Population, 475,000.卡诺:尼日利亚中北部一城市,位于拉各斯东北部。17和18世纪,该市为势力强大的豪萨人的城邦,1903年被英国人占领。现在,该市为尼日利亚北部主要的工业城市。人口475,000〔Tacoma〕A city of west-central Washington on an arm of Puget Sound south of Seattle. A major seaport and railroad center, it is one of the chief industrial cities in the Northwest. Population, 176,664.塔科马:美国华盛顿州中西部一城市,位于普吉特湾畔,西雅图南部。它是一个重要的海港和铁路枢纽,是美国西北部的主要工业城市之一。人口176,664〔London〕A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, southwest of Toronto. Settled in 1826, it is an industrial city whose streets and bridges are named after those of London, England. Population, 254,280.伦敦:加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于多伦多市西南。1826年成为定居点,为一工业城市,其街道和桥梁均以英格兰的伦敦市命名。人口254,280〔Cuernavaca〕A city of south-central Mexico in theCuernavaca Valley near Mexico City. It is an industrial city and a popular tourist and health resort. Population, 192,770. 库埃纳瓦卡:墨西哥中南部的一个城市,位于墨西哥城附近的库埃纳瓦卡山谷 之中。它是一个工业城市和著名的旅游和疗养胜地。人口192,770 〔Mysore〕A city of southern India southwest of Bangalore. Inhabited before the 3rd centuryb.c. , it was the center of a Moslem state after the late 16th century and was occupied by the British in 1831. Today it is an important industrial city. Population, 441,754. 迈索尔:印度南部一城市,位于班加罗尔西南。在公元前 3世纪以前就有人居住,16世纪后期以后成为穆斯林的盛礼中心,1831年被英国占领,今天它是一座重要的工业城市。人口441,754 〔Hohhot〕A city of northern China west-northwest of Beijing. An industrial city, it is also the capital of Nei Monggol (Inner Mongolia) autonomous region. Population, 542,800.呼和浩特:中国北部一城市,位于北京西北偏西。是一个工业城市和内蒙古自治区的政府所在地。人口542,800〔Offenbach〕A city of central Germany north-northeast of Mannheim on the Main River. First mentioned in the tenth century, it is an industrial center noted for its leather goods. Population, 107,378.奥芬巴赫市:德国中部一城市,位于梅茵河沿岸曼海姆市东北偏北,于10世纪时第一次如此命名,为一工业城市,以皮制品闻名。人口107,378〔hard〕industrial cities hit hard by unemployment.工业城市遭到失业的剧烈打击〔Shakhty〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. northeast of Rostov. It is an industrial city in an anthracite-mining region. Population, 221,000.沙赫特:苏联欧洲部分南部一城市,位于罗斯托东北部。它是一个无烟煤矿区中的工业城市。人口221,000




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