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单词 工联主义
释义 〔Barcelona〕A city of northeast Spain on the Mediterranean Sea. Founded by the Carthaginians, it prospered under the Romans and Visigoths, fell to the Moors in 713, and was taken by Charlemagne's Frankish troops in 801. It has long been a center of Catalan separatism and of anarchic, socialist, and syndicalist movements. Population, 1,770,296.巴塞罗那:西班牙东北部临地中海的一个城市,由迦太基人建立,罗马人和西哥特人统治时一度繁荣,于713年落于摩尔人手中,801年又被查理曼尼的法兰克军队接管。曾长时间成为加泰罗尼亚分离主义和无政府主义,社会主义、工联主义运动的中心。人口1,770,296〔Webb〕British sociologist and economist who was a founder of the London School of Economics (1895). He and his wife,Beatrice Potter Webb (1858-1943), were central members of the Fabian Society and together wrote The History of Trade Unionism (1894) and other books. 韦布,锡德尼·詹姆斯:(1859-1947) 英国社会学家和经济学家,他是伦敦经济学院创建者之一(1895年)。他和他的妻子比阿特丽斯·波特尔·韦布 (1858-1943年),是费边社的核心成员并共同写了 《工联主义历史》 (1894年)和其它书




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