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单词 已证明
释义 〔show〕The old boat showed itself to be seaworthy.这艘旧船已证明是经得起风浪的〔faithless〕"while [Holland's] sister provinces had proved recreant to [William of Orange] ” (John Lothrop Motley). “然而[荷兰] 姐妹省区已证明了对 [威廉三世] 的背叛” (约翰·洛思罗普·莫特利)〔graduate〕The verbgraduate has denoted the action of conferring an academic degree or diploma since at least 1421, as inShe was graduated from Yale in 1980. This earlier pattern of use is still defensible,if slightly old-fashioned,and is acceptable to 78 percent of the Usage Panel.In general usage,however, it has largely yielded to the much more recent active pattern (first attested in 1807): 动词graduate 最晚从1421年起便指授予学位或毕业证书的行为, 如1980年她毕业于耶鲁大学。 最早的使用方式仍然受到辩护,即使有些过时,仍为语言用法专题使用小组百分之七十八的成员所接受。在一般的用法中,该词毕竟已经变为现在更活跃的方式(已证明最早在1807年): 〔known〕Proved or generally recognized:已知的,闻名的:已证明或普遍认可的:〔corollary〕A proposition that follows with little or no proof required from one already proven.系定理:随着刚已证明的命题而来因而需要很少或不需证据而得的命题




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