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单词 巴比特
释义 〔Babbitt〕After George F. Babbitt , the main character in the novel Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis 源自乔治F. Babbitt ,辛克莱·刘易斯所著小说中的主要人物 巴比特 by Sinclair Lewis 〔Babbitt〕American inventor who patented (1839) a bearing housing lined with an alloy of tin, antimony, and copper now known as babbitt metal.巴比特,艾萨克:(1799-1862) 美国发明家,于1839年因用锡、锑和铜的合金作为轴承外套的内衬而获得专利,该合金即是现在的巴比合金〔Babbitt〕A member of the middle class whose attachment to its business and social ideals is such as to make that person a model of narrow-mindedness and self-satisfaction.巴比特式的人物:中产阶级成员,对自己的职责和社会理想过于依恋而使之成为思想狭窄和自满的典型〔Lewis〕American novelist who satirized middle-class America in his 22 works, includingBabbitt (1922) and Elmer Gantry (1927). He was the first American to receive (1930) a Nobel Prize for literature. 刘易斯,(哈里)辛克莱:(1885-1951) 美国小说家,在他的二十二部作品中讽刺了美国中产阶级。著作包括《巴比特》 (1922年)和 《艾尔玛·甘特利》 (1927年)。他是美国第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的人(1930年) 〔sneak〕"In the dressing room beforehand, while the NBC technician was making me up, Jesse Jackson snuck up behind me and began playfully powdering my face" (Bruce Babbitt). “在后面的化妆室中,当国家广播电台的技术人员正在为我化妆,杰西·杰克逊悄悄地溜到我身后,开始嬉皮笑脸地给我脸上打粉” (布鲁斯·巴比特)。 〔Babbitt〕American composer whose works, includingVision and Prayer (1961), for soprano and synthesizer, combine serial music and electronic effects. 巴比特,米尔顿·拜伦:(生于 1916) 美国作曲家,作品包括《幻想和祈祷》 (1961年),为女高音和合成乐而作,把序列音乐和电子效果相结合 〔bloviate〕"the rural Babbitt who bloviates about 'progress’ and 'growth’”(George Rebeck)“巴比特式的农民滔滔不绝地大谈‘进步’和‘成长’”(乔治·吕贝克)




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