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单词 巴特勒
释义 〔break〕"For a hero loves the world till it breaks him"(William Butler Yeats)“因为英雄深爱世人,直到世人令他绝望”(威廉·巴特勒·耶茨)〔Leacock〕Canadian economist who is best remembered for his humorous writing, contained in volumes such asLiterary Lapses (1910) and Nonsense Novels (1911). 李科克,斯蒂芬·巴特勒:(1869-1944) 加拿大经济学家,以其幽默的笔风而留名,作品包括《文学的失误》 (1910年)和 《无聊的小说》 (1910年) 〔explain〕"If a poet interprets a poem of his own he limits its suggestibility" (William Butler Yeats).“如果一个诗人解释他自己的一首诗,他就限制了它的暗示性” (威廉姆·巴特勒·济慈)。〔prevent〕"the objections . . . having . . . been obviated in the preceding chapter" (Joseph Butler).“反对意见…已经…在前一段时间被排除了” (约瑟夫·巴特勒)。〔Butler〕American educator who advocated peace through education. He shared the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize.巴特勒,尼古拉·默里:(1862-1947) 美国教育家。他通过教育来促进和平并获1931年诺贝尔和平奖〔meticulous〕"The more unpopular an opinion is, the more necessary is it that the holder should be somewhat punctilious in his observance of conventionalities generally" (Samuel Butler).“一个观点越不受欢迎,这个观点的持有者越应谨小慎微地观察习俗惯例” (塞缪尔·巴特勒〔Butler〕English poet remembered primarily for his three-part workHudibras (1663-1678), a venomous mock-heroic satire on the Puritans. 巴特勒,塞缪尔:(1612-1680) 英国诗人,以他的三部曲作品《休迪布拉斯》 (1663-1678年)而闻名于世,这是一部对清教徒恶毒的假装英雄的讽刺作品 〔remainder〕"The sum exceeded the remnant of his savings" (Samuel Butler). “这个数目超过了他剩余的积蓄” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)。 〔index〕"Her face . . . was a fair index to her disposition"(Samuel Butler)“她的脸是显示她气质的一个很好的指标”(塞缪尔·巴特勒)〔prevailing〕"The speculation which for some time was rife concerning [the book's] authorship made many turn to it" (Samuel Butler). “关于 作者的推测一度非常流行,这使得许多人都注意到了那本书” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)。 〔assonance〕"that dolphin-torn, that gong-tormented sea"(William Butler Yeats)“挣扎撕裂的海豚,痛苦万状的大海”(威廉·巴特勒·耶茨)〔Hickok〕American frontier scout and marshal whose law enforcement exploits against Western outlaws are the subject of folk legends.希科克,詹姆斯·巴特勒:(1837-1876) 美国边疆保安官、执法官,他执法如山,勇斗西部歹徒的事迹成为民间传奇的主题〔Yeats〕Irish writer who is considered among the greatest poets of the 20th century. A founder of the Irish National Theatre Company at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, he wrote many short plays, includingThe Countess Cathleen (1892). His poetry, published in collections such as The Winding Stair (1929), ranges from early love lyrics to the complex symbolist works of his later years. He won the 1923 Nobel Prize for literature. 叶芝,威廉·巴特勒:(1865-1939) 爱尔兰作家,被认为是20世纪最伟大的诗人之一。他是都柏林艾比剧院的爱尔兰国家剧院公司的创始人,他创作了许多短剧,包括《凯瑟琳女伯爵》 (1892年)。他的诗作成集出版,如 《回旋楼梯》 (1929年),内容从早期的爱情抒情诗到晚年复杂的象征主义作品。他获得了1923年的诺贝尔文学奖 〔Butler〕American army officer and politician. His harsh rule as military governor of New Orleans (May-December 1862) led to charges of corruption and Butler's removal. He later opened the impeachment proceedings against President Andrew Johnson (1868).巴特勒,本杰明·富兰克林:(1818-1893) 美国军官和政治家。他在新奥尔良担任军政首长时的铁腕政治(1862年5月-9月)导致了关于腐败的指控和巴特勒政府的消亡。后来他展开了对安德鲁·约翰逊总统的弹劾活动(1868年)〔Butler〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1923-1939).巴特勒,皮尔斯:(1866-1939) 美国法官,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(1923-1939年)〔recover〕"By a brilliant coup he has retrieved . . . a rather serious loss" (Samuel Butler).“通过精心的策划,他已经挽回了…… 一个十分严重的损失” (塞缪尔·巴特勒〔pleasure〕"Pleasure . . . is a safer guide than either right or duty"(Samuel Butler)“娱乐…是比权利或义务更安全的指标”(塞缪尔·巴特勒)〔costly〕"A free government . . . is an invaluable blessing" (Alban Butler). “自由的政府…是无价的赐福” (阿尔本·巴特勒)。 〔voluntary〕"In life courtesy and self-possession, and in the arts style, are the sensible impressions of the free mind,for both arise out of a deliberate shaping of all things" (William Butler Yeats).“在生活中礼貌和镇定,在艺术风格上是自由思想的明智反映,因为二者均出于对所有事物的有意的塑造” (威廉·巴特勒·叶芝)。〔Gonne〕Irish patriot and actress. A leader of the Irish independence movement, she was a founder (1906) of Sinn Fein. William Butler Yeats's playCathleen ni Houlihan (1892) is based on Gonne's life. 冈娜,莫德:(1865-1953) 爱尔兰爱国者和女演员,争取爱尔兰独立运动的领导人,是新芬党的创始人之一(1906年)。威廉·巴特勒·叶芝的戏剧《凯尔特的曙光》 (1892年)就是基于戈纳的生活而创作的 〔confidence〕"In life courtesy and self-possession . . . are the sensible impressions of the free mind, for both arise . . .from never being swept away, whatever the emotion, into confusion or dullness" (William Butler Yeats).See also Synonyms at trust “生活中礼貌和镇静…是正常心理对人的有理智的印象,不论情感如何混乱与麻木,礼貌和镇静都不应该忘记” (威廉姆·巴特勒·耶茨) 参见同义词 trust〔obstinate〕"She was very stubborn when her mind was made up" (Samuel Butler).One who isheadstrong is stubbornly, often recklessly willful: “她一旦拿定主意,就非常固执” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)。一个headstrong 的人是固执的,常是缺乏考虑的意志坚定: 〔puzzle〕"It is not worth while to perplex the reader with inquiries into the abstract nature of evidence" (Joseph Butler).Tomystify is to perplex by defying or seeming to defy comprehension: “没有必要用对证据抽象本性的调查来迷惑读者” (约瑟夫·巴特勒)。Mystify 是指通过藐视或看起来象是藐视理解力来使人迷惑: 〔taws〕"Solider Aristotle played the taws/Upon the bottom of a king of kings"(William Butler Yeats)“亚里士多德兵士抽打着皮鞭/就在众王之王底下”(威廉·巴特勒·叶慈)〔elderly〕"a venerable-looking man, with white hair and beard and a face of great sagacity" (Samuel Butler).“他白发银须,脸庞睿智,看起来德高望重” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)。〔Butler〕A city of western Pennsylvania north of Pittsburgh. It is a manufacturing center in a highly industrialized region. Population, 15,714.巴特勒:美国宾夕法尼亚西部一城市,位于匹兹堡北部。是一个高度工业化地区的制造业中心。人口15,714〔Butler〕British writer best known forThe Way of All Flesh (1903), a semiautobiographical novel satirizing family life in mid-Victorian England. 巴特勒,塞缪尔:(1835-1902) 英国作家。以讽刺维多利亚时代英格兰家庭生活的半自传体小说《众生之路》 (1903年)最为著名 〔pathetic〕"She told a most pitiful story" (Samuel Butler). “她讲叙了一个十分令人感伤的故事” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)。 〔elderly〕"an old man's eagle mind" (William Butler Yeats). “老人鹰般敏锐的思维” (威廉·巴特勒·叶芝)。 〔Hudibrastic〕After Hudibras [a satiric epic by Samuel Butler] 源自 Hudibras [萨缪尔·巴特勒写的一首讽刺史诗] 〔obedient〕"the natives . . . being . . . of an intelligent tractable disposition" (Samuel Butler).“性情聪明温顺的当地人” (塞缪尔·巴特勒〔end〕"A man awaits his end/Dreading and hoping all"(William Butler Yeats)“一个等待死期的人/惧怕一切又希望一切”(威廉·巴特勒·耶茨)




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