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单词 布朗
释义 〔Brown〕American minister and suffragist who was the first woman in the United States to be ordained in the ministry of an established denomination (1863).布朗,奥林匹亚:(1835-1926) 美国女牧师和妇女参政主义者。是在有声望的教会被授予牧师职位的第一个美国妇女(1863年)〔Braun〕German physicist. He shared a 1909 Nobel Prize for work on wireless telegraphy and cathode rays.布朗,卡尔·费迪南德:(1850-1918) 德国物理学家,因在无线电报和阴极射线方面的研究工作而获1909年诺贝尔奖〔Stuart〕American Confederate general who commanded brilliantly at the battles of Bull Run (1861 and 1862), Antietam (1862), and Fredericksburg (1862). His tactical error at Gettysburg (1863) contributed to the Confederate defeat there. Stuart was mortally wounded during the Wilderness Campaign (1864).斯图亚特,詹姆斯·埃维尔·布朗:(1833-1864) 美国南部邦联军将军,出色地指挥了布尔溪战役(1861和1862年)、安提塔姆战役(1862年)和弗雷德里克斯堡(1862年)战役。他的战术性失策是在葛底斯堡(1863年)战役,并导致了南部邦联军的失败。他在维尔德尼斯战役(1864年)中受到致命伤〔Braun〕German-born American rocket engineer, who was director of the U.S. Army team that put the first American satellite, Explorer I, into space (1958).布朗,韦赫·马格努斯·马克西米连·冯:(1912-1977) 德裔美籍火箭工程师,是发射美国第一颗人造卫星挑战者Ⅰ号进入太空(1958年)的美军小组指挥〔Brown〕American singer. First popular in the 1950's with hits like "Please, Please, Please,” he is often called the "Godfather of Soul.”布朗,詹姆斯:(生于 1933) 美国歌手。20世纪50年代以“请,请,请”等几首热门歌曲开始走红,通常被称为“灵魂乐的教父”〔dagwood〕After Dagwood Bumstead, a character who made such sandwiches in the comic strip Blondie by Murat Bernard ("Chic") Young (1901-1973) 源自 Dagwood 巴姆斯代德,在缪拉·尔纳(“时髦”)·杨(1901-1973年)的连载漫画 布朗蒂 中制作三明治的人物 〔Blackwell〕American social reformer. The first formally appointed (1852) woman pastor in America, she advocated abolition, temperance, and women's rights.布莱克威尔,安托瓦妮特·路易萨·布朗:(1825-1921) 美国社会改革家。第一位被正式任命(1852年)的女性牧师,她倡导废除黑奴制度、禁酒和妇女权利〔Browne〕British illustrator chosen by Charles Dickens to supply decorations for hisPickwick Papers (1836) and other serialized tales. 布朗,哈布洛特·奈特:(1815-1882) 英国插图画家,查尔斯·狄更斯选中他为《皮克威克外传》 (1836年)和其它连载故事作插图 〔Clark〕Panamanian-born American psychologist and author who demonstrated the psychological effects of racial segregation and ghetto life, influencing the Supreme Court ruling inBrown v. Board of Education (1954). 克拉克,肯尼思·班克罗夫特:(生于 1914) 巴拿马裔美国心理学家和作家,揭示了种族隔离和少数民族聚集区生活的心理效应,影响了最高法院对布朗 , 教育局 案的裁定(1954年) 〔mercy〕"But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves?” (Thomas Browne).“但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人?” (托马斯·布朗〔predacious〕"the most vicious, predacious, esurient and desperate elements of this society"(Claude Brown)“这个社会中最为恶毒的、掠夺成性的、贪婪的和绝望的成分”(克劳德·布朗)〔Brown〕Scottish botanist known for his investigation of the sexual behavior of plants. His discovery of the irregular movement of pollen grains led to the concept known as Brownian movement.布朗,罗伯特:(1773-1858) 苏格兰植物学家,以其对植物的有性生殖的研究而闻名。他首先发现的花粉粒的无规则运动得出了著名的布朗运动〔Brown〕American chemist. After developing the method for producing plutonium for atomic bombs, he lectured widely against the proliferation of such weaponry.布朗,哈里森·斯科特:(1917-1986) 美国化学家。发展了生产制造原子弹用的钸的方法后,四处发表演说,反对原子武器的扩散〔Brownsville〕A city of southern Texas on the Rio Grande near its mouth on the Gulf of Mexico. It is a major port of entry served by a deepwater channel that accommodates oceangoing ships. Population, 98,962.布朗斯维尔:美国得克萨斯州南部一城市,位于格兰德河流入墨西哥湾的入海口。是主要的货物进口港,有可容纳海船的深水道。人口98,962〔Mission〕A city of southern Texas near the Rio Grande west-northwest of Brownsville. It is a distribution center in an oil and farm region. Population, 28,653.米申:美国得克萨斯州南部城市,位于布朗斯维尔西北偏西,格兰德河附近。是油田区和农业区的商品集散地。人口28,653〔criticize〕"No man can justly censure or condemn another,because indeed no man truly knows another" (Thomas Browne).“没有人能够公正地苛评或谴责他人,因为事实上没有人能够真正地了解他人” (托马斯·布朗)。〔concurrency〕"Concurrency of development with deployment . . . has almost always proven counterproductive"(Harold Brown)“部署与开发同时进行…已被证明总会起反作用”(哈罗德·布朗)〔Browne〕American humorist who used backwoods characters and local dialect to comment on current events in his fictional tales of an itinerant showman.布朗,查尔斯·法勒:(1834-1867) 美国幽默作家,在他讲述巡回演出人的小说故事中,用偏远落后地区的人物和方言来评论时事〔Cabell〕American writer best known for a series of satirical novels, includingJurgen (1919), set in a fictitious medieval French province called Poictesme. 卡贝尔,詹姆斯·布朗奇:(1879-1958) 美国作家,以一系列讽刺小说而成名,包括《朱根》 (1919年),讲述发生在中世纪时一个虚构的法国省份(叫做鲍克泰斯米)的故事 〔Brown〕American abolitionist. In 1859 Brown and 21 followers captured the U.S. arsenal at Harper's Ferry as part of an effort to liberate Southern slaves. His group was defeated, and Brown was hanged after a trial in which he won sympathy as an abolitionist martyr.布朗,约翰:(1800-1859) 美国废奴主义者。1859年他与21名跟随者在哈珀斯渡口占领了美国军火库,为解放南方奴隶作出了努力。他的集团失败后,布朗在审判后被判处绞刑,因此他作为废奴运动中的烈士而赢得同情〔Browne〕English physician and writer known for the richness of his prose in works such asReligio Medici (1642), an attempt to reconcile Christian faith with scientific knowledge. 布朗,托马斯:(1605-1682) 英国医师和作家,他的散文以文辞华丽而著称,如作品《一个医生的宗教信仰》 (1642年),力图把基督教信仰和科学知识融成一体 〔Braunschweiger〕after Braunschweig (Brunswick), West Germany 源自西德 布朗施维格 (布朗施维格) 〔Brown〕American drama critic whose books includeTo All Hands (1943) and Daniel Boone (1952). 布朗,约翰·梅森:(1900-1969) 美国戏剧评论家,著作包括《写给专业作家们》 (1943年)和 《丹尼尔·布恩》 (1952年) 〔Brown〕British historical painter associated with the Pre-Raphaelites. He painted a series of frescoes depicting the major historical events in Manchester, England.布朗,福特·马多克斯:(1821-1893) 英国历史画画家,与前拉斐尔派联系在一起,画了一系列描绘英国曼彻斯特主要历史事件的壁画〔constrain〕"Failing to control the growth of international debt will also constrain living standards"(Ronald Brownstein)“若不能控制外债的增长还将会影响到生活水平”(罗纳德·布朗斯坦)〔moot〕Brown will get the money in either case. 不管以那种方式,布朗都能赚钱。 〔shake〕“[He] so shook Hollywood's tree that . . . all manner of . . . people called me unsolicited to itemize his mistakes or praise his courage" (Tina Brown)“[他] 是如此震动了好莱坞,以至于各界人士都主动打电话给我,数落他的过失或褒奖他的勇气” (蒂娜·布朗)〔undertow〕"As she talks nostalgically of her days of glory . . . a poignant undertow emerges"(Tina Brown)“当她怀旧地谈到她的光荣日子时…一阵痛苦的回潮涌现出来”(蒂娜·布朗)〔Brown〕British-born American chemist. He shared a 1979 Nobel Prize for discoveries in the chemistry of boron and phosphorus.布朗,赫伯特·查尔斯:(生于 1912) 英裔美籍化学家,因发现化学中的硼和磷而获1979年诺贝尔奖〔Weslaco〕A city of extreme southern Texas northwest of Brownsville. It is a processing and shipping center. Population, 21,877.韦斯拉科:美国得克萨斯州最南端布朗斯维尔西北部一城市。它是加工与造船业中心。人口21,877〔bitchery〕"the rapidly escalating and darkening volley of nasty political bitchery"(Joe Brown)“令人作呕的政治恶语的快速升级和暗箭伤人”(乔·布朗)〔Brown〕American geneticist. He shared a 1985 Nobel Prize for discoveries related to cholesterol metabolism.布朗,迈克尔:(生于 1941) 美国遗传学家。因在有关胆固醇代谢方面的发现而获1985年诺贝尔奖〔indirect〕"Persecution is a bad and indirect way to plant religion" (Thomas Browne). “压迫是宗教产生的一个坏的间接原因” (托马斯·布朗)。 〔lifestyle〕Whenlifestyle began to gain wide currency a generation ago, a number of critics objected to it as voguish and superficial,perhaps because it appeared to elevate habits of consumption, dress, and recreation to a primary basis of social classification.Nonetheless, the word has proved durable and useful,if only because such categories doin fact figure importantly in the schemes that Americans commonly invoke in explaining social values and social behavior,whether appropriately or not,as in Rachel Brownstein's remark that 当life style 在上一代人中开始广泛使用时, 许多评论家认为这个词浅薄且只风行一时,因此反对它,这可能是因为它看上去把消费习惯、衣着和享乐上升为社会阶级划分的主要基点。但是,这个词证明是持久有用的,如果仅仅因为这些范畴,事实上确实成为美国人解释社会价值与社会行为时所采用的极其重要的标准,无论合适与否,例如在雷切尔·布朗斯坦的话中 〔glum〕"Most other publications have got the glums"(Tina Brown)“其他大多数出版物也感染上忧伤的色彩”(蒂娜·布朗)〔Chesterton〕British writer and critic known for his Roman Catholicism and his conservative political views. His works include essays, a series of detective novels featuring Father Brown, and volumes of criticism and polemics.切斯特顿,吉尔伯特·基思:(1874-1936) 英国作家和批评家,信仰罗马天主教,政治观点保守。他的著作包括散文,一系列以布朗神父为主角的侦探小说以及几卷评论及辩论文集〔Hughes〕British jurist and reformer best known for his bookTom Brown's School Days (1857). 休斯,托马斯:(1822-1896) 英国法理学家、改革家,以其作品《汤姆·布朗的学生时代》 (1857年)而闻名 〔Matamoros〕A city of northeast Mexico near the mouth of the Rio Grande opposite Brownsville, Texas. It was captured by Zachary Taylor's forces in 1846 during the Mexican War. Population, 188,745.马塔莫罗斯:墨西哥东北部城市,位于格兰德河的入海口,与美国得克萨斯州的布朗斯维隔河相望。1846年墨西哥战争期间,被凡卡里·泰勒的军队攻陷。人口188,745〔blond〕It is usual in English to treatblond as if it required gender marking, as in French, spelling itblonde when referring to women and blond elsewhere. But this practice is in fact a relatively recent innovation,and some have suggested that it has sexist implicationsand that the formblond should be used for both sexes. There is certainly a measure of justice to the claim that the two forms are not used symmetrically.Since English does not normally mark adjectives according to the gender of the nouns they modify,it is natural to interpret the final-e as expressing some additional meaning, perhaps because it implies that hair color provides a primary category of classification for women but not men.This association of hair color and a particular perception of feminine identity is suggested in phrasessuch asdumb blonde and Is it true blondes have more fun? or in Susan Brownmiller's depiction of Hollywood's "pantheon of celebrated blondes who have fed the fantasies of men and fueled the aspirations of women.” The corresponding masculine formblond, by contrast, is not ordinarily used to refer to men in contexts in which hair color is not specifically at issue; there is something arch in a reference toLeslie Howard, Robert Redford, and other celebrated blonds. See Usage Note at brunette 在英语中,通常在使用blond 时似乎认为这个词需要性别标志。 正如在法语中,指女性时拼作blonde ,指其他时拼作 blond 。 但这实际上是较新的一种用法,一些人就曾认为这个词本身就带有性别的含义,而且blond 可同时用于两种性别。 两种形式并没有相应地使用的说法是有几分道理。因为英语中通常并不根据形容词修饰的名词的性而加以标明,很自然地就词尾的-e 看作附加的意思的表示, 这也许是由于它暗示头发的颜色是女性而不是男性提供了一个鉴别的首要类型。这种把头发颜色和女性鉴别的特殊方法联系在一起的作法,在如下的一些句子中有所体现,dump blonde(愚蠢的女人) 和 Is it true blondes have more fun?(金发女人真的更有情趣吗?) 或苏珊·布朗米勒的《好莱坞》中的描写的 "pantheon of celebrated blondes who have fed the fantasies of men and fueled the aspirations of women"(一些曾满足男人的幻想和勾起女人的野心的显赫女明星)。 不同的是相对应的男性的强调形式blond, 在行文中没有特别头发颜色的情况下通常并不专指男性; 如这句说法有调侃的意味的例句Leslie Howard, Robert Redford, and other celebrated blonds(莱斯利·霍华德,罗伯特·莱德佛拉和其他著名的金发明星中) 参见 brunette〔McAllen〕A city of southern Texas on the Rio Grande west-northwest of Brownsville. It is a processing and shipping center for a citrus-growing region. Population, 84,021.麦卡伦:美国得克萨斯州南部城市,位于布朗斯维尔的西北偏西的格兰德河上,是柑橘产区的加工和运输中心。人口84,021




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