单词 | 布满 |
释义 | 〔dobsonfly〕An insect(Corydalus cornutus) having four large, many-veined wings and in the male long, pincerlike mandibles. 鱼蛉:一种有四个布满脉纹的大翅膀的昆虫(角鱼蛉 鱼蛉属) ,雄性有钳状长颌 〔map〕Grief was mapped on his face.他的脸上布满愁容〔cake〕a miner whose face was caked with soot.脸上布满煤灰的矿工〔speckled〕Dotted or covered with speckles, especially flecked with small spots of contrasting color.有斑点的:有斑点的或布满斑点的,尤指布满具有对比色彩的小斑点的〔squawroot〕An eastern North American plant(Conopholis americana) parasitic on the roots of oaks and other trees and having tubular yellowish flowers and a stem covered with brownish scales. 美类叶升麻根:寄生于橡树和其它树的根上的一种北美东部产(美洲黄鳞草) 植物,长有管状浅黄色花朵和布满褐色鳞片的枝干 〔overspread〕To spread or extend over the surface of:铺盖,布满:散布或扩展到…的表面:〔pyramid〕Any of various similar constructions, especially a four-sided Mayan temple having stepped sides and a flat top surmounted by ceremonial chambers.类金字塔:一种相似建筑,尤指具有带台阶的侧面和布满礼仪性房间的平顶的四面玛雅族庙宇〔bestrew〕To lie scattered over or about:布满,放满:稀疏地放于…表面或四周:〔bloodshot〕shotten [suffused] [past participle of] shoot shotten [布满的,充满的] shoot的过去分词〔perfuse〕To coat or permeate with liquid, color, or light; suffuse.使洒遍:用液体、颜料或光线履盖或渗透;布满〔pustulate〕Covered with pustules.生小脓疱的:布满小粒点或脓疮的〔powdery〕Dusted or covered with or as if with powder.布满粉状物的:撒以粉末的,覆盖着或好象覆盖着粉末的〔bristle〕To be covered or thick with or as if with bristles:用或似用刚毛覆盖着或布满:〔cranky〕Full of bends and turns; crooked:布满弯曲和拐弯的;歪斜的:〔bumpy〕Covered with or full of bumps:崎岖不平的:布满障碍物的:〔Lennon〕British musician and composer who was a member of the Beatles. With Paul McCartney he wrote many of the group's songs, including "Yesterday" and "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.”列农,约翰:(1940-1980) 英国音乐家和作曲家,是“披头士乐队”的成员。他与保罗·马卡尼一起创作了该乐队的许多歌曲,其中包括《昨日》和《露西在布满钻石的天空》〔dusty〕Covered or filled with dust.多尘的:为灰尘覆盖的或布满尘土的〔knotty〕Covered with knots or knobs; gnarled.多节的,多瘤的:布满节或球状突出物的;多瘤的〔dot〕To cover with or as if with dots:点缀:用或似用点布满:〔clutter〕To litter or pile in a disordered manner:乱糟糟地堆满:杂乱地布满或堆集:〔bristle〕The path bristled with thorns.See Synonyms at teem 1这条小径布满荆棘 参见 teem1〔tumulose〕Having many mounds or small hills.布满小丘陵的或土岗的〔overspread〕Dark clouds are overspreading the sky.乌云布满了天空〔ignominious〕"The young people huddled with their sodden gritty towels and ignominious goosebumps inside the gray-shingled bathhouse"(John Updike)“身上起满难看的鸡皮疙瘩的年轻人,裹着布满沙粒的湿毛巾拥挤在灰色木瓦的澡堂里”(约翰·厄普代克)〔cover〕Dust covered the table. Snow covered the ground.灰尘布满桌面。雪覆盖了地面〔own〕For a time, enemy planes owned the skies.一会儿,敌人的飞机布满了整个天空〔honeycomb〕cliffs that were honeycombed with caves and grottoes.布满岩洞和洞穴的悬崖 |
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