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单词 布道
释义 〔minaret〕A tall, slender tower on a mosque, having one or more projecting balconies from which a muezzin summons the people to prayer.伊斯兰教寺院的尖塔:清真寺上高而细的塔,上有一个或多个突出的阳台,阿訇在其上为朝拜的人们布道〔capuchin〕Capuchin A monk belonging to the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, an independent order of Franciscans founded in Italy in 1525-1528 and dedicated to preaching and missionary work. Capuchin 嘉布遣会修士:属于嘉布遣小兄弟会的修士。该修道会是1525~1528年创建于意大利圣方济各修道会的一支独立修道会,并致力于布道和传教士的工作〔baccalaureate〕A farewell address in the form of a sermon delivered to a graduating class.毕业班临别宗教仪式:在布道仪式中给毕业班的告别演讲〔trump〕The history of the wordtrump gives meaning to this seemingly nonsensical word and also relates to the history of the game of bridge.Trump is an alteration of the word triumph used in special senses that are now obsolete. These senses, first recorded in a sermon of 1529 by the English prelate Hugh Latimer, are "a card game" and "trump" as it is used in card games.In the same 1529 textone may find the first instances oftrump, used in the same two senses as triumph. Fromtrump and other games came the card game whist, which in turn developed into bridge.The termtrump survived even though the game of trump did not. trump 一词的历史赋予这一看似荒唐的词以意义, 同时它也与桥牌的历史相联系。在triump 的一些现已过时的特殊意义中 trump 可与之换用。 这些意义便是牌戏中所用的“牌戏”和“王牌”,它们首次记载于英格兰高级教士拉蒂默1529年的一篇布道中。在1529年的同一篇文章中,我们可找到trump 被用于 triump 的这两个意义的例子。 从trump 和其它游戏产生了牌戏, 而后又发展成为桥牌。尽管特拉普这一牌戏已不复存在,但trump 一词留存至今 〔Dominic〕Spanish-born priest who preached against the Albigensian heresy and founded the Dominican order of friars (1216).圣多明我:西班牙裔神父,布道反对清洁教派的异端学说,并于1216年创立了托钵修士的多明我修道会〔Signorelli〕Italian painter known for his mastery of the human figure. His works include the frescoesThe Preaching of the Anti-Christ and The Last Judgment (both 1500-1504). 西纽雷利,卢卡:(1445?-1523) 意大利画家,以其画人体的技巧而闻名,其作品有壁画《反基督者布道》 和 《末日审判》 (均作于1500-1504年) 〔beatitude〕Beatitude Used as a title and form of address for a patriarch in the Armenian Church or a metropolitan in the Russian Orthodox Church: Beatitude 亚美尼亚教会或俄国东正教的总主教在布道时的致词和形式:〔predicate〕The sermon predicated the perfectibility of humankind.这篇布道文断言了人类的完美性〔Keble〕British cleric and poet whose sermon "National Apostasy" (1833) initiated the Oxford Movement, an effort to reintroduce sacraments and doctrines that the Church of England had discarded or neglected since the Reformation.基布尔,约翰:(1792-1866) 英国教士和诗人,其布道“国家的叛弃”(1833年)发起了牛津运动,目的是重新引入英国圣公会自宗教改革后所放弃或忽视的圣礼和教义〔trait〕a sermon with a trait of humor.带有一些幽默的布道〔rather〕This use ofhad shows an unbroken line of usage running back to Middle English, and traditional criticisms of these constructions are unfounded. ·Before an unmodified noun onlyrather a is used: It was rather a disaster. When the noun is preceded by an adjective, however, bothrather a and a rather are found: It was rather a boring party. It was a rather boring party. Whena rather is used in this construction, rather can be construed as qualifying only the adjective, whereas withrather a it can be construed as qualifying either the adjective or the entire noun phrase. Thusa rather long ordeal can mean only "an ordeal that is rather long,” whereasrather a long ordeal can also mean roughly "a long process that is something of an ordeal.” Rather a is the only possible choice when the adjective itself does not permit modification: The horse was rather a long shot (not The horse was a rather long shot ). See Usage Note at better 1should Had 的这种使用方法可以一直追溯到中古英语, 但历史上并没有对此方法批评的记载。在一个没有修饰词的名词前,一般只使用rather a : 真是一场灾难。 但当名词前有形容词时,rather a 和 a rather 就都能使用了: It was rather a boring party 。It was a rather a boring party 。 在这种搭配中,如果使用a rather , rather 只是用来修饰这个形容词; 如果使用rather a, 那么同时修饰形容词和名词,即可认为修饰形容词也可以为修饰名词词组。 因此a rather long ordeal 的意思仅指布道很长, 而rather a long ordeal 则可概略地指一个“像布道似的漫长过程。” 如果形容词本身没有引申义,那么就只能使用rather a : The horse was rather a long shot (而不是 The horse was a rather long shot ) 参见 better1should〔rousing〕a rousing sermon.激动人心的布道〔preachment〕The act of preaching.布道布道的行为〔Midrash〕Any of a group of Jewish commentaries on the Hebrew Scriptures compiled betweena.d. 400 and 1200 and based on exegesis, parable, and haggadic legend. 米德拉西:犹太人对希伯来《圣经》的讲解布道书,编纂于公元 400年到1200年之间,根据对《圣经》词句的评注、寓言以及犹太教法典中的传说而写成 〔Aelfric〕Anglo-Saxon abbot who is considered the greatest Old English prose writer. His works includeCatholic Homilies, Lives of the Saints, and a Latin grammar. 埃尔弗里克:盎格鲁-撒克逊的大修道院院长,被认为是最伟大的古英语散文作家,其作品包括《天主教布道文集》,《圣徒传》 以及拉丁语法 〔revival〕A meeting or series of meetings for the purpose of reawakening religious faith, often characterized by impassioned preaching and public testimony.奋兴会,奋兴布道会:以恢复宗教信仰为目的集会或一系列集会,以令人激动的布道及公众宣言为特征〔Coughlin〕Canadian-born American priest and political activist who gained a wide audience through radio broadcasts of his sermons. He was silenced by his superiors in 1942 after his broadcasts became increasingly profascist.考哥林,查尔斯·爱德华:(1891-1979) 加拿大裔的美国教士和政治活动家,在布道广播中赢得许多观众。1924年因其布道变得越来越亲法西斯被修道院院长阻止〔Sunday〕American evangelist. Originally a professional baseball player (1883-1891), he began preaching in 1896 and became a Presbyterian minister in 1903.森戴,威廉·阿希礼:(1862-1935) 美国基督教布道家,原为职业棒球手(1883-1891年),于1896年开始布道,1903年成为长老会牧师〔preach〕To proclaim or put forth in a sermon:布道:在讲道时宣讲或提出:〔Tetzel〕German monk who was appointed to sell indulgences to raise funds for the Catholic Church. His simplistic and unorthodox sermons, regarded by many as symptomatic of the abuses within the Church, provoked Martin Luther to write his 95 theses (1517).泰臣,约翰:(1465?-1519) 被指派为他人赦罪而为基督教堂募捐的德国修士。他的过于简单的和非正的布道,被许多人认为是教会内滥权的征兆,激起马丁·路德写了他的95篇文章(1517年)〔homily〕A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse.布道:一次讲道,尤其是旨在于实际问题上启发会众,而不在于成为神学讲演〔kerygma〕Greek kērugma [preaching, proclamation] 希腊语 kērugma [布道,宣讲] 〔pulpit〕An elevated platform, lectern, or stand used in preaching or conducting a religious service.讲道台:在布道或主持宗教仪式时所用的讲坛、小台架或讲台〔preachment〕A tiresome or unwelcome moral lecture or discourse; tedious sermonizing.说教:令人生厌或不受欢迎的道德讲演或说教;冗长乏味的布道〔kerygma〕The proclamation of religious truths, especially as taught in the Gospels.基督福音的布道:对宗教原理的宣讲,尤指讲福音书中的原理〔Philistine〕It has never been good to be a Philistine.Samson, Saul, and David in the Bible helped bring the Philistines into prominence because they were such prominent opponents.Even though the Philistines have long since disappeared,their name has lived on in the Old Testament.The English name for them,Philistines, which goes back through Late Latin and Greek to Hebrew, is first found in Middle English,wherePhilistiens, the ancestor of our word, is recorded in a work composed before 1325. Beginning in the 17th centuryphilistine was used as a common noun usually in the plural to refer to various groups considered the enemy,such as literary critics.In Germany in the same centuryit is said that in a memorial at Jena for a student who had been killed in a town-gown quarrel,the minister preached a sermon from the text "Philister über dir Simson! [The Philistines be upon thee, Samson!],”the words of Delilah to Samson after she attempted to render him powerless before his Philistine enemies.From this usage it is said that German students came to usePhilister, the German equivalent of Philistine, to denote nonstudents and hence uncultured or materialistic people.Both usages were picked up in English in the early 19th century.做非利士人从来没有好处。《圣经》中的参孙、索尔和大卫使非利士人出名是因为他们是很优秀的对手。尽管非利士人已消失很久了,他们的名字却仍存在于《旧约》当中。他们的英文名称Philistines 可由晚期拉丁语和希腊语追溯到希伯来语, 是在中世纪英语中首先发现的,其中我们所用词的前身Philistines 记载在一部1325年前的著作中。 17世纪以来,Philistine 被用作普通名词并且常以复数形式出现, 意指被认为是敌人的各种团体,如文学批评家。在同一世纪的德国,据说在耶拿举行的纪念一名在市民和大学生争执中被杀的学生的纪念会上,牧师从“[非利士人比你强,参孙!]”中选取了一段做布道,就是迪莱勒在试图使参孙在他的非利士手面前变得软弱无力后说的那些话。这段话的用法中可见德国学生开始使用philister 作为 philistine 的德语替代语, 意指不是学生因此也就是没有文化以及不务实的人。这两种用法在19世纪早期的英语中均能找到〔sermon〕A religious discourse delivered as part of a church service.布道:作为教学服务的一部分而发表的宗教讲道〔Edwards〕American theologian and philosopher whose original sermons and writings stimulated the Great Awakening, a period of renewed American interest in religion.爱德华兹,约拿丹:(1703-1758) 美国神学家和哲学家,他富有创见的布道和著作激起了一个“大觉醒”时代,从而使美国宗教兴趣复苏〔homiletic〕Relating to or of the nature of a homily.布道的,说教的:说教性质的,或与此有关的〔James〕One of the 12 Apostles. The son of Zebedee and brother of John, he preached in Spain and was martyred on his return to Judea.圣雅各:耶稣十二门徒之一。西庇太之子、约翰之兄,曾在西班牙布道。他殉难于返回犹太王国的途中〔Torah〕A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.希伯来圣经,托拉:包括希伯来经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道〔missionary〕Engaged in the activities of a mission or missionary.传教活动的:参加布道或传教会的活动的〔Brooks〕American Episcopal bishop noted for his intelligent and positive sermons. He wrote the Christmas hymn "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (1868).布鲁克斯,菲利普斯:(1835-1893) 美国基督教圣公会的大主教,以巧妙明确的布道著称,著作有圣诞赞美诗“啊!伯利恒小镇”(1868年)




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