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单词 带回
释义 〔retrieve〕a dog trained to retrieve.受训能找到并带回猎物的狗〔fetch〕To retrieve killed game. Used of a hunting dog.利用猎狗找到并带回:衔回被打死的猎物。用作对猎犬的命令〔rapporteur〕from raporter [to bring back] * see rapport 源自 raporter [带回] * 参见 rapport〔nerd〕The wordnerd and a nerd, undefined but illustrated, first appeared in 1950 in Dr. Seuss'sIf I Ran the Zoo : "And then, just to show them,I'll sail to Ka-Troo And Bring Back an It-Kutch a Preep and a Proo a Nerkle a Nerd and a Seersucker, too!” (The nerd itself is a small humanoid creature looking comically angry,like a thin, cross Chester A. Arthur.)Nerd next appears, with a gloss, in the February 10, 1957, issue of the Glasgow, Scotland, Sunday Mail in a regular column entitled "ABC for SQUARES": "Nerd—a square, any explanation needed?”Many of the terms defined in this "ABC" are unmistakable Americanisms,such ashep, ick, and jazzy, as is the gloss "square,” the current meaning ofnerd. The third appearance ofnerd in print is back in the United States in 1970 in Current Slang : “Nurd [sic], someone with objectionable habits or traits. . . . An uninteresting person, a ‘dud.’” Authorities disagree on whether the two nerds—Dr. Seuss's small creature and the teenage slang term in theGlasgow Sunday Mail —are the same word. Some experts claim there is no semantic connectionand the identity of the words is fortuitous.Others maintain that Dr. Seuss is the true originator ofnerd and that the wordnerd ("comically unpleasant creature") was picked up by the five- and six-year-olds of 1950 and passed on to their older siblings, who by 1957, as teenagers,had restricted and specified the meaning to the most comically obnoxious creature of their own class,a "square.”单词nerd 和 a nerd,无定义但有说明, 第一次出现于1950年瑟斯博士写的要是我管动物园 中: “然后,仅仅是为了给他们看,我将航行到Ka-Troo,并带回It-Kutch a Preep和a Proo a Nerkle a Nerd ,还有一件印度泡泡纱!”(蠢货本身是一个具有人类特点的小动物,一副好笑发怒的样子,像瘦小很生气的切斯特·A阿瑟)。Nerd 接着在1957年2月10日苏格兰格拉斯哥人一期杂志上再次出现,还有一个解释。 星期日邮报 在一常设栏目中出了题为“古板之人ABC"的文章: "Nerd——古板之人,还需要任何解释吗?”许多在这个"ABC"中定义的术语是明显的美国特有词,如hep,ick 和 jazzy , 正如nerd 的现行意思“古板之人”一样, nerd 第三次出现于印刷品中又回到了1970年美国的 最新俚语 中: “Nurd [原文如此]带有令人不快的习惯或品质的人…一个没趣的人,一个‘饭桶。’” 权威们对这两个蠢货--瑟斯博士所指的小动物和格拉斯奇星期日邮报 上的青少年俚语是否是同一个词持不同意见。 有些专家宣称此处无语义联系,两个词的相似属偶然。其他人则坚持瑟斯博士是nerd 一词的始创者, 且nerd 一词(意为“令人不快的滑稽小动物”)让1950年时五、六岁的孩子们学会并传给了比他们大些的兄姐。 到1957年,作为青少年,他们把意思限定和专指他们当中最滑稽讨厌的家伙,即“古板守旧”的人〔report〕To carry back and repeat to another:宣扬:带回并重复说给另一人:〔retrieve〕To find and bring back game:取回来:找到并带回猎物:〔avocado〕The history ofavocado takes us back to the Nahuatl (the language of the Aztecs) word ahuacatl, "fruit of the avocado tree" or "testicle.”The wordahuacatl was compounded with others, as inahuacamolli, meaning "avocado soup or sauce,” from which the Spanish-Mexican wordguacamole derives. In trying to pronounceahuacatl, the Spanish who found the fruit and its Nahuatl name in Mexico came up with aguacate, but other Spanish speakers substituted the formavocado for the Nahuatl word becauseahuacatl sounded like the early Spanish word avocado (now abogado ), meaning "lawyer.” In borrowing the Spanishavocado, first recorded in English in 1697 in the compound avogato pear ( with a spelling that probably reflects Spanish pronunciation),we have lost many of the traces of the more interesting Nahuatl word.词avocado 的历史将我们带回那瓦特尔语(阿兹特克人的语言)单词 ahuacatl, “鳄梨树的果实”或“睾丸”。单词ahuacatl 与其它词结合, 如ahuacamolli 表示“鳄梨汤或调味汁,” 西班牙-墨西哥语单词guacamole 即源于此。 当试图读出ahuacatl 时,西班牙人发现了鳄梨果实及其在墨西哥的那瓦特尔语名称并提出了 aguacate , 但另一些讲西班牙语的人以avocado 替代了这个那瓦特尔语单词, 因为ahuacatl 的发音听起来象早期西班牙单词 avocado, (现在的 abogado ),表示“律师。” 英语中首次借用这个西班牙单词avocado, 记录于1697年,在复合词 鳄梨 ( 其拼写可能反映了西班牙语发音),我们已经失落了很多更有趣的那瓦特尔语单词的踪迹〔return〕To send, put, or carry back:寄回、放回或带回〔shag〕To chase and bring back; fetch.取回:追赶并带回;拿回〔rapport〕from raporter [to bring back] 源自 raporter [带回] 〔return〕The bringing or sending back of a writ, subpoena, or other document, generally with a short written report on it, by a sheriff or other officer to the court from which it was issued.报告书:令状汇报书、传票或其它文件的带回或送回,一般其上附有一个简短的报告,由行政司法长官或其它官员带到颁发它们的法庭〔tin〕The history of the wordtin may take us back to a time before Europe had been settled by speakers of Indo-European languages, such as the Germanic and Celtic languages. Related words for this metal are found in almost all Germanic languages,such as GermanZinn, Swedish tenn, and Old English tin (as in Modern English), but no other Indo-European language family has such a word.The word may have been borrowed into the Germanic languages from a pre-Indo-European language of Western Europe.Such borrowing is supported by the factthat during the Bronze Age the Near East imported most of its tin and copper from Europe, where the metals were produced and metal objects were manufactured.Lest we be too amazed by this accomplishment,we might remember another remarkable achievement of pre-Indo-European society, the construction of huge megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge.单词tin 的历史可以把我们带回讲印欧语系语言(如日耳曼和凯尔特语)的民族在欧洲定居以前的那个时代。 在几乎所有的日耳曼语言中都可以找到指称这种金属的相关词,如德语中的zinn ,瑞典语中的 tenn 以及古代英语中的 tin (与现代英语一样), 但是其它印欧语系语言中都没有这样的一个词。这个词可能是从西欧的前印欧语系语言借入日耳曼语的。这种转借是有据可依的,因为在青铜时代近东地区的大多数锡和铜都是从生产金属和金属器具的欧洲输入的。我们可能对当时欧洲的这种成就感到惊异,但是如果我们想到前印欧语系社会的另一个杰出成就——大型巨石纪念碑,如巨石阵的建造,我们就不会感到那么奇怪了〔cappuccino〕The history of the wordcappuccino exemplifies how words can develop new senses because of resemblances that the original coiners of the terms might not have dreamed possible.The Capuchin order of friars, established after 1525,played an important role in bringing Catholicism back to Reformation Europe.Its Italian name came from the long, pointed cowl,orcappuccino, derived fromcappuccio, "hood,” that was worn as part of the order's habit.The French version ofcappuccino was capuchin (now capucin ), from which came EnglishCapuchin. The name of this pious order was later used as the name (first recorded in English in 1785) for a type of monkey with a tuft of black, cowllike hair.In Italiancappuccino went on to develop another sense, "espresso coffee mixed or topped with steamed milk or cream,”so called because the color of the coffee resembled the color of the habit of a Capuchin friar.The first use ofcappuccino in English is recorded in 1948 in a work about San Francisco. cappuccino 一词的历史很好地说明了词语如何可以因一些相似性而发展出新的意思, 而这些词的创造者也许做梦都没想过这些相似性是可能的。嘉布遣会建于1525年后,在将天主教带回经历宗教改革的欧洲的过程中发挥了重要作用。它的意大利语名称来自一种长而尖的蒙斗篷,或称cappuccino, 这个词又来自coppuccio, 意为“风帽”, 蒙头斗篷是这一派修士所穿衣服的一部分。Cappuccino 在法语中成了 capuchin (现在是 capucin ), 英语中的Capuchin 就来自这个法语词。 这一虔诚教派的名字后来被用来作一种带一撮黑色的、蒙面斗篷似毛发的驴子的名字(于1785年首次用英语记录)。在意大利语中,cappuccino 接着又发展出一个新的意思, 意为“混以或加入煮过的牛奶或奶油的浓别啡,”这样叫是因为这种咖啡的颜色类似于嘉布遣会修士所穿衣服的颜色。Cappuccino 在英语中的第一次使用记载于1948年一本关于旧金山的著作中 〔Bland〕American composer of popular songs, including "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny" (1878).布兰德,詹姆斯·阿朗:(1854-1911) 美国流行歌曲作曲家,曾做“把我带回旧弗吉尼”(1878年)〔Catesby〕British naturalist who studied American flora and brought many specimens back to Great Britain.盖茨比,马克:(1679?-1749) 英国博物学家,研究美洲植物并将许多标本带回〔tomato〕It has been said that the real contributions to world civilization were made by the unknown inhabitants of the Americas who domesticated plants such as the potato and squash and not by the great pre-Columbian civilizations, including that of the Aztecs.The tomato was another contribution,its name coming ultimately from the Nahuatl language spoken by the Aztecs as well as by other groups in Mexico and Central America.The Spanish, who conquered the area, brought back the tomato to Spain and,borrowing the Nahuatl wordtomatl for it, named ittomate, a form shared in French, Portuguese, and early Modern English.Tomate, first recorded in 1604, gave way totomato, a form created in English either because it was assumed to be Spanish or under the influence of the wordpotato. In any case,as is well known,people resisted eating this New World food at first because its membership in the Nightshade family made it suspect,but it is now eaten throughout the worldwhile Aztec civilization is memorialized by ruins.据说对世界文明真正作出贡献的并非是包括阿兹特克文明在内的哥伦布到达前的美洲文明,而是那些家庭种植土豆、南瓜等的不知名的美洲居民。西红柿是其中的另一贡献,它的名字最终的来源是阿兹特克人和其他墨西哥和中美洲居民使用的纳瓦特尔语。征服了该地区的西班牙人把西红柿带回了西班牙,并且借用了纳瓦特尔语的单词tomatl , 把它称作tomate , 这个形式为法语、葡萄牙语和早期现代英语所通用。Tomate ,最早记录于1604年, 后来被英语中诞生的一个形式tomato 所取代。 取代的原因可能是因为形式上更象西班牙语或是因为受单词potato 的影响。 不管怎么样,就像我们知道的,由于它属于茄科使它受到怀疑,人们起初拒绝吃它,不过现在全世界的人们都在吃西红柿,而阿兹特克文明都只存在于废墟之中了〔retriever〕One that retrieves, especially any one of several breeds of dog that were developed and trained to retrieve game.叼回猎物的猎犬:找到并带回猎物的狗,尤指几种经过培养和训练、用于寻回猎物的狗之一〔reduce〕Middle English reducen [to bring back] 中古英语 reducen [带回] 〔anaphora〕from anapherein [to bring back] 源自 anapherein [带回]




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