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单词 常与
释义 〔superrich〕The most wealthy people considered as a group or class. Often used withthe : 富人们:是富有的群体或阶层。常与定冠词the 连用: 〔select〕One that is preferred or chosen in preference to others or because of special value. Often used withthe. 被挑选出来的人(或物):被挑选出来的令人喜爱的或有特殊价值的人或物,常与the 连用 〔root〕To remove by or as if by the roots. Often used withup or out : 根除:连根拔除或好象连根拔除。常与up 或 out 连用: 〔nelfinavir〕A protease-inhibiting drug usually used in combination with other drugs to suppress the replication of HIV.娜芙维亚:常与其它药品合用来抑制艾滋病毒复制的蛋白酵素抑制剂〔crock〕To become weak or disabled. Often used withup. 变得虚弱或残废。常与up 连用 〔homeless〕People without homes considered as a group. Often used withthe. 无家可归的人。常与the 连用 〔sex〕To arouse sexually. Often used withup. 引起性欲:引起性欲。常与up 连用 〔magick〕An action or effort undertaken because of a personal need to effect change, especially as associated with Wicca or Wiccan beliefs.法术:由于个人需要而产生变化的动作或努力,常与信奉巫术或巫师有关〔prez〕President. Often used withthe. 总统:总统。常与the 连用 〔weigh〕To press heavily. Used withon or upon : 重压。常与on 或 upon 连用: 〔trench〕To verge or encroach. Often used withon or upon. 侵战:接近或侵占。常与on 或 upon 连用 〔jew〕To haggle so as to reduce (a price). Often used withdown. 讨价还价:讨价还价以压低(价钱)。常与down 并用 〔chart〕Often charts A listing of best-selling recorded music or other items. Often used withthe. 常作 charts 最畅销品目录:最畅销的唱片或其他物品的目录单。常与the 连用 〔force〕Compel is often interchangeable withforce, but it applies especially to an act dictated by one in authority: Compel 常与force 交换使用, 但它尤其用在权威人士命令的行为中: 〔deck〕To clothe with finery; adorn. Often used without : 打扮:穿上雅丽的服装;佩戴。常与out 连用: 〔saquinavir〕A protease-inhibiting drug usually used in combination with other drugs to suppress the replication of HIV.异喹啉蛋白酶抑制剂:常与其它药物合用抑制人体免疫缺乏(艾滋病)病毒复制的蛋白酶抑制剂〔posttest〕A test given after a unit of instruction to ascertain what the students have learned. Results of a posttest are typically compared with those of a pretest.课程结束考核,培训结束后成绩考核:课程或培训结束后进行的考核,以测定学生所学知识。其考试结果常与课程或培训开始前之考核结果作比较〔give〕To abandon what one is doing or planning to do. Often used withon : 中止:放弃某人正在做的或打算做的。常与on 一起用: 〔sweep〕To wipe out at a single stroke. Often used withaway : 迅速地毁灭。常与away 连用: 〔duck〕To evade a responsibility or obligation. Often used without : 逃避责任或义务,常与out 连用: 〔hold〕To have legal right or title. Often used withof or from. 有合法权利或权益的。常与of 或 from 连用 〔lady〕Lady, a social term, is properly used as a parallel togentleman in order to emphasize norms expected in civil society or in situations requiring civil courtesies: 女士 这个社会称谓, 常与先生 对称,目的是用来强调文明社会所需要的规矩或在需要文明礼节的场合所应有的规矩: 〔wring〕To extract (liquid) by twisting or compressing. Often used without. 拧出(液体):通过扭或压挤出(液体)。常与out 连用 〔unchurched〕(used with a pl. verb)People who do not belong to or participate in a church considered as a group. Used withthe. (与复数动词连用)不去教堂者:被视为一个群体的不属于或不参加教会的人。常与the 连用 〔fringe〕A decorative border or edging of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band.穗(缘饰):一种装饰性的边缘有垂吊的线穗或布条,常与单独的镶边连在一起〔mass〕masses The body of common people or people of low socioeconomic status. Used withthe. masses 大众,庶民:平民或社会经济地位上低下者。常与the 连用 〔wear〕To damage, diminish, erode, or consume by long or hard use, attrition, or exposure. Often used withaway, down, or off : 磨损:由于长期大量的使用、磨损或暴露而毁损、削减、侵独或消耗。常与away, down 或 off一起使用 : 〔tee〕To place (a golf ball) on a tee. Often used withup. 准备发球:把(球)置于球座上。常与up 连用 〔unique〕Over the course of the centuryunique has become the paradigmatic example of the class of terms that do not allow comparison or modification by an adverb of degree such as very, somewhat, or quite. Thus, most grammarians believe that it is incorrect to say that something isvery unique or more unique than something else, though phrases such asnearly unique and almost unique are acceptable. In the most recent survey the sentenceHer designs are quite unique in today's fashion scene was unacceptable to 80 percent of the Usage Panel. · Critical objections to the comparison and degree modification of absolute terms date to the 18th centuryand have been applied to a wide group of adjectives includingequal, fatal, omnipotent, parallel, perfect, and unanimous. According to the standard argument, such words denote properties that a thing either does or does not have but cannot have to a qualifiable degree.Thus ifunique is properly used to mean "without equal or equivalent,” something either is unique or it isn't, and phrases such asvery unique and more unique can only betray a weakening of the sense to mean something like "unusual" or "distinctive.” It is true that comparison and modification ofunique are often associated with the style favored by copywriters, as in the advertisement announcing thatOmaha's most unique restaurant is now even more unique or in the claim that a new automobile is So unique, it's patented. But modification ofunique is also found in the work of reputable writers, where it may lack any connotations of hyperbole.A painting is described asthe most unique of Beckman's self-portraits, and a travel writer states thatChicago is no less unique an American city than New York or San Francisco. The relative acceptability of these usages reflects the semantic subtlety ofunique itself. If we were to useunique only according to the strictest criteria of logic, after all, we might freely apply the term to anything in the worldsince nothing is wholly equivalent to anything else.Clearly, then, when we say that a restaurant or painting is unique,we mean that it is worthy of inclusion in a class by itself according to certain implicit but generally accepted criteria.Thus a legitimately unique painting might be one that realizes an unparalleled aesthetic vision,but not one that is rendered only in pigments whose names begin with the lettero; and a legitimately unique restaurant might be one that serves 18th-century French cuisine according to the original recipes,not one that has been installed in a converted sardine cannery.Given this understanding, it is not inherently impossible to think of uniqueness as a matter of degree,in the sense that one painting or restaurant may be more or less worthy of inclusion in a class by itself than some other. ·What is troubling about the copywriters' use ofunique is not that the word has become a synonym for unusual. Rather, it is the copywriters who are using the word in conformity with strict logic.Uniqueness is claimed for a restaurant in virtue of some trivial properties of its decor or menu,or for a resort hotel that simply happens to have a singularly picturesque view of the bay.Though it may be true that such properties render these thingslogically unique, they do not constitute legitimate grounds for putting the things into a class by themselves according to the criteria ordinarily invoked when things are sorted into classes.In fact, the abuse ofunique can be cloying even when no modification or comparison is involved; when we read an advertisement for a line of sportswear that featuresa unique selection of colors, we may suspect that the distinctive properties of the color selection are not so remarkable as the advertiser would have us believe. But it is not surprising that these uses ofunique should lend themselves to promiscuous modification and comparison; for once it is granted that uniqueness can be claimed for any product or service that is somehow distinctive from all its competitors,it is inevitable that an increase in uniqueness will be seen in every minor innovation.See Usage Note at equal ,infinite ,parallel ,perfect 在本世纪整个过程中unique 已成为不能由程度副词,例 very、somewhat 或 quite, 比较或修饰的一类术语的例证。 因此,多数语法学家认为说某事是very unique 或 more unique than 是不正确的, 虽然短语例如nearly unique 和 almost unique 是可接受的。 在最近的调查中,句子Her designs are quite unique in today's fashion scene (她的设计在现今流行样式的场面中是很独特的) 对用法专题使用小组的百分之八十成员是不可接受的。 对纯粹术语的比较和程度修饰的主要异议可追述到18世纪,并已广泛用到许多形容词中,包括equal, fatal, omnipotent, parallel, perfect 和 unanimous。 根据标准论据,这些单词表示一事有或没有但不能有可修饰的程度的性质。于是如果unique 适当地用于表示“没有相等或相当的”,则某事是唯一的或不是唯一的, 而短语像very unique 和 more unique 仅能表露出说明某事像“不寻常的”或“独特的”的意义的减弱。 的确,unique 的比较和修饰常与撰稿人喜欢的文体相联系, 如在广告中称Omaha's most unique restaurant is now even more unique(奥马哈城的最独特的餐馆现在甚至是更加独特) 或声称新汽车是 So unique, it's patented(如此独特,它取得了专利权)。 但是unique 的修饰也在著名作家的作品中发现, 那里可能缺乏夸张法的任何涵义。描述一张油画为the most unique of Beckman's self-portraits(最独特的贝克曼的自画像), 一位旅游作家叙述Chicago is no less unique an American city than New York or San Francisco(芝加哥比纽约或旧金山是不逊独特的美国城市)。 这些用法的相对可接受性反映unique 自身语义的巧妙。 如果我们仅按照逻辑的严格标准使用unique , 则我们终于会自由地把此术语使用于世界上的任何事,因为没有完全等同于另一事的事。于是,显然当我们说餐馆或油画是独特的时,我们意味着根据某种隐含的但可普遍接受的判据它是值得包含在一个等级内的。于是合理独特的油画可能是实现空前未有的审美型的,而不是仅给予名字以字母O开始的颜料; 合理独特的餐馆可能根据原来的食谱提供18世纪法国菜肴的餐馆,而不是配备转换的沙丁鱼罐头食品的餐馆。按这样了解,将独特性视为程度问题不是本来就不可能的,在这个意义上一张油画或一个餐馆或多或少可能是极好的有价值的内涵物而不是其他。关于撰稿人使用unique 的困惑不是此单词已成为 unusual 的同义词。 相反地,正是撰稿人使用此单词与严密的逻辑相一致。对餐馆声称独特性是由于它的布置或菜单的某些不重要的性质,或者对于人们常去的旅馆仅因为有海湾的独一无二地别致的景象。虽然这样的性质使得这些事logically 独特的可能是真实的, 但是当事情进行了分类,根据平常实行的判据把这些事情自身放到一类,他们不组成正常的基础。事实上unique 的滥用会使人发腻,即使在没有涉及修饰或比较的时候; 当我们读运动服装的unique selection of colors(颜色的独特选择) 的一行广告时, 我们会怀疑颜色选择的独特性质并非广告商希望我们所认为的那么明显。但不必惊讶于unique 的这些用法应当适用于杂乱的修饰和比较; 就这一次可以承认,独特性能用来指任何产品或服务,它们与所有的竞争者相比较有某种程度的特色,在每一小的创新中可以看到独特性的增加是必然会发生的 参见 equal,infinite,parallel,perfect〔pout〕Often pouts A fit of petulant sulkiness. Often used withthe. 常作 pouts 生气,不悦:一阵愠怒。常与定冠词the 连用 〔rich〕Wealthy people considered as a group. Often used withthe : 有钱人:被看作一个整体的富有的人。常与the 连用: 〔weed〕To eliminate as unsuitable or unwanted. Often used without : 消除:消除不合适或不想要的东西。常与out 连用: 〔ladyship〕Used withYour, Her, or Their as a title and form of address for a woman or women holding the rank of lady. 小姐:常与Your,Her, 或 Their 连用,表示称呼妇女或有爵位的妇女的头衔 〔treat〕To regard and handle in a certain way. Often used withas : 看待:以某种方式对待和处理。常与as 连用: 〔jitter〕jitters A fit of nervousness. Often used withthe. jitters 紧张不安:一阵紧张不安。常与定冠词the 连用 〔accept〕To receive something, especially with favor. Often used withof. 接受,领受:接受某物,特别是有好处的某物,常与of 连用 〔pal〕To associate as friends or chums. Often used witharound. 结为伙伴:结交为好朋友或亲密的伙伴。常与around 一起用 〔tremble〕Often trembles A convulsive fit of shaking. Often used withthe. 常作 trembles 震颤病:一种突发的抖动。常与the 连用 〔one〕When constructions headed byone appear as the subject of a sentence or relative clause, there may be a question as to whether the verb should be singular or plural.Such a construction is exemplified in the sentenceOne of every ten rotors was found defective. Although the pluralwere is sometimes used in such sentences, an earlier survey found that the singular was preferred by a large majority of the Usage Panel. ·Another problem is raised by constructions such asone of those people who or its variants. In the sentenceThe defeat turned out to be one of the most costly blows that were ever inflicted on our forces, most grammarians would hold that the pluralwere is correct, in as much as the subject of the verb is the plural nounblows. However, constructions of this sort are often used with a singular verb even by the best writers.Note also that when the phrase containingone is introduced by the definite article, the verb in the relative clause must be singular: 当以one 开头的结构作为一个句子或关系从句的主语出现时, 就出现动词用单数还是复数的问题,如用在句子每十个转子中有一个为次品 中的这种结构。 虽然复数were 有时用在这种句子中, 但在一次早期的调查发现用法专题使用小组的大部分成员更倾向于用单数。另一个问题是由象one of those people who 这样的结构及其变化引起的。 在句子The defeat turned out to be one of the most costly blows that were ever inflicted on our forces, 中, 大多数语法学家主张用复数were 是正确的, 以及主要是由于动词的主语是复数名词blow 所致。 然而,这种结构常与单数动词连用,甚至被很有声望的作家采用。也要注意当包含one 的短语被定冠词限制时, 相关的从句中的动词一定要用单数: 〔mope〕mopes Low spirits; the blues. Often used withthe. mopes 情绪低落;忧郁。常与the 连用




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