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单词 常绿灌木
释义 〔mallee〕Any of several west Australian evergreen shrubs or trees of the genusEucalyptus. 澳洲油桉:任一种生长于澳大利亚西部桉 属的常绿灌木或乔木 〔banksia〕Any of various Australian evergreen shrubs or trees of the genusBanksia, having narrow, spiny or toothed leaves, showy, dense clusters of usually yellow flowers, and small fruits in conelike clusters. 山龙眼:一种拔克西木 属澳洲产常绿灌木或乔木,叶窄、多刺或带齿,通常黄色的艳丽花簇和锥形聚集的小果实 〔citron〕A thorny evergreen shrub or small tree(Citrus medica) native to India and widely cultivated for its large, lemonlike fruits that have a thick, warty rind. 香橼树:一种多刺的常绿灌木或小树(香橼) ,原产于印度,因其有疣状厚皮的柠檬状大果实而得到广泛栽种 〔toyon〕An evergreen Californian shrub(Heteromeles arbutifolia), having leathery leaves, small white flowers in large panicles, and red, fleshy, berrylike fruit. Also called Christmas berry 柳叶石楠:美国加利福尼亚州的常绿灌木(柳叶石楠) ,具有坚韧的叶子、由白色小花构成的大圆锥花序以及红色、肉质、浆果状的果实 也作 Christmas berry〔coralberry〕Any of certain eastern Asian evergreen shrubs of the genusArdisia, such as spiceberry, cultivated as a houseplant for its clusters of long-lasting, red, berrylike fruits. 珊瑚莓果:任一种紫金牛 属的常绿灌木中,如菱叶番樱桃,原产于亚洲东部,因其结有一簇簇红色浆果状果实并且持续很长时间不掉落而被作为室内盆栽植物栽培 〔croton〕An Old World tropical evergreen shrub(Codiaeum variegatum) widely cultivated as a houseplant for its glossy, multicolored foliage. 变叶木:一种产于东半球的热带常绿灌木(变叶木属 变叶木) ,因其有光泽的、色彩多样的叶子而被作为室内盆栽植物广泛培植 〔buttonwood〕An evergreen shrub or tree(Conocarpus erectus), growing in mangrove forests of tropical America and western Africa and having alternate leathery leaves and small buttonlike heads of greenish flowers. Also called button mangrove 美洲悬铃木:一种常绿灌木或树木(直立锥果木 锥果属) ,生长于美国和西非的热带红树林中,长有周期性更替的革质叶子和由绿花构成的扣形小花冠 也作 button mangrove〔allamanda〕Any of several tropical American evergreen shrubs of the genusAllamanda, widely cultivated in warm regions for their showy yellow or purple trumpet-shaped flowers. 黄蝉花:一种美洲热带黄蝉花 属常绿灌木,因其艳丽动人的黄色或紫色喇叭型花朵而在温暖地区得到广泛的种植 〔manzanita〕Any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genusArctostaphylos of the Pacific coast of North America, especially A. manzanita, bearing white or pink flowers in drooping panicles and producing red berrylike drupes. 熊果树:任一种产于北美太平洋沿岸的熊果树属 的常绿灌木或小树,尤指 熊果树, 开有垂落圆锥花冠形的白色或粉色花,结红色浆果状的核果 〔columbine〕Any of various perennial herbs of the genusAquilegia native to north temperate regions, cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers that have petals with long, hollow spurs. Also called aquilegia 耧斗菜:一种原产于北温带的常绿灌木毛茛科耧斗属 ,因其长有细长中空、花瓣绚丽的花朵而得以栽植 也作 aquilegia〔crowberry〕A low-growing evergreen shrub(Empetrum nigrum) native to cool regions of the Northern Hemisphere and having tiny leaves, small pinkish or purplish flowers, and black, berrylike fruits. 岩高兰:一种原产于北极寒冷地区且生长缓慢的常绿灌木(岩高兰属 岩高兰) ,生有细小的叶子,开粉红色或紫色的小花,结黑色的浆果状果实 〔myrtle〕Any of several evergreen shrubs or trees of the genusMyrtus, especially M. communis, an aromatic shrub native to the Mediterranean region and western Asia, having pink or white flowers and blue-black berries and widely cultivated as a hedge plant. 桃金娘,番樱桃:几种桃金娘 属常绿灌木或树的任一种,尤指 香桃木 ,一种原产于地中海地区和西亚的芳香族灌木,有粉色或白色的花和深蓝色的浆果,而且作为一种树篱植物而被广泛栽培 〔mahoe〕A tropical evergreen shrub(Hibiscus tiliaceus) that yields fibers used for cordage. Also called sea hibiscus 海木槿:热带常绿灌木(海木槿) ,其纤维可用于制作绳索 也作 sea hibiscus〔camellia〕Any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genusCamellia native to eastern Asia, especially C. japonica, having shiny leaves and showy roselike flowers that are usually red, white, or pink. 山茶:一种山茶 属的生长于亚洲东部的常绿灌木或小树,尤其是 山茶树, 长有闪光的叶子以及艳丽的常呈红色、白色或品红色的玫瑰般花朵 〔tea〕An eastern Asian evergreen shrub or small tree(Camellia sinensis) having fragrant, nodding, cup-shaped white flowers and glossy leaves. 茶树:东亚有芳香低垂的杯状白花,和有光泽的叶的常绿灌木或小树(茶树 茶科) 〔annatto〕A tropical American evergreen shrub or small tree(Bixa orellana), having heart-shaped leaves and showy, rose-pink or sometimes white flowers. Also called lipstick tree 胭脂树:一种美洲热带常绿灌木或矮树(胭脂树属) 有心形树叶和鲜艳的玫瑰红或白色花朵 也作 lipstick tree〔tetterbush〕An evergreen shrub(Lyonia lucida) of the southeast United States, having sharply angled branches, leathery, dark green leaves, and white to pink flowers. 亮星南烛:美国东南一种常绿灌木,属于(马醉木属 亮星马醉木) 属,有尖角枝叉,坚硬、深绿色叶,以及白色到粉色花朵 〔aucuba〕Any of several eastern Asian evergreen shrubs of the genusAucuba, especially A. japonica, grown as an ornamental chiefly for its glossy, leathery leaves. 桃叶珊瑚:产于东亚的一种桃叶珊瑚 属常绿灌木,尤指 黄叶日本桃叶珊瑚 ,因其光滑坚韧的叶子可做装饰而被栽培 〔khat〕An evergreen shrub(Catha edulis) native to tropical East Africa, having dark green opposite leaves that are chewed fresh for their stimulating effects. 阿拉伯茶:一种常绿灌木丛(阿拉伯茶 阿拉伯茶属) 原产于东非热带地区,叶深绿色,对生,生嚼时具有刺激作用 〔cranberry〕A mat-forming, evergreen shrub(Vaccinium macrocarpum) of eastern North America, having pink flowers and tart, red, edible berries. 蔓越橘,大果越桔:一种原产于北美洲东部的蔓生常绿灌木(大果越桔 越桔属) ,开有粉红色的花,结红色的可食用酸果 〔chamise〕An evergreen shrub,(Adenostoma fasciculatum) in the rose family, native to California, having small needlelike leaves in fascicles and clusters of small white flowers. 蔷薇属灌木:一种蔷薇科常绿灌木(手杖木) ,原产于加利福尼亚州,有聚成伞状的小针叶和簇生的白色小花 〔feijoa〕An evergreen shrub(Acca sellowiana syn. Feijoa sellowiana) native to South America and cultivated as an ornamental and for its sweet, tart fruit. Also called pineapple guava 费约果,菠萝番石榴:为常绿灌木(费约果 同种 菠萝番石榴) ,原产于南美洲,作为观赏性植物并为获取其酸甜的果实而种植 也作 pineapple guava〔box〕Any of several evergreen shrubs or trees of the genusBuxus, especially the Eurasian species B. sempervirens, having opposite, leathery, simple leaves and clusters of unisexual flowers. It is widely grown as a hedge plant. 黄杨:一种黄杨 属常绿灌木或树,尤指欧亚种 常绿黄杨属, 具有对生的革质单叶和单性花簇,普遍种植作篱笆植物




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