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释义 〔hemstitch〕A decorative stitch usually bordering a hem, as on a handkerchief, made by drawing out several parallel threads and catching together the cross threads in uniform groups.抽线丝线迹:一种装饰性针法,通常见于如手帕的边缘,即把几行平行的丝线抽出,把相同花组中的交叉线缝在一起〔neuraminidase〕A hydrolytic enzyme that breaks down mucoproteins and is found chiefly in microorganisms of the respiratory and intestinal tracts.神经氨酸酶:一种分解成粘蛋白的水解酶,通常见于呼吸系统脊髓束的内脏脊髓束的显微组织〔chalet〕A wooden dwelling with a sloping roof and widely overhanging eaves, common in Switzerland and other Alpine regions.瑞士的木造小舍:常见于瑞士和其他阿尔卑斯山区的有斜坡式屋顶和宽飞檐的木屋〔stoneroller〕A sucker(Hypentelium nigricans) of the central and southern United States, common in swift or rocky streams. 大唇叶唇亚口鱼:美国中部与南部的一种亚口鱼,(大唇叶唇亚口鱼) ,常见于湍急或多石的水流中 〔gunnel〕Any of various small, elongated fishes of the family Pholidae, common in the tidal pools and coastal waters of northern seas.锦鳚:一种细长的锦鳚科小鱼,常见于北部海洋的潮汐池塘和沿海水域中〔xanthophyll〕A yellow carotenoid pigment, C40H 56O 2, found with chlorophyll in green plants and identical with lutein. 叶黄素:一种黄色类胡萝卜素的色素,C40H 56O 2常见于绿色植物中的叶绿素和与此类似的黄体素中 〔melanoma〕A dark-pigmented, usually malignant tumor arising from a melanocyte and occurring most commonly in the skin.黑瘤,黑素瘤:含有黑色素的,通常为恶性的肿瘤,由黑素细胞引起且最常见于皮肤中〔snowbird〕Any of several birds, such as the junco and the snow bunting, common in snowy regions.雪鸟:一种鸟,如北美雀科小鸟和雪鸭,常见于冰雪地区〔xanthine〕A yellowish-white, crystalline purine base, C5H 4N 4O 2, that is a precursor of uric acid and is found in blood, urine, muscle tissue, and certain plants. 黄嘌呤:一种黄白色结晶的嘌呤硷,C5H 4N 4O 2,它是尿酸的前身,常见于血液、尿液、肌肉组织和某些植物中 〔tautog〕A dark-colored, edible marine fish(Tautoga onitis) found along the North American Atlantic coast. Also called blackfish 裸首隆头鱼:一种深色的可食用海水鱼(逃妥鱼 隆头鱼科) ,常见于北美洲大西洋沿岸 也作 blackfish〔micrococcus〕A spherical, aerobic, gram-positive bacterium of the genusMicrococcus, usually occurring in irregular clusters. 微球菌:一种球状需氧的革兰氏阳性细菌,属微球菌 属,通常见于不规则群中 〔darter〕Any of various small, often brilliantly colored freshwater fishes of the family Percidae, closely related to the perches and found in eastern North America.镖鲈:一种小型的、通常颜色鲜艳的鲈科淡水鱼,与河鲈有密切关系,常见于北美东部〔onychophoran〕Any of numerous wormlike carnivorous animals of the phylum Onychophora, common in tropical and temperate forest regions and having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms. Also called peripatus ,velvet worm 有爪纲:节肢动物的一个纲,常见于热带或温带森林中,既有环节动物又有节肢动物的某些特点 也作 peripatus,velvet worm〔kabbalah〕There are no less than two dozen variant spellings ofkabbalah, the most common of which include kabbalah, kabala, kabalah, qabalah, qabala, cabala, cabbala, kaballah, kabbala, kaballah, and qabbalah. This sort of confusion is frequently seen with Hebrew and Arabic words borrowed into English because there exist several different systems of transliterating the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets into Roman letters. Often a more exact or scholarly transliteration, such as Qur'an, will coexist alongside a spelling that has been heavily Anglicized ( Koran ). The fact that the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets do not as a rule indicate short vowels or the doubling of consonants compounds the difficulties. Spellings of kabbalah with one or two b 's are equally "correct,” insofar as the single b accurately reproduces the spelling of the Hebrew, while the double b represents the fact that it was once pronounced with a double b. kabbalah 有超过十二种以上不同的拼法,最常见的包括 kabbalah, kabala, kabalah, qabalah, qabala, cabala, cabbala, kaballah, kabbala, kaballah 及 qabbalah 。此类混淆情形最常见于自希伯来及阿拉伯文字转借给英语时,这是由于在希伯来及阿拉伯字母音译为罗马字母时有数种不同系统存在所致。通常较精确或是学究上的音译,例如 Qur'an ,会与已经偏重于英语化的拼法( Koran )共同存在。事实上,希伯来及阿拉伯字母并没有一种明确指出短元音及双子音为何的原则增加其困难度, kabbalah 有一到两个 b 的拼法都一样“正确”,到目前为止单 b 精确地重现希伯来文的拼法,而双 b 则表示它曾经以双 b 发音的事实 〔pollinium〕A mass of coherent pollen grains, found in the flowers of orchids and milkweeds.花粉块:由有粘性的花粉粒形成的块,常见于兰花和马利筋花中〔phosphocreatine〕An organic compound, C4H 10N 3O 5P, found in muscle tissue and capable of storing and providing energy for muscular contraction. Also called creatine phosphate 磷酸肌酸:一种有机化合物,C4H 10N 3O 5P,常见于肌肉组织,可以为肌肉收缩存储和提供能量 也作 creatine phosphate〔choriocarcinoma〕A malignant tumor that develops from trophoblast cells and usually occurs in the uterus.绒毛膜癌:从胚胎滋养层细胞发展的恶性肿瘤,常见于子宫〔conk〕A hard, shelflike, spore-bearing structure of certain wood-decaying fungi, found on stumps, logs, or trees.木腐菌:一种生于某些腐烂树木上的坚硬、片状并带有孢子的结构,常见于树桩、伐木或树上〔pigfish〕A North American grunt(Orthopristis chrysoptera) with a piglike mouth, found along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States and important as a food fish. Also called hogfish 石鲈,金鳍锯鳃石鲈:一种北美有象猪一样嘴的石鲈(猪石鲈) ,常见于美国大西洋和墨西哥湾沿岸,是一种重要的食用鱼 也作 hogfish〔myxoma〕A benign tumor, most often found in the heart, that is composed of connective tissue embedded in mucus.粘液瘤:一种良性肿瘤,最常见于心脏,它由黏液里的胶状结缔组织构成〔variscite〕A rare, light to dark or bluish green, translucent mineral, Al(PO4)·2H 2O, found in aluminum-rich rocks and sometimes used as a semiprecious stone. 磷铝石:为稀有的、颜色从淡绿色到深绿或蓝绿不等的、半透明矿物,Al(PO4)·2H 2O,常见于富含铝的岩石中,有时用作准宝石 〔toque〕A plumed velvet cap with a full crown and small rolled brim, worn in 16th-century France.羽饰丝绒帽:一种帽顶完整,帽沿小而微曲的羽毛装饰的丝绒帽,常见于16世纪的法国〔spherulite〕A small, usually spheroid body consisting of radiating crystals, found in obsidian and other glassy lava rocks.球粒:由放射状结晶构成的通常为球状的小粒,常见于黑曜岩及其他玻璃质的火山岩中〔xylan〕A yellow, water-soluble, gummy polysaccharide found in plant cell walls and yielding xylose upon hydrolysis.木聚糖:一种水溶性的黄色树胶质多聚糖,常见于植物细胞壁和水解后产生的木糖中〔petechia〕A small purplish spot on a body surface, such as the skin or a mucous membrane, caused by a minute hemorrhage and often seen in typhus.瘀斑,瘀点:身体表面略呈紫色的小斑点,如皮肤上或粘膜上的,由微小的出血引起,常见于斑疹伤寒中〔greenling〕Any of various marine food fishes of the family Hexagrammidae, which frequent rocky coastal areas of the northern Pacific.六线鱼,长蛇齿鱼:六线鱼科的以海洋生物为食的任一种鱼,常见于北太平洋岩石海岸海区〔ramp〕A plant (Allium tricoccum) related to onions and leeks, having edible underground stems and found in the eastern United States. 三果丬葱:与洋葱和韭菜同种的植物(三果丬葱) ,地下茎干可以食用,常见于美国东部地区 〔patio〕A roofless inner courtyard, typically found in Spanish and Spanish-style dwellings.院子,天井:一种无顶的内院,常见于西班牙或西班牙式的住宅〔sporotrichosis〕A chronic infectious disease of domestic mammals and human beings, characterized by nodules or ulcers in the lymph nodes and skin and caused by a saprophytic or parasitic fungus of the genusSporothrix, especially S. schenckii, commonly found in soil and wood. 孢子丝菌病:一种驯养的哺乳动物和人类的慢性传染性疾病,其特征是淋巴节和皮肤上有结状物或溃疡,由侧孢 属的腐生菌或寄生菌引起,特别是 孢子丝菌 ,通常见于土壤或木材中 〔plesiosaur〕A large extinct marine reptile having paddlelike limbs that was common in Europe and North America during the Mesozoic Era.蛇颈龙属:常见于欧洲和北美洲中生代,有桨状肢已灭绝的一种大型海洋爬行动物〔onchocerciasis〕A disease caused by infestation with filarial worms of the genusOnchocerca, especially a disease of human beings caused by O. volvulus and characterized by nodular swellings on the skin and lesions of the eyes. Transmitted by black flies, the disease occurs in tropical regions of Africa and Central America. Also called river blindness 盘尾丝虫病:一种由盘尾丝虫属 的丝虫传播引起的疾病,尤指由 盘尾丝虫 引起的人类疾病,症状是皮肤上有结瘤状的肿块和眼睛发炎。由刺螫蝇传播,常见于非洲和中美洲的热带地区 也作 river blindness〔mica〕Any of a group of chemically and physically related aluminum silicate minerals, common in igneous and metamorphic rocks, characteristically splitting into flexible sheets used in insulation and electrical equipment.云母:化学上和物理上有联系的铝硅酸盐矿物群的总称,常见于火成岩和变质岩中,以易裂成柔软的薄片为特征,用于绝缘体及电气设备中〔bourdon〕An organ stop, commonly of the 16-foot pipes.风琴音栓,常见于16英尺管〔birth〕Until recently, the use ofbirth as a verb meaning "to bear (a child)” has been confined to Southern speech: "Heap o' good it do a woman to birth a mess o' young uns and raise 'em and then have 'em all go off to oncet" (Marjorie K. Rawlings).Recently, however, the nonstandard Southern usage has coincided with widespread usage of verbs derived from nouns, such asparent, network, and microwave. Birth in this new usage is most commonly found in its present participial form and is used as an adjective in the compound birthing room. 以前birth 意为生育(孩子)的动词用法仅限于南方语言: 一个女人生养一大堆孩子,然后他们都一起离开家庭,这对于她来说有很大好处。” (玛乔里·K·罗林斯)。但是最近,这种不标准的南方用法与广泛使用名词作动词的用法相吻合,如作父母,连网络 和 传送微波。 Birth这种新的用法常见于现在分词形式并用于合成词中的形容词 育婴室




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