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单词 年龄
释义 〔nonage〕aage [age] * see age aage [年龄] * 参见 age〔contemporary〕One of the same time or age:同龄人:同一时代或同一年龄的人:〔correlation〕the positive correlation between cigarette smoking and the incidence of lung cancer; the negative correlation between age and normal vision.吸烟与肺癌发病的正比关系;年龄与正常视力之间的反比关系〔age〕To reach an age, 18 or 21 years, for example, at which one is no longer eligible for certain special services, such as education or protection, from the state.法定年龄:到达一定年龄,例如18岁或21岁,不再享受国家的诸如教育或保护的某些特殊照顾〔innocent〕A very young child.小孩:年龄很小的孩子〔get〕To advance, especially in years.增加:增加,尤指年龄的增加〔necrobiosis〕The natural death of cells or tissues through aging, as distinguished from necrosis or pathological death.进行性坏死:随着年龄的增长细胞或组织的正常死亡,有别于坏死或由于疾病的死亡〔turn〕To reach and pass (a certain age, for example):到达或过了(例如,一定的年龄):〔past〕The child couldn't count past 20.See Usage Note at pass 这个孩子的年龄不可能超过二十 参见 pass〔mature〕mature for her age.对她这个年龄算是稳重的〔glabrate〕Almost glabrous or becoming glabrous with age or maturity:无毛的,光秃的:随着年龄或成熟而几乎无毛的或变得光滑的:〔novillada〕A bullfight in which the bulls engaged are less than four years old.轻型斗牛表演:公牛的年龄小于四岁的斗牛表演〔infant〕Intended for infants or young children.供婴儿使用的:为婴儿或年龄很小的儿童设计的〔school〕An institution for the instruction of children or people under college age.(中、小)学校:儿童或大学年龄以下人们受教育的机构〔coeval〕aevum [age] * see aiw- aevum [年龄] * 参见 aiw- 〔revere〕 Venerate connotes reverence accorded by virtue especially of dignity, character, or age: Venerate 指与尊严、品性或年龄等品德相一致的尊敬: 〔preadolescence〕The period between childhood and the onset of puberty, often designated as between the ages of 10 and 12 in girls and 11 and 13 in boys.青春前期:从儿童到青春期开始这段时间,年龄上女孩通常认为是从10岁到12岁,而男孩则通常从11岁到13岁〔august〕Venerable for reasons of age or high rank.尊贵的:因年龄或地位高等原因而受人尊敬的〔semiretired〕Working only on a part-time basis, as for reasons of ill health or advanced age.半退休的:由于身体不健康或年龄过大的原因,只在非全日性基础上工作的〔old〕a child who is old for his years.就其年龄来说显得成熟的孩子〔peer〕A person who has equal standing with another or others, as in rank, class, or age:同辈,同等的人:与他人在如爵位、阶级或年龄上相当的人:〔coetaneous〕Of equal age, duration, or period; coeval.同年代的:年龄、期间或时期相同的;同年代的〔overage〕Beyond the proper or required age.超过合格年龄的:超过了适当的或所要求的年龄〔difference〕more likeness than unlikeness among children of that age.那个年龄的孩子们间的相似远多于差异。〔forgetful〕As I grow older I become increasingly forgetful. Less often the word is used as the equivalent ofunmindful, which applies principally to failure to keep in mind what should be remembered, as through deliberate oversight, heedlessness, or inattentiveness: 随着年龄的增长,我变得越来越健忘了。 偶尔这些词可用来代替unmindful, 该词主要用于指有意的疏忽、心不在焉或漫不经心等,而将应该记住的事忘了: 〔foxy〕Discolored, as by age or decay; foxed.变色的:使褪颜色的,如由于年龄变大或体质衰败而引起的;生黄褐斑点的〔presbyopia〕Inability of the eye to focus sharply on nearby objects, resulting from loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with advancing age.远视,老花:眼睛不能准确地聚焦在近处物体上的症状,是由年龄增长导致睫状体缺乏弹性引起的〔man〕A human being regardless of sex or age; a person.人类,人:不论性别或年龄的人;人〔longevity〕aevum [age] * see aiw- aevum [年龄] * 参见 aiw- 〔mozo〕In the world of pack trains and cattle roundups,amozo provides a useful pair of extra hands. Back home on the ranch,the mozo helps with odd jobs,especially heavy work around the house.In the southwest United Statesmozo has taken on a general sense of "assistant,” even in areas not related to ranching: "An enterprising deputy of the opposition Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN) called a quorum count, only to find that . . . many of the reclining figures occasionally raising their hands were mozos (attendants)” (Latin America).In fact, to call an assistant amozo is essentially to call him a "boy,” formozo is Spanish for "young man.” Even though a mozo may not be a boy in years,the word is not used disparagingly.In other languagesporters or guides are commonly referred to as "boys"—for example,gillie, from Scottish Gaelic gille, means "boy.” 在行李车上或养牛场里,一个mozo 很能帮上一把。 回到农场的家中,男佣帮着做各种杂活,尤其是重体力家务活。在美国西南地区mozo 一般是“服务员”的意思, 甚至在与农场无关的地方也是如此: “一个有胆量的PAN的代表要求法庭达到法定人数,但只发现…许多偶尔举手的、可依靠的人都是随从” (拉丁美洲)。实际上,把一个帮手称为mozo 是称他为“男孩”, 因为mozo 是西班牙语的“年轻人”。 尽管男孩在年龄上并不是个男孩了,但该词不按原意来使用。在别的语言中,看门小厮或保安通常也被称作“男孩”,例如:gillie 源自苏格兰方言 gille 意思是“男孩” 〔age〕from Latin aetās aetāt- [age] * see aiw- 源自 拉丁语 aetās aetāt- [年龄] * 参见 aiw- 〔cow〕A domesticated bovine of either sex or any age.不分性别和年龄的家牛〔aged〕[ājd] Having reached the age of:[ājd] …岁的:已到达…年龄的:〔year〕years Age, especially old age: years 年龄,尤指老年:〔unseasoned〕Inadequately aged or seasoned; not ripe or mature:未干的;不成熟的:年龄不够或未干透的;不熟或不成熟的:〔overage〕Older than usual for a particular position or activity.超龄的:对于某特定职位或活动年龄过大的〔vesting〕The granting to an employee of credits toward a pension even if separated from the job before retirement. 既定享受退休权利:雇员在末达退体年龄离职后仍应享有的既定退休权利〔ageism〕Discrimination based on age, especially prejudice against the elderly.年龄歧视:对处于某种年龄的人们的歧视,尤其指对老年人的偏见〔cohort〕"The cohort of people aged 30 to 39 . . . were more conservative"(American Demographics)“年龄在三十到三十九的一群人…更加保守”(美国人口统计数据)〔venerable〕Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position.See Synonyms at elderly 值得敬重的,令人崇敬的:由于年龄、德行、品质或职位而应受到尊敬的 参见 elderly




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