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单词 并未
释义 〔involved〕They see a lot of each other but aren't involved.他们往来频繁但并未发生关系〔loom〕Revolution loomed but the aristocrats paid no heed.革命已迫在眉睫,但贵族们并未加以注意〔enthuse〕The verbenthuse is not well accepted; its use in the sentenceThe majority leader enthused over his party's gains was rejected by 76 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.This lack of acceptance ofenthuse is often attributed to its status as a back-formation: such words often meet with disapproval on their first appearanceand only gradually become accepted over time.But other back-formationssuch asdiagnose (a back-formation from diagnosis that was first recorded in 1861) and donate (first cited in 1785 as a back-formation from donation ) are considered unimpeachable English words. This situation suggests thatin truth the continued lack of acceptance ofenthuse, first recorded in 1827, may have less to do with doubts about its lineagethan with shortcomings in its character.Unlikeenthusiasm, which denotes an internal emotional state, enthuse denotes either the external expression of emotion,as inShe enthused over attending the Oscar ceremonies, or the inducement of enthusiasm by an external source,as inHe was so enthused about the miracle diet pills that he agreed to do a testimonial for their television ad. It is possible that a distaste for this emphasis on external emotional display and manipulation is for some people the source of an uneasethat manifests itself in a distaste for the word itself.See Usage Note at intuit 动词enthuse 并未被广泛接受; 其在优势党领导人对本党的利益极为热衷 一句中的用法, 在早期调查中遭到用法使用小组百分之七十六成员的反对。Enthuse 所以不被接受常归因于它是由逆序造词法产生的词: 这种词通常在他们刚刚出现时遭到反对,只有随着时间的流逝才逐渐被人们接受。但是其它逆序生成的词,如diagnose (由 diagnosis 而逆序生成,最早见于1861年)和 donate (最先于1875年作为由 donation 一词的逆序生成词被引用)被看作无可挑剔的英语词汇。 这一情况说明,不接受enthuse 这个1827年便出现的词汇, 实际上并非出自对其来历的怀疑,而是由于其本身的缺陷。与enthusiasm 这一可表现出内在情感状况的词不同, enthuse 要么显示出情感的外在表达,如在她为参加奥斯卡颁奖仪式感到兴奋 一句中, 要么显示出外界对热情的诱惑,如他对神奇的减肥药十分热心,意欲为其电视广告写一份鉴定书 一句。 有可能由于对其强调外在情感的表现与处理的不满,导致了一些人不愿意使用这个词 参见 intuit〔unflappable〕"cherubic, unflappable, not quite successful in obscuring his penetrating intelligence behind the bland exterior of the perfect civil servant"(Henry A. Kissinger)“天真可爱的,不易激动的,在完全有礼貌的仆人的和蔼外表后面并未十分成功地遮掩他敏锐的才智”(亨利A.基辛格)〔banal〕The pronunciation ofbanal is not settled among educated speakers of American English. Sixty years ago, H.W. Fowler recommended the pronunciation BAN-al (rhyming withpanel ), but this pronunciation is now regarded as recondite by most Americans:it is preferred by only 2 percent of the Usage Panel.Other possibilities are BANE-al (rhyming withanal ), preferred by 38 percent of the Panel; ba-NAL (rhyming withcanal ), preferred by 46 percent; and ba-NAHL (the last syllable rhyming withdoll ), preferred by 14 percent (this last pronunciation is more common in British English).Some panelists admit to being so vexed by the problem that they tend to avoid the word in conversation.Speakers can perhaps take comfort in knowing that any one of the last three pronunciations will have the support of a substantial minority, and that none of them is incorrect.When several pronunciations of a word are widely used,there is really no right or wrong one.单词banal 的发音在受过教育的讲美式英语的人中并未固定下来。 六十年前,H.W.福勒曾建议其发音为BAN-al(与panel 押韵), 但大多数美国人认为这一发音是晦涩难懂的:它只得到“惯用法专题研究小组”中2%成员的偏爱。另外可能的发音有BANE-al(与anal 押韵),得到38小组成员的认可; ba-NAL(与canal 押韵)得到46的认可; ba-NAHL(最后一个音节与doll 押韵),得到14的认可 (这最后一个发音在英国英语中更为常用)。一些小组成员承认,这个词的发音令他们太伤脑筋了以至他们在说话时尽量避免使用它。当使用者得知最后三个发音中的任何一个都有较为坚实的少数票的支持,且它们中的任何一个都不是错误的,也许会给他们一些安慰。当一个单词的几种发音都被广泛使用时,便的确无所谓对错了〔Rudolf〕Austrian crown prince. The controversially liberal heir to Francis Joseph I, he was found dead with his mistress in Mayerling, his hunting lodge near Vienna. Officially deemed a double suicide, the suspicious event was never fully investigated.鲁道夫:奥地利王储。弗朗西斯·约瑟夫一世有争议的自由主义继承人,在其维也纳附近的狩猎住所梅耶林被人发现和其情人的尸体。官方认为是两人同时自杀,这件可疑案件并未彻底调查过〔connive〕To feign ignorance of or fail to take measures against a wrong, thus implying tacit encouragement or consent:纵容:假装忽视或并未采取措施阻止错误,并暗示出默许和同意:〔confessor〕One who confesses faith in Christianity in the face of persecution but does not suffer martyrdom.基督教信徒:指在迫害面前声称信仰基督教但并未殉道者〔loose〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "not tautly bound, held, or fastened": 这些形容词所共有的中心意思是“并未紧紧地捆住、抓住或拴住的”: 〔lonely〕Henry Bradley, one of the four editors of theOxford English Dictionary, said "It is a truth often overlooked, but not unimportant, that every addition to the resources of a language must in the first instance have been due to an act (though not necessarily to a voluntary or conscious act) of some one person.”In many casesthis one person may have been an author,since the first recorded instance of a word is often found in an author's work.Of course, as Bradley warns,this is the firstrecorded instance; it is possible that a given author picked up the word or sense somewhere elseor that these reside undiscovered in an earlier work.In any caseit might be a minor relief of our condition the next time we feel lonely to know that the first recorded instance of the wordlonely occurs in the works of Shakespeare. The passage appears inCoriolanus (1607-1608) in a speech by Coriolanus to his mother Volumnia:"My mother, you wot [know] well/My hazards still have been your solace, and/Believe't not lightly—though I go alone,/Like to alonely dragon, that his fen/Makes fear'd and talk'd of more than seen—your son/Will or exceed the common or be caught/With cautelous [crafty] baits and practice.” Lonely here, of course, has the sense "solitary.” The dragon does not feel dejected,or if he does,he does not seem to know how to reach out to others effectively.牛津英语词典 的四位编纂者之一亨利·布莱德雷说: “人们经常忽视这样一个现实,但它并非不重要,那就是对某种语言词汇的每一次添加都首先是由于某一个人的行为(尽管不一定是自愿的或有意识的行为)”。许多时候,这一个人可能是个作者,因为一个词有记载的首次使用往往出自一位作者的作品。当然,正如布莱德雷所提醒人们的,这是首次有记载的 的例子; 某个作者可能是从别处学到这个词或这个意思,或是这个词或意思在更早的作品中已经出现,只是未被人们发现。不管怎样,当我们知道lonely 这个词的有记载的首次使用出现在莎士比亚的作品中时,这些都不大能减轻我们的沮丧心情。 在卡里奥拉纳斯 (1607-1608年)中, 卡里奥拉纳斯对他母亲弗罗姆尼娅讲的一段话中有这样的文字:“我的母亲,你清楚地知道/我的冒险一直是你的安慰,而且/不要轻信——尽管我要只身前往,/就象去面对一条孤单的 龙,他的沼泽/令人谈而色变,尽管并未亲见——你的儿子/决意或是胜过凡人或是被狡猾的圈套和手段擒捉”。 Lonely 在这里的意思当然是“孤单的”。 龙不会感到沮丧,即便它感到沮丧,他也不太可能知道如何让别人体会到它的感情〔green〕Not yet fully processed, especially:并未完全发展的,尤指:〔between〕According to a widely repeated but unjustified tradition,“between is used for two, and among for more than two.” It is true thatbetween is the only choice when exactly two entities are specified: the choice between (not among ) good and evil, the rivalry between (not among ) Great Britain and France. When more than two entities are involved, however, or when the number of entities is unspecified,the choice of one or the other word depends on the intended sense.Between is used when the entities are considered as distinct individuals; among, when they are considered as a mass or collectivity. Thus in the sentenceThe bomb landed between the houses, the houses are seen as points that define the boundaries of the area of impact (so that we presume that none of the individual houses was hit). InThe bomb landed among the houses, the area of impact is considered to be the general location of the houses, taken together (in which case it is left open whether any houses were hit). By the same token, we may speak ofa series of wars between the Greek cities, which suggests that each city was an independent belligerent, or ofa series of wars among the Greek cities, which allows as well the possibility that the belligerents were shifting alliances of cities. For this reason,among is most appropriate to indicate inclusion in a group: 根据重复多次但没什么根据的传统看法,“between 用于两者之间,而 among 用于二者以上。” 当只提到两个实体时,between 确实是唯一的选择: the choice between (而不用 among ) good and evil(善与恶之间的选择),the rivalry between (不用 among ) Great Britain and France(英法间的对抗)。 当牵涉到两个以上实体时,如果实体的数目不确定,选择其中之一则取决于倾向性。当实体被看作不同的个体时用between ; 当其被看作整体或集合时用among 。 因此在句子The bomb landed between the houses 中,房屋被看作一个限定了中弹地区的界限( 所以我们假设一所所单独的房子未被击中)。在The bomb landed among the houses 中,被中弹地区被看作是房屋的整体地区( 在这种情形下房屋是否被击中并未说明)。同样的表示法,我们可以说a series of wars between the Greek cities, 表示每个城市是独立的参战者,我们也可以说a series of wars among the Greek cities, 表示存在某些城市做为联合参战者的可能性。 因此,among 最适合表示包括在一群成一组人之内: 〔live〕Broadcast while actually being performed; not taped, filmed, or recorded:现场直播的:现场直播的;并未录音、拍片或记录的:〔crack〕To cause to break without complete separation of parts:使裂开:使裂开但并未造成部分的完全分裂:〔decrease〕An occasional outburst didn't diminish my respect for her.偶尔的一次发火并未减少我对她的尊敬。〔ex〕From, but not having graduated with, the class of:肄业于…级:出自某一届,但并未同此届毕业生一起毕业:〔ironic〕The wordsironic, irony, and ironically are sometimes used of events and circumstances that might better be described as simply "coincidental" or "improbable,” in that they suggest no particular lessons about human vanity or folly.Thus 78 percent of the Usage Panel rejects the use ofironically in the sentence 单词ironic, irony 和 ironically 有时所修饰的事件和环境也许就简单地描述为“巧合的”或“不可能发生的”还更好一些, 因为它们并未对人类的虚妄或愚蠢提出什么特别的暗示。因此,用法专题讨论小组的百分之七十八的成员反对将ironically 用在下面这句话中 〔able〕 It should be avoided when such an ascription is unwarranted, as with passive constructions involving forms of the verbbe; thus it is inconsistent to sayThe problem was able to be solved through the method she had learned about in business school, since this sentence ascribes no capacity or ability to the problem itself.In such cases,can or could can usually be substituted: The problem could be solved . . . By contrast, passives withget ascribe a more active role to their subjects, and here theable to construction can be used: 当这种起因并非必要时,则被动态中用到动词be应避免使用这词组, 因此这问题可用她在商业学校中学到的方法来解决 的说法是矛盾的, 其原因是这个句子并未将某种能力归因于问题本身。在这种情况下,通常可使用can 或 could 来替代: 这问题可以被解决… 。相反,带get 的被动态表示一个更为能动的主语, 这样able to 结构就可以用为: 〔logion〕One of the sayings of Jesus not recorded in the Gospels but supposed to have belonged to the source material from which they were compiled.耶稣语录:耶稣所说但并未记于福音书中的语句,据信载于编纂福音书的材料中




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