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单词 并非不
释义 〔caterpillar〕It seems that the larvae of moths and butterflies are popularly seen as resembling other, larger animals.Consider the Italian dialect wordgatta, "cat, caterpillar"; the German dialect termtüfelskatz, "caterpillar" (literally "devil's cat"); the French wordchenille, "caterpillar" (from a Vulgar Latin diminutive, .canīcula, of canis, "dog"); and last but not least,our own wordcaterpillar, which appears probably to have come through Northern French from the Old French termchatepelose, meaning literally "hairy cat.”Our wordcaterpillar is first recorded in English in 1440 in the formcatyrpel. Catyr, the first part of catyrpel, may indicate the existence of an English word.cater, meaning "tomcat,”otherwise attested only incaterwaul. Cater would be cognate with Middle High German kater and Dutch kater. The latter part ofcatyrpel seems to have become associated with the word piller, "plunderer.” By giving the variant spelling -ar, Johnson's Dictionary set the spelling caterpillar with which we are familiar today. 似乎蛾子和蝴蝶的幼虫经常会被看成与其它较大动物相似。意大利方言中gatta, 一字,“猫,毛虫”; 日耳曼方言中tüfelskatz 一字“毛虫”(直译为“邪恶的猫”); 法语词chenille, “毛虫”(来自民间拉丁语小词缀, canicula, 源自 canis ,是“狗”的意思); 最后但并非不重要的一点,英语中caterpillar 一词, 可能是来源于从法国北部传来的古法语词汇chatepelose, 字面意思是“多毛的猫”。caterpillar 一字于1440年最早记录在英语中, 以catyrpel的形式出现。 Catyr是 catyrpel 的第一部分, 可能指明英语词cater 的存在, 意指“雄猫”,否则只能存在于caterwaul一词中。 Cater可能与中世纪高地德语 kater 和荷兰语 kater 有关。 catyrpel 一词的后一部分似乎与 piller 一词有关,意思是“强盗”。 约翰逊的词典 给出了不同的拼写- ar, 从而形成了我们今天所熟悉的 caterpillar 〔lonely〕Henry Bradley, one of the four editors of theOxford English Dictionary, said "It is a truth often overlooked, but not unimportant, that every addition to the resources of a language must in the first instance have been due to an act (though not necessarily to a voluntary or conscious act) of some one person.”In many casesthis one person may have been an author,since the first recorded instance of a word is often found in an author's work.Of course, as Bradley warns,this is the firstrecorded instance; it is possible that a given author picked up the word or sense somewhere elseor that these reside undiscovered in an earlier work.In any caseit might be a minor relief of our condition the next time we feel lonely to know that the first recorded instance of the wordlonely occurs in the works of Shakespeare. The passage appears inCoriolanus (1607-1608) in a speech by Coriolanus to his mother Volumnia:"My mother, you wot [know] well/My hazards still have been your solace, and/Believe't not lightly—though I go alone,/Like to alonely dragon, that his fen/Makes fear'd and talk'd of more than seen—your son/Will or exceed the common or be caught/With cautelous [crafty] baits and practice.” Lonely here, of course, has the sense "solitary.” The dragon does not feel dejected,or if he does,he does not seem to know how to reach out to others effectively.牛津英语词典 的四位编纂者之一亨利·布莱德雷说: “人们经常忽视这样一个现实,但它并非不重要,那就是对某种语言词汇的每一次添加都首先是由于某一个人的行为(尽管不一定是自愿的或有意识的行为)”。许多时候,这一个人可能是个作者,因为一个词有记载的首次使用往往出自一位作者的作品。当然,正如布莱德雷所提醒人们的,这是首次有记载的 的例子; 某个作者可能是从别处学到这个词或这个意思,或是这个词或意思在更早的作品中已经出现,只是未被人们发现。不管怎样,当我们知道lonely 这个词的有记载的首次使用出现在莎士比亚的作品中时,这些都不大能减轻我们的沮丧心情。 在卡里奥拉纳斯 (1607-1608年)中, 卡里奥拉纳斯对他母亲弗罗姆尼娅讲的一段话中有这样的文字:“我的母亲,你清楚地知道/我的冒险一直是你的安慰,而且/不要轻信——尽管我要只身前往,/就象去面对一条孤单的 龙,他的沼泽/令人谈而色变,尽管并未亲见——你的儿子/决意或是胜过凡人或是被狡猾的圈套和手段擒捉”。 Lonely 在这里的意思当然是“孤单的”。 龙不会感到沮丧,即便它感到沮丧,他也不太可能知道如何让别人体会到它的感情〔moving〕"A . . . widow . . . has laid her case of destitution before him in a very moving letter" (Nathaniel Hawthorne).Somethingstirring excites strong, turbulent, but not unpleasant feelings, as of inspiration: “一个…寡妇…在一封很感人的信里向他叙述她穷困的情形” (纳撒尼尔·霍桑)。与stirring 联系在一起的事物是引起强烈的、使人激动的但又并非不令人愉快的感觉,如激励: 〔way〕In American Englishways is often used as an equivalent of way in phrases such as a long ways to go. The usage is not incorrectbut is widely regarded as informal.在美国英语中,ways 的用法通常等同于诸如短语 a long way to go 中的 way。 这种用法并非不正确,但被广泛认为是不正式的〔everyplace〕The formseveryplace (or every place ), anyplace (or any place ), someplace (or some place ), and no place are widely used in speech and informal writing as equivalents for everywhere, anywhere, somewhere, and nowhere. Though these usages are not incorrect,they should be avoided in formal writing.But when the two-word expressionsevery place, any place, some place, and no place are used to mean "every (any, some, no) spot or location,” they are entirely appropriate at all levels of style.The distinction between the two meanings is often subtle,but acceptability can often be gauged by seeing whether an expression with-where can be substituted. Thus in the sentence everyplace (或 every place ), anyplace (或 any place ), someplace (或 some place ),和 no place 的形式作为与 everywhere,anywhere,somewhere 和 nowhere 等价的词,被广泛用于讲话和非正式的书写中。 虽然这些用法并非不正确,也应该在正式的书写中避免使用它们。但是当两词短语every place,any place,some place 和 no place 用于表示“每一(任何,一些,没有)地点或位置”的意思时, 它们在各样文体中都完全适用。两个含意之间的差别常是很微妙的,是否可能接受,常常通过检验-where 式的表达是否能被代替。 因此在句子




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