单词 | 广泛使用 |
释义 | 〔indiscriminate〕indiscriminate violence; the indiscriminate use of pesticides.大规模的暴力事件;杀虫剂的广泛使用〔olicook〕Originally brought to the Hudson Valley of New York by settlers from the Netherlands, a few items of Dutch vocabulary have survived there from colonial times until the present.The wordolicook, meaning "doughnut,” comes from Dutcholiekoek —literally, "oil cake.” And the Dutch wordkill for a small running stream is used throughout New York State. Stoop, "a small porch,” comes from Dutchstoep; this word is now in general use in the Northeast and beyond.开始是由荷兰裔的定居者将荷兰语的一些词汇带到纽约州的哈得逊河流域,而这些词从殖民时代一直到现在一直被使用。单词olicook 的意思是“炸面圈”, 它源于荷兰语的oliekoek ——字面意思是油炸饼。 而在荷兰语中指一条流动的小溪的词kill ,在美国纽约州广泛使用。 stoop 即“小火把”, 源自荷兰语stoep 。 这个词在美国东北及以外地区被广泛使用。〔convention〕A widely used and accepted device or technique, as in drama, literature, or painting:传统手法:被广泛使用并接受的手法或技巧,如在戏剧、文学或绘画中:〔lifestyle〕Whenlifestyle began to gain wide currency a generation ago, a number of critics objected to it as voguish and superficial,perhaps because it appeared to elevate habits of consumption, dress, and recreation to a primary basis of social classification.Nonetheless, the word has proved durable and useful,if only because such categories doin fact figure importantly in the schemes that Americans commonly invoke in explaining social values and social behavior,whether appropriately or not,as in Rachel Brownstein's remark that 当life style 在上一代人中开始广泛使用时, 许多评论家认为这个词浅薄且只风行一时,因此反对它,这可能是因为它看上去把消费习惯、衣着和享乐上升为社会阶级划分的主要基点。但是,这个词证明是持久有用的,如果仅仅因为这些范畴,事实上确实成为美国人解释社会价值与社会行为时所采用的极其重要的标准,无论合适与否,例如在雷切尔·布朗斯坦的话中 〔handicapped〕Althoughhandicapped is widely used in both law and everyday speech to refer to people having physical or mental disabilities, those described by the word tend to prefer the expressionsdisabled or people with disabilities. To say that people arehandicapped may imply that they cannot function on a par with others, while to say that they have adisability allows more readily for the possibility that they can so function, in spite of having to do some things in different ways.It is also felt that some stigma may attach to the wordhandicapped on account of its origin in the phrase hand in cap, actually derived from a game of chancebut sometimes mistakenly believed to involve the image of a beggar.The wordhandicapped is best reserved to describe a disabled person who is unable to function owing to some property of the environment. Thus people with a physical disability requiring a wheelchair may or may not behandicapped, depending on whether wheelchair ramps are made available to them. 尽管在法律上和在日常用语里handicapped 这个词被广泛使用以言指那些有生理缺陷的,智力低下的人, 那些被这个词描绘的人们更喜欢disabled 或 people with disabilities 这两种说法。 说人们是handicapped 可能暗示他们不可能象别的人那样水平的工作, 而当说他们只是disability 时,为他们能够如此工作提供了更大的可能性和余地, 尽管他们是用不同的方式去做同样的事情。一些附着于handicapped 这个词的一些特点是因为这个词来源于 hand in cap 这个短语, 它实际上起源于比赛中的机会,但有时被人误会加入了乞丐的形象。单词handicapped 这个词用来形容那些由于某些客观环境问题而无法工作的人是最好的了, 因此生理有缺陷的而需要轮椅的人,是否是handicapped 要看为他们准备的轮椅的坡道是否可以使用 〔birth〕Until recently, the use ofbirth as a verb meaning "to bear (a child)” has been confined to Southern speech: "Heap o' good it do a woman to birth a mess o' young uns and raise 'em and then have 'em all go off to oncet" (Marjorie K. Rawlings).Recently, however, the nonstandard Southern usage has coincided with widespread usage of verbs derived from nouns, such asparent, network, and microwave. Birth in this new usage is most commonly found in its present participial form and is used as an adjective in the compound birthing room. 以前birth 意为生育(孩子)的动词用法仅限于南方语言: 一个女人生养一大堆孩子,然后他们都一起离开家庭,这对于她来说有很大好处。” (玛乔里·K·罗林斯)。但是最近,这种不标准的南方用法与广泛使用名词作动词的用法相吻合,如作父母,连网络 和 传送微波。 Birth这种新的用法常见于现在分词形式并用于合成词中的形容词 育婴室 〔Urdu〕An Indic language that is the official literary language of Pakistan. It is written in an Arabic alphabet and is also widely used in India, chiefly by Moslems.乌尔都语:巴基斯坦官方书面语言的印度语。用阿拉伯字母书写,在印度被广泛使用,其主要使用者为穆斯林〔Aramaic〕A Semitic language, comprising several dialects, originally of the ancient Arameans but widely used by non-Aramean peoples throughout southwest Asia from the seventh centuryb.c. to the seventh century a.d. Also called Aramean ,Chaldean 阿拉姆语:一种闪族语,包括几种方言,源于古阿拉姆语,但被非阿拉姆民族广泛使用,遍及西南亚自公元前 7世纪至 公元7世纪 也作 Aramean,Chaldean〔psyllium〕The seeds of this plant, widely used as a mild bulk laxative and sometimes added to foods as a dietary source of soluble fiber.亚麻籽车前的籽:这种植物的种子,作为温和的散装缓泻剂而被广泛使用,有时加在食物中作为可溶纤维的饮食上的来源〔Murray〕American grammarian who wrote several widely used schoolbooks, includingGrammar of the English Language (1795). 默里,林德利:(1745-1826) 美国语法学家,曾编过几本广泛使用的教学书包括《英语语法》 (1795年) 〔proverb〕A short, pithy saying in frequent and widespread use that expresses a basic truth or practical precept.See Synonyms at saying 谚语:经常而广泛使用的短小、精悍的格言,表明一个基本的真理或实用的箴言 参见 saying〔Quechua〕The Quechuan language of the Inca empire, now widely spoken throughout the Andes highlands from southern Colombia to Chile.奇楚亚语:印加帝国的奇楚亚语,现广泛使用于从哥伦比亚南部至智利的安第斯高地〔important〕Some critics have objected to the use of the phrasemore importantly in place of more important as a means of introducing an assertion, as inMore importantly, there is no party ready to step into the vacuum left by the Communists. But both forms are widely used by reputable writers,and there is no obvious reason for preferring one or the other.In an earlier surveythe introductory use ofmore importantly was acceptable to half of the members of the Usage Panel. 一些批评家已经对短语more importantly 作为表述一个断言的方法来代替短语 more important 提出反对意见, 如在句子更重要的是,没有政党准备进入共产党留下来的真空中去。 但是这两种形式都被有声望的作家广泛使用,并且没有明显的理由说哪个比哪个更好。在早期的调查中,more importantly 的引入使用对用法专题小组的半数成员来说是可以接受的 〔civilization〕An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions.文明:人类社会知识、文化和物质发展的高级阶段,标志为艺术和科学上的发展、文字的广泛使用和复杂的政治及社会机构的出现〔Ford〕American automobile manufacturer who developed a gasoline-powered automobile (1893), founded the Ford Motor Company (1903), and mass-produced the Model T (1908-1927), the first generally affordable and widely available automobile. His sonEdsel Bryant Ford (1893-1943) ran the company from 1919 to 1943, as did his grandson Henry Ford II (1917-1987) from 1945 to 1980. 福特,亨利:(1863-1947) 美国汽车制造商,他改进了汽油为燃料的汽车(1893年),成立了福特汽车公司(1903年),并大量生产最早的大众担负得起且广泛使用的T型车(1908-1927年)。他的儿子埃德索尔·布赖恩特·福特(1893-1943年) 从1919年至1943年掌管公司,他的孙子 亨利·福特二世 (1917-1987年)从1945年至1980年成为公司老板 〔take〕To achieve wide use or popularity:广泛使用,大受欢迎:〔Siouan〕A large North American Indian language family spoken from Lake Michigan to the Rocky Mountains and southward to Arkansas.苏族语:一种广泛使用的北美印第安人语族,使用范围从密歇根湖到落基山脉,南到阿肯色州广大地区〔chlorofluorocarbon〕Any of various halocarbon compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, once used widely as aerosol propellants and refrigerants. Chlorofluorocarbons are believed to cause depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer.含氯氟烃:由碳、氢、氯及氟构成的卤烃化合物,曾经作为喷雾容器中推进剂及致冷剂被广泛使用,含氯氟烃被认为会导致大气臭氧层的枯竭〔Mandingo〕A group of closely related Mande languages including Bambara, Malinke, and Maninka, widely spoken in western Africa. Also called In this sense, also called Mandekan 曼丁哥语:一组相互关系紧密的曼丁哥语言,包括班巴拉语、马林克语和马怪卡语,在西非被广泛使用 也作 在此意义上也可称作 Mandekan〔hamburger〕After having eaten countless hamburgers,one may perhaps be interested in knowing more about the origins of the name.By the middle of the 19th century people in Hamburg, Germany,the busiest port in West Germany today,enjoyed pounded beefsteak in some form.Perhaps brought to America by the large numbers of Germans who migrated around that time,this sort of dish with the nameHamburg steak may have appeared on a menu as early as 1836. The first recorded use ofHamburg steak is found in 1884 in the Boston Journal, withhamburger steak being first recorded in a Walla Walla, Washington, newspaper in 1889. A 1902 cookbook contains a recipe for Hamburg steak that is closer to our conception,a recipe using ground beef mixed with onion and pepper.The hamburger was on its way,as was the Americanismhamburger. 在吃完了数不清的汉堡包之后,人们可能会有兴趣更多地知道一些关于这个名字由来的知识。直至19世纪中叶住在德国汉堡,这个今日德国最为繁忙的港口的人们,喜欢把牛排捣碎成一定形状。也许是被当时的大量德国移民传至美洲,这道以Hamburg steak 命名的菜最早出现在菜单上是在1836年。 Hamburg steak 第一次见诸于铅字是在1884年的 波士顿日报 , 而hamburger steak 第一次见诸于铅字是在1889年华盛顿州的沃拉沃拉市的一家报纸上。 到1902年烹饪书上关于汉堡牛排的调制法与我们今天的概念已经很接近了,就是用碎牛肉和洋葱与胡椒粉拌在一起。汉堡包已被广泛使用,如美国方式的hamburger 〔alcohol〕Abbr. al.,alc.A colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, C2H 5OH, synthesized or obtained by fermentation of sugars and starches and widely used, either pure or denatured, as a solvent and in drugs, cleaning solutions, explosives, and intoxicating beverages. Also called ethanol ,ethyl alcohol ,grain alcohol 缩写 al.,alc.酒精,乙醇:由糖和淀粉发酵后合成或取得并且广泛使用的一种无色、易挥发、易燃的液体,C2H 5OH,无论纯酒精或变性酒精都可作为溶剂及用于医药、净化溶解、炸药和麻醉性饮料 也作 ethanol,ethyl alcohol,grain alcohol〔Wolof〕The West Atlantic language of this people, widely used as a lingua franca in Senegal.沃洛夫语:这个民族的西大西洋语言,作为混合语在塞内加尔广泛使用〔Lingala〕A creole based on Bantu, widely spoken as a lingua franca in Zaire.林格拉语:在扎伊尔广泛使用的交际语,班国语基础的克里奥耳语(混合语)〔graffito〕The formgraffiti, based on the Italian plural, is far more common than the singular form graffito. Graffitiis often used as a singular noun. When the reference is to a particular inscription (as inThere was a bold graffiti on the wall ), the formgraffito would be etymologically correct but might strike some readers as pedantic outside an archaeological context.There is no substitute for the singular use ofgraffiti when the word is used as a mass noun to refer to inscriptions in general or to the related social phenomenon. The sentenceGraffiti is a major problem for the Transit Authority Police cannot be rewordedGraffito is . . . (since graffito can refer only to a particular inscription) or Graffiti are . . . , which suggests that the police problem involves only the physical marks and not the larger issue of vandalism.In such contexts,the use ofgraffiti as a singular is justified by both utility and widespread precedent. 基于意大利语的复数形式graffiti 远比单数形式 graffito更普遍。 Graffiti常用作单数名词。 当意指一特定涂鸦物(如在墙上有一处下流的涂鸦 中), graffito 的形式在词形变化上是正确的, 但可能会在古文化语境外使一些人显得迂腐。graffiti 的单数作物质名词使用来指涂鸦的总称或相应的社会现象时,是没有替代词的。 句子:涂鸦是公共交通警察局遇到的主要难题 , 不能用Graffito is … 来替换(因为 graffito 只能指一具体的涂鸦)或用 Graffiti are … 来替换, 因其意指警察的问题只涉及存在的标记而不是破坏公物的大问题。在这些语境中,graffiti 作为单数形式的使用是被广泛使用的先例所证实的 〔banal〕The pronunciation ofbanal is not settled among educated speakers of American English. Sixty years ago, H.W. Fowler recommended the pronunciation BAN-al (rhyming withpanel ), but this pronunciation is now regarded as recondite by most Americans:it is preferred by only 2 percent of the Usage Panel.Other possibilities are BANE-al (rhyming withanal ), preferred by 38 percent of the Panel; ba-NAL (rhyming withcanal ), preferred by 46 percent; and ba-NAHL (the last syllable rhyming withdoll ), preferred by 14 percent (this last pronunciation is more common in British English).Some panelists admit to being so vexed by the problem that they tend to avoid the word in conversation.Speakers can perhaps take comfort in knowing that any one of the last three pronunciations will have the support of a substantial minority, and that none of them is incorrect.When several pronunciations of a word are widely used,there is really no right or wrong one.单词banal 的发音在受过教育的讲美式英语的人中并未固定下来。 六十年前,H.W.福勒曾建议其发音为BAN-al(与panel 押韵), 但大多数美国人认为这一发音是晦涩难懂的:它只得到“惯用法专题研究小组”中2%成员的偏爱。另外可能的发音有BANE-al(与anal 押韵),得到38小组成员的认可; ba-NAL(与canal 押韵)得到46的认可; ba-NAHL(最后一个音节与doll 押韵),得到14的认可 (这最后一个发音在英国英语中更为常用)。一些小组成员承认,这个词的发音令他们太伤脑筋了以至他们在说话时尽量避免使用它。当使用者得知最后三个发音中的任何一个都有较为坚实的少数票的支持,且它们中的任何一个都不是错误的,也许会给他们一些安慰。当一个单词的几种发音都被广泛使用时,便的确无所谓对错了〔black〕Black is often capitalized in its use to denote persons, though the lowercased formblack is still widely used by authors of all races: Black 用于指人时经常大写, 虽然小写的black 仍为各个种族的作家广泛使用: 〔common〕 Common applies to what is customary, takes place often, is widely used, or is well known: Common 用于是通常的、常发生的、广泛使用或众所周知的: 〔debut〕Debut is widely used as a verb, both intransitively ( Debut 作为动词广泛使用, 既可用作不及物动词( 〔balding〕The wordbalding was popularized by the newsmagazines of the 1930's and was for a long time associated with breezy, journalistic style.It has since passed into general usage, however, and has lost its earlier association with journalism.balding 这个词在本世纪30年代的新闻杂志中颇为流行, 并在很长时间内与活泼的新闻风格相联系。但随着它的广泛使用,已失去了早期与新闻的关系 |
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