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单词 库克
释义 〔tattoo〕The practice of tattooing the body is prehistoric,but the English wordtattoo was introduced fairly recently. Our word came from Polynesian languages such as Tahitian and Samoanand was introduced to English speakers by the explorer Capt. James Cook (who also gave us the wordtaboo ). The earliest use of the verbtattoo in English is found in 1769 in his account of a voyage around the world from 1768 to 1771. Cook also used a noun in his writings of 1769but treated it as a native wordso he is not given credit for the first use of the noun in English (recorded in 1777).In any event,sailors introduced the custom into Europe from the Pacific societies in which it was practiced,and it has remained associated with sailors,although many other people have tattoos as well.尽管在身体上刺出花纹这一做法在史前就已存在,但英语中tattoo 一词却是在距离现在较近的时候才被引入的。 我们这个词源于塔西提语或萨摩亚语等波利尼西亚语族,它是由探险家詹姆斯·库克船长介绍给英语使用者的(库克同时也给了我们taboo 一词)。 动词tattoo 在英语中的首次使用见于库克关于他在1768年-1771年所做的一次环球航行记录中。 库克在他1769年的日志中也把这个词用作一个名词,但因为他只是把它作为一个土著人的词汇对待,所以人们不认为他是第一个在英语中使用该词名词形式的人(记录于1777年)。但不管怎样,是水手们将这种原本是太平洋岛屿社会中的习俗带入欧洲的,所以直到今天这种做法仍然和水手们联系在一起,虽然各种职业的人们都在身上刺花纹〔Cooke〕American Roman Catholic clergyman who was archbishop of New York from 1968 to 1983.库克,泰伦提乌斯·詹姆斯:(1921-1983) 美国天主教神职人员,1968至1983年间曾任纽约大主教〔Connelly〕American playwright, producer, and director who won a Pulitzer Prize forThe Green Pastures (1930), a play based on Southern Black interpretations of biblical stories. 康纳利,马库斯·库克:(1890-1980) 美国剧作家、制片人和导演,曾因导演《绿色牧场》 (1930年)而获普利策奖,这是一个基于南部黑人对圣经故事进行诠释的戏剧 〔Washington〕Abbr. WA,Wash.A state of the northwest United States on the Pacific Ocean. It was admitted as the 42nd state in 1889. Originally explored by Capt. James Cook (1778), Washington was the object of a dispute between England and the United States until 1846, when its northern border was set at the 49th parallel. Washington is noted for its lumber and defense industries. Olympia is the capital and Seattle the largest city. Population, 4,887,941.缩写 WA,Wash.华盛顿州:美国西北部一州,靠近太平洋。它于1889年作为第42个州加入美国。华盛顿州最早由詹姆斯·库克上尉探险发现(1778年),后来它成为英国和美国的争论目标,直到1846年其北部边界定于北纬49度方告终。华盛顿州以木材和国防工业闻名。奥林匹亚为其首府,西雅图为其最大城市。人口4,887,941〔Gaea〕The goddess of the earth, who bore and married Uranus and became the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.盖亚:大地女神,并嫁给了天神乌拉诺斯,成为泰坦和独眼巨人库克罗普斯的母亲〔coxsackievirus〕Any of a group of enteroviruses that can cause a disease resembling poliomyelitis but without paralysis.库克萨基病毒:任一种肠道病毒,能引起以脊髓灰质炎为特征的疾病,但不会导致瘫痪〔Niue〕An island dependency of New Zealand in the south-central Pacific Ocean east of Tonga. Discovered by Capt. James Cook in 1774, it became internally self-governing in 1974. Alofi is the capital. Population, 3,578.纽埃岛:在太平洋中南部,汤加群岛东部的一个独立于新西兰的岛。于1774年被船长詹姆斯库克发现,1974年实行国内自治。首都阿罗夫。人口3,578〔Kiritimati〕The largest of the Line Islands in the central Pacific Ocean near the equator. Discovered by James Cook in 1777, the island is now part of Kiribati.克里斯马斯,圣诞岛:莱恩群岛最大岛屿,位于赤道附近的太平洋中部。1777年詹姆斯·库克发现此岛,现为吉里巴斯的一部分〔Cook〕British navigator and explorer who commanded three major voyages of discovery, charting and naming many islands of the Pacific Ocean. He also sailed along the coast of North America as far north as the Bering Strait.库克,詹姆斯:(1728-1779) 英国航海家和探险家,曾三次率领地理发现大航行,并为太平洋中许多岛屿绘图并命名,他还曾沿北美洲海岸向北航行直至白令海峡〔Cook〕American physician and Arctic explorer who announced that he had reached the North Pole in 1908, a claim that was rejected by the scientific community.库克,弗雷德里克·阿尔贝特:(1865-1940) 美国医生和北极探险家,曾于1908年宣布已达到北极,但未获科学界的承认〔Cooke〕American financier noted for his part in marketing Union bonds to finance the Civil War. The collapse of his bank led to the Panic of 1873.库克,杰:(1821-1905) 美国金融家,因参与发行联邦政府的债券并资助南北战争而著名,他银行的倒闭导致了1837年的经济恐慌〔coxsackievirus〕After Coxsackie , a village of east-central New York 源自 库克萨基 ,纽约市中东部一村庄 〔Banks〕British botanist noted for his circumnavigation of the globe (1768-1771) with James Cook, during which he discovered and cataloged many species of plant and animal life.班克斯,约瑟夫:(1743-1820) 英国植物学家,以其随詹姆斯·库克作环球航行而闻名(1768-1771年),旅行中他发现了许多种植物和动物并将其归类〔Pyrrhus〕King of Epirus (306-302 and 297-272) who defeated the Romans at Heraclea (280) and Asculum (279) despite his own staggering losses.皮洛士:伊庇鲁斯国王(公元前306-302以及公元前297-272年),不顾自身全军覆没的损失,在赫拉克莱亚(公元前280年)和奥斯库克姆(公元前279年)交战,打败了罗马军队〔Cooke〕British-born American journalist and broadcaster, whose books includeAround the World in 50 Years (1966) and Alistair Cooke's America (1973). 库克,(艾尔弗雷德)阿里斯泰尔:(生于 1908) 英国裔美国记者和播音员,著作包括《50年环游世界》 (1966年)及 《阿利斯特埃·库克的美国》 (1973年)等 〔taboo〕Among the many discoveries of Capt. James Cook was a linguistic one, the termtaboo. Cook used this word in his journal of 1777while he was in the Friendly Islands (now Tonga).Hence, even though similar words occur in other Polynesian languages,the formtaboo from Tongan tabu is the form we have borrowed. The Tongans usedtabu as an adjective; they spoke of persons or things that weretabu, that is, "under prohibition, forbidden, or set apart. ”Cook, besides borrowing the word into English,also made it into a noun referring to the prohibition itselfand a verb meaning "to make someone or something taboo.”From its origins in Polynesian society the wordtaboo has spread throughout the English-speaking world and has been applied in ways that never occurred to the people from whom Cook originally borrowed it.詹姆士·库克船长的许多发现中有一个是语言上的,即taboo 这个词。 库克在他1777年的航海日志中使用了这个词,当时他在弗兰德里群岛(现在的汤加)。因此,虽然相似的词也曾出现在其它的波利尼亚语言中,但是从汤加语的tabu 发展而来的 taboo 这一形式就成了我们所借用的形式。 汤加人将tabu 用作一个形容词; 他们谈论某人或某事是tabu 的, 即意味着它们是“处于禁令下的、被禁止的或和别人分开对待的”。库克除了把这个词借用到英语中,还把它变成了一名词,表示禁止,也把它用作一个动词,意为“使其人或某事成为禁忌”。起源于波利尼西亚社会的taboo 这一词已在说英语的世界中被广为使用, 而它的一些用法是库克当年向其借用该词的人们所从未想到的〔Cuxhaven〕A city of northwest Germany at the mouth of the Elbe River. It is a North Sea fishing port and a summer resort. Population 56,977.库克斯哈文:德国西北部的一个城市,位于易北河河口。它是北海的一个捕鱼港口,又是一个避暑胜地。人口56,977〔Koyukuk〕A river, about 805 km (500 mi) long, of northern Alaska flowing generally southwest from the Brooks Range to the Yukon River.科尤库克河:美国阿拉斯加北部一河流,流程约805公里(500英里),大致从布鲁克斯山脉向西南流入育空河




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