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单词 应有的
释义 〔lady〕Lady, a social term, is properly used as a parallel togentleman in order to emphasize norms expected in civil society or in situations requiring civil courtesies: 女士 这个社会称谓, 常与先生 对称,目的是用来强调文明社会所需要的规矩或在需要文明礼节的场合所应有的规矩: 〔cruel〕Savage implies a lack of the control or moderation expected of a civilized person: Savage 意指缺乏文明人所应有的控制或适度的: 〔slur〕To pass over lightly or carelessly; treat without due consideration.草率的处理:轻率地或粗心地应付;缺乏应有的思考地对待〔sloppy〕These adjectives apply to people, their appearance, their way of thinking, or their work and mean marked by an absence of due or proper care or attention.这些形容词可以用于人、人们的外表、人们的思维方式或人们的工作,意思是以缺少应有的或正确的留心或注意为特征的。〔unmindful〕Failing to give due heed, care, or attention; inattentive.See Synonyms at forgetful 不留心的,不在意的:未给予应有的注意、关心或关注的;不留心的 参见 forgetful〔disregard〕Lack of thoughtful attention or due regard.忽视,漠视;不尊重:思想不集中或缺乏应有的考虑〔chance〕Casual stresses lack of deliberation and often suggests an absence of due concern: Casual 强调缺少考虑以及应有的关注: 〔integral〕Essential or necessary for completeness; constituent:必须的:构成整体所必须的;应有的〔duty〕variant of Old French deu [due] * see due 古法语 deu的变体 [应有的] * 参见 due〔facile〕Arrived at without due care, effort, or examination; superficial:表面的,浅薄的:未经应有的关心、努力或考验就达到的;表面的:〔unman〕To cause to give up manly courage or spirit.使…丧失男子应有的勇气或精神〔incompetent〕Devoid of those qualities requisite for effective conduct or action.无能的,不适任的:对有效的指导或行动缺乏应有的能力〔impetuous〕Precipitate suggests impulsiveness and lack of due reflection: Precipitate 意思是冲动和缺乏应有的考虑: 〔empty〕These adjectives describe what contains nothing and inferentially lacks what it could or should have.这些形容词用于表明无内容或缺乏逻辑上会有或应有的内容。〔grant〕must accord the senator the respect she is due;必须给予议员她应有的尊敬;〔due〕due esteem; all due respect.应有的评价;全部应有的尊敬〔shameless〕Unblushing implies an inappropriate lack of shame or embarrassment: Unblushing 意指缺乏应有的羞耻或害臊的感觉的: 〔irreverence〕Lack of reverence or due respect.不虔诚,不尊敬:缺乏虔诚或应有的尊敬〔unthinking〕Not taking due thought; thoughtless or heedless:轻率的:未给予应有的考虑的;轻率的或不注意的:〔impious〕Lacking due respect or dutifulness:不孝的:缺乏应有的尊敬和职责的:




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