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单词 底格里斯河
释义 〔Mitanni〕An ancient kingdom of northwest Mesopotamia extending from the bend in the Euphrates River nearly to the Tigris River. Founded probably by Aryans, the kingdom was established c. 1475b.c. and lasted until c. 1275, when it fell to the Hittites. 米坦尼:美索不达米亚西北的古老王国,从幼发拉底河湾延伸接近底格里斯河。该王国可能是由亚利安人于大约公元前 1475年所建,持续到公元1275年,直至其落入赫梯人之手 〔Baghdad〕The capital and largest city of Iraq, in the center of the country on the Tigris River. Founded in the eighth century, it became a large and powerful city whose greatness is reflected in theArabian Nights. Population, 2,200,000. 巴格达:伊拉克的首都及最大的城市,位于该国中部,底格里斯河沿岸。建于8世纪,并成为一个富强盛大的城市,这在《一千零一夜》 书中可反映出。人口2,200,000 〔Mesopotamia〕An ancient region of southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq. Probably settled before 5000b.c. , the area was the home of numerous early civilizations, including Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria. It declined in importance after Mongol invaders destroyed its extensive irrigation system in a.d. 1258. 美索不达米亚:古代西南亚介于底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间的一个地区,位于现在的伊拉克境内。可能在公元前 5000年以前就开始有人在此定居。这一地区孕育了众多的人类早期文明,其中包括苏美尔文明、阿卡德文明、巴比伦文明和亚述文明。蒙古侵略者在 公元 1258年破坏了该地区发达的灌溉系统之后,这一地区的重要性就此减小 〔Jovian〕Emperor of Rome (363-364). He made peace with the Persians by giving up all Roman territories beyond the Tigris River.朱维安:罗马皇帝(363-364年)。他曾通过放弃底格里斯河以外的所有罗马领土来与波斯人讲和〔Ctesiphon〕An ancient city of central Iraq on the Tigris River southeast of Baghdad. As the residence of Parthian kings it was renowned for its splendor. The Arabs captured and plundered the city in 637.泰西封:伊拉克中部的一个古城,位于底格里斯河沿岸,巴格达东南部。作为帕提亚国王们的王宫,它以其辉煌灿烂而闻名。阿拉伯人于637年攻陷并劫掠了该城〔Shinar〕An ancient country on the lower courses of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.希纳尔:底格里斯河和幼发拉底河下游的一个古代村庄〔Samarra〕A city of north-central Iraq on the Tigris River north-northwest of Baghdad. It was the capital of the Abbasside dynasty in the ninth century and is today a pilgrimage center for Shiite Moslems. Population, 24,746.撒马拉:伊拉克中北部一城市,位于巴格达西北偏北部的底格里斯河畔。曾是9世纪阿拔斯王朝首都,现在是什叶派穆斯林朝圣地。人口24,746〔Seleucia〕An ancient city of Mesopotamia on the Tigris River south-southeast of modern Baghdad. Founded c. 300b.c. , it was an important commercial center and the chief city of the empire founded by Seleucus I. 塞琉西亚:美索不达米亚的一座古城,位于今巴格达东南偏南的底格里斯河畔。建于公元前 300年左右,是塞琉卡斯一世缔造的王国的一个重要的商业中心和主要城市 〔Calah〕An ancient city of Assyria on the Tigris River south of present-day Mosul, Iraq. It was probably built in the 13th centuryb.c. 卡拉哈:阿赛里亚的一座古代城市,位于今日伊拉克摩苏尔南部的底格里斯河边。可能建成于公元前 13世纪 〔Karkheh〕A river, about 563 km (350 mi) long, of western Iran and southeast Iraq flowing southwest to marshlands bordering the Tigris River.卡尔黑河:伊朗西部和伊拉克东南部一条河流,大约长563公里(350英里),向西南流入与底格里斯河接壤的沼泽地〔Mosul〕A city of northern Iraq on the Tigris River north-northwest of Baghdad. An important center on the historical caravan route across northern Mesopotamia, it became part of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. Mosul was awarded to Iraq by the League of Nations in 1925. Population, 570,926.摩苏尔:伊拉克北部一城市,位于巴格达西北偏北的底格里斯河沿岸,是历史上穿越美索不达米亚北部的商队路线上的一个重要中心,16世纪成为奥斯曼帝国的一部分,在1925年被国际联盟判给伊拉克。人口570,926〔Nineveh〕An ancient city of Assyria on the Tigris River opposite the site of present-day Mosul, Iraq. As capital of the Assyrian Empire, it enjoyed great influence and prosperity, especially under Sennacherib and Ashurbanipal (seventh centuryb.c. ). The city was captured and destroyed by Babylonia and its allies in 612 b.c. 尼尼微:亚述帝国的一座古城,位于底格里斯河沿岸,与今天伊拉克境内的摩苏尔城相结。曾为亚述帝国的首都,在当时影响极大且极其兴盛,尤其是在西拿基立和阿叔巴尼帕统治时期(公元前 7世纪)。该城在 公元前 612年被巴比伦尼亚及其盟国占领并毁坏 〔Tigris〕A river of southwest Asia rising in eastern Turkey and flowing about 1,850 km (1,150 mi) southeast through Iraq to the Euphrates River. It was a major transportation route in ancient times.底格里斯河:亚洲西南部一条发源于土耳其东部的流程约1,850公里(1,150英里)的河流,向东南方向贯穿伊拉克汇入幼发拉底河,在古代是一条重要的运输线〔Diyarbakir〕A city of southeast Turkey on the Tigris River. It was a Roman colony called Amida froma.d. 230 to 363 and was finally captured by the Ottoman Turks in 1515. Population, 235,617. 迪亚巴克尔:土耳其东南部一城市,位于底格里斯河畔。公元 230至363年是罗马帝国殖民地,市名阿米达,终为奥斯曼士耳其人于1515年占领。人口235,617 〔Euphrates〕A river of southwest Asia flowing about 2,735 km (1,700 mi) from central Turkey through Syria and into Iraq, where it joins the Tigris River to form the Shatt al Arab. Its waters were a major source of irrigation for the flourishing civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia.幼发拉底河:西南亚的一条河流,流程约为2,735公里(1,700英里),它发源于土耳其中部,流经叙利亚,在伊拉克境内与底格里斯河汇合形成了阿拉伯河。它的流域是古代美索不达米亚文明繁荣的重要发祥地〔Elam〕An ancient country of southwest Asia in present-day southwest Iran. It was established east of the Tigris River before 3000b.c. and was known for its warlike people, traditionally thought to be descended from Noah's son Shem. 埃兰:亚洲西南部的古老国家,在今天的伊朗西南部。公元前 3000年以前在底格里斯河东岸建国。以善战的人民著称,传统上被认为是诺亚儿子舍姆的后代




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