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单词 建立
释义 〔Long〕American politician. As governor of Louisiana (1928-1932) and U.S. senator (1930-1935) he established dictatorial control over the state.朗,休伊·皮尔斯:(1893-1935) 美国政治家。曾任路易斯安那州州长(1928-1932年)和国会参议员(1930-1935年),在该州建立了独裁专制〔oratory〕A Roman Catholic religious society founded in 1575 by Saint Philip Neri and consisting of secular priests.奥拉托力会:由圣菲利普·奈里于1515年建立的罗马天主教性质的宗教团体,由不属教派的神职人员组成〔Bunraku〕after the Bunraku-za theater built in the early 19th century by Bunraku-ken Oemurea (died 1810) 源自 文乐剧院 ,19世纪初期由文乐(卒于1810年)建立 〔Nagpur〕A city of central India northeast of Bombay. Founded in the 18th century, it passed to the British in 1853 and is today an important commercial and industrial center. Population, 1,219,461.那格浦尔:印度中部一城市,位于孟买东北部。18世纪建立,于1853年交管给英国,现今是一个重要的商业和工业中心。人口1,219,461〔Caracas〕The capital and largest city of Venezuela, in the northern part of the country near the Caribbean coast. It was founded by the Spanish in 1567 and grew rapidly during the oil boom of the 1950's. Population, 3,041,000.加拉加斯:委内瑞拉首都和最大城市,位于该国北部,濒临加勒比海岸。该市由西班牙人于1567年建立,并在20世纪50年代的石油繁荣期迅速发展。人口3,041,000〔Indy〕French composer who was a founder (1894) and director of the Schola Cantorum in Paris.丹第,(保罗·玛丽·狄奥多)文森特:(1851-1931) 法国作曲家,1894年在巴黎建立圣咏学院,并任院长〔Almaty〕A city of Kazakhstan in the southeast part of the country near the border of Kyrgyzstan. Founded in the 1850s as a Russian fort and trading post, the city served as the capital of Kazakhstan from 1929 to 1997 and is the commercial and cultural center of the country. Population, 1,045,900阿拉木图:哈萨克斯坦东南部一城市,与吉尔吉斯斯坦接壤。19世纪50年代作为俄罗斯的要塞和贸易站建立,该市1929年至1997年是哈萨克斯坦的首都以及经济、文化中心。人口1,045,900〔pin〕To fix or establish clearly:控制住:清楚地固定或建立〔Sitka〕A town of southeast Alaska on the western coast of Baranof Island. Founded by Aleksandr Baranov in 1799, it was the capital of Russian America and later the capital of Alaska from 1867 to 1906. Population, 8,588.努特卡:美国阿拉斯加东南部一城市,位于巴拉诺夫岛的西岸。于1799年由亚历山大·巴拉诺夫建立,曾是俄罗斯美洲的首府,以后1867年到1906年间是阿拉斯加的首府。人口8,588〔Qaraghandy〕A city of central Kazakhstan southeast of Astana. Founded in 1857 as a copper-mining settlement, it is now the center of a coal industry. Population, 404,600卡拉干达:阿斯坦纳东南的哈萨克中部城市。1857年作为采铜定居地建立,现为煤矿工业中心。人口404,600〔Hinkle〕American psychiatrist who in New York City cofounded the first psychotherapy clinic in the United States (1908).辛克尔,贝雅特里齐·摩西·范·盖森:(1874-1953) 美国心理学家,于1908年在纽约市与别人合作建立了美国第一家心理治疗诊所〔Pinchot〕American conservationist and politician who served as chief of the U.S. Forest Service (1898-1910) and later helped found the Progressive Party (1912).平肖,吉福德:(1865-1946) 美国保守派和政治家,曾在1898至1910年任美国林业部门领导,1912年帮助建立进步党〔Girard〕French-born American financier and philanthropist who bought out the Bank of the United States (1812) and helped finance the War of 1812.吉拉德,斯蒂芬:(1750-1831) 法国裔美国财政专家和慈善家,他建立了美国银行(1812年)并为1812年的战争筹集资金〔Kalamazoo〕A city of southwest Michigan south of Grand Rapids. First settled in 1829, it is a manufacturing center. Population, 80,277.卡拉马祖:密歇根州西南部一城市,位于大瀑布城南部。1829年该市首次建立殖民地,如今成为制造业中心之一。人口80,277〔fund〕An organization established to administer and manage a sum of money.基金管理机构:建立用于管理和安排资金的机构〔Ruse〕A city of northeast Bulgaria on the Danube River south of Bucharest, Romania. Founded as a Roman fortress in the second centurya.d. , it is today a major port and industrial center. Population, 185,000. 鲁塞:保加利亚东北部一城市,位于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特南部多瑙河上。公元前 2世纪作为罗马的要塞建立,现在是主要港口和工业中心。人口185,000 〔Frank〕A member of one of the Germanic tribes of the Rhine region in the early Christian era, especially one of the Salian Franks who conquered Gaul abouta.d. 500 and established an extensive empire that reached its greatest power in the ninth century. 法兰克人:公元初莱茵地区的一支日耳曼部落的成员,尤指法兰克萨利人的一支,他们于公元 500年左右征服了高卢并建立了辽阔的帝国,在9世纪达到鼎盛时期 〔Abbott〕American newspaper publisher who founded and edited (1905-1940) theChicago Defender, which was an early advocate of Black civil rights. 艾博特,罗伯特·森格斯塔科:(1868-1940) 美国报纸出版商,建立并编辑(1905-1940年)了黑人公民权早期拥护者的《芝加哥卫报》 〔put〕To establish a permanent residence in a locale.扎根于:在某地建立永久的住所〔Barstow〕A city of southeast California northeast of Los Angeles. It was founded in the 1880's as a silver-mining town. Population, 21,472.巴斯托:位于加利福尼亚东南部,洛杉矶东北部的一座城市,原为一个银矿开采地于19世纪80年代建立。人口21,472〔Hastings〕British colonial administrator who as governor-general of India (1773-1785) carried out land and legal reforms and instituted British control of the Indian government.黑斯廷斯,沃伦:(1732-1818) 1773-1785年间任印度总督的英殖民地官员,在任期间实施了土地和法律改革并建立起了英国对印度政府的殖民控制〔Narbonne〕A city of southern France near the Mediterranean coast southwest of Montpellier. Thought to have been the first Roman colony established in Transalpine Gaul (118b.c. ), it was an important seaport until its harbor silted up in the 14th century. It is now the commercial center of a wine-growing region. Population, 41,565. 纳巴达:法国南部的一座城市,与蒙彼利埃西南的地中海海岸相临,被认为是在外阿尔派恩高卢(公元前 118年)建立的第一个罗马人殖民地,它是一个重要海港,直到14世纪由于淤泥阻塞而停止使用,现今是葡萄种植的商业中心。人口41,565 〔Athens〕A city of southeast Ohio in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains west of Marietta. Settled c. 1797, it is a processing and manufacturing center. Population, 21,265.雅典:美国俄亥俄州东南部一城市,位于玛丽埃塔以西阿巴拉契亚山脚。约1797年建立,是加工业和制造业中心。人口21,265〔Poltava〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. in the Ukraine west-southwest of Kharkov. Probably settled by Slavic peoples in the 8th or 9th century, it was a Cossack stronghold in the 17th century. Population, 302,000.波尔塔瓦:苏联欧洲部分南部一城市,位于乌克兰境内、哈尔科夫西南偏西。它可能由斯拉夫人于8世纪或9世纪建立,17世纪是一个哥萨克人的据点。人口302,000〔Sheboygan〕A city of eastern Wisconsin on Lake Michigan north of Milwaukee. Founded c. 1835 on the site of a fur-trading post established in 1795, it is a shipping and manufacturing center. Population, 49,676.希博伊根:美国威斯康星州东部的一个城市,位于密尔沃基以北,密歇根湖畔。约1835年建立于一个1795年建立的皮毛贸易站原址上,现在是一个船运和制造中心。人口49,676〔swarm〕A group of bees with a queen bee in migration to establish a new colony.See Synonyms at flock 1蜂群:由蜂王带领迁移到别处建立一新据点的一群蜜蜂 参见 flock1〔Rantoul〕A village of east-central Illinois north of Champaign. A U.S. military air technical school was established here in 1917. Population, 17,212.兰图尔:伊利诺斯州中东部的一个村庄,位于尚佩恩北部。1917年这里建立了一个美国空军军事技术学校,人口17,212〔Pompeii〕An ancient city of southern Italy southeast of Naples. Founded in the sixth or early fifth centuryb.c. , it was a Roman colony by 80 b.c. and became a prosperous port and resort with many noted villas, temples, theaters, and baths. Pompeii was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in a.d. 79. The incredibly well-preserved ruins were rediscovered in 1748 and have been extensively excavated. 庞培:意大利南部的一座古城,位于那不勒斯东南。建立于公元前 6世纪或5世纪早期,直到 公元前 八十年,它一直是古罗马的殖民地,因有许多著名的别墅、庙宇、剧院和浴池而成为一个繁荣的港口和度假胜地。 公元 79年,庞培在维苏威火山的一次喷发中被摧毁。1748年,它难以置信地发现其完好保存的废墟被重新,而后大量地被挖掘 〔settle〕To put firmly into a desired position or place; establish.安放:牢固地放入要求的位置或地点;建立〔Alcott〕American educator and transcendentalist philosopher who maintained that learning should be based on pleasure and imagination instead of discipline.阿尔科特,阿莫斯·布朗森:(1799-1888) 美国教育家及先验论哲学家,坚持认为学习应建立在乐趣及想象力之上而非原则之上〔phatic〕Of, relating to, or being speech used to share feelings or to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas.交流感情的,交际应酬的:为了共享情感或建立社交关系,而不是为了交流信息或思想而进行谈话的,与之有关的,或成为这种谈话的〔Temuco〕A city of central Chile south-southwest of Concepción. Founded in 1881, it is a trade center. Population, 157,297.特木科:智利中部一城市,位于康塞普西翁西南以南。建立于1881年,是个贸易中心。人口157,297〔Franciscan〕Of or relating to Saint Francis of Assisi or to the order founded by him.圣方济各的:属于或关于圣方济各或他建立的修道团的〔Aspen〕A city of west-central Colorado in the Sawatch Range of the Rocky Mountains. Founded c. 1879 by silver prospectors, it is now a fashionable ski resort. Population, 5,049.阿斯彭:科罗拉多中西部的一座城市,位于落基山脉的萨沃奇岭。约在1879年由银矿勘探者建立,现为一流行的滑雪圣地。人口5,049〔Messene〕An ancient Greek city in the southwest Peloponnesus. It was founded c. 369b.c. under Theban auspices as a new capital for the region of Messenia. 麦西尼:古希腊一城市,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛的西南部。该城是在底比斯人的资助下于公元前 369年建立起来并作为麦西尼亚地区的新首都 〔Stetson〕American religious leader who founded the first Christian Science congregation in New York City (1888).斯泰森,奥古斯塔·爱玛·西蒙斯:(1842-1928) 美国宗教领袖,他在纽约建立了第一个基督教科学会(1888年)〔legitimate〕Being in accordance with established or accepted patterns and standards:正规的:与建立起来或被接受的典范和标准一致的:〔Abilene〕A city of west-central Texas west-southwest of Fort Worth. Founded in 1881 with the coming of the railroad, the city first prospered as a shipping center for cattle. Population, 106,654.艾比利尼:美国得克萨斯州中西部一城市。位于沃思堡西南偏西。1881年该市因铁路的发展而建立,并曾作为运牛中心而开始繁荣。人口106,654〔Vorkuta〕A city of extreme northeast European U.S.S.R. above the Arctic Circle. It was founded in 1932 to accommodate extensive penal-labor camps. The camps were reportedly closed after the death of Stalin in 1953. Population, 108,000.沃尔库塔:苏联欧洲部分东北端的一个城市,位于北极圈以内。建立于1932年以容纳大量的劳改犯营。据报告1953年斯大林死后这些营被关闭。人口108,000〔Davis〕A city of central California west of Sacramento. A branch of the University of California (established 1908) is here. Population, 46,209.戴维斯:美国加利福尼亚中部一城市,位于萨克拉门托以西,这有一个加利福尼亚大学(建立于1908年)的分校,人口46,209




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