单词 | 建筑师 |
释义 | 〔FAIA〕Fellow of the American Institute of Architects.美国建筑师协会会员〔Maybeck〕American architect. His designs, which reflect both classical traditions and the influence of his western environment, include the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco (1915) and the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Berkeley (1912).马白克,伯纳尔·拉尔菲:美国建筑师。其设计融合了古典传统元素及西方自然环境气息,代表作有美国旧金山的艺术宫(1915年)及加州伯克莱的基督教科学会(1912年)〔successful〕a successful architect.一位卓有成就的建筑师〔Saarinen〕Finnish-born American architect whose designs include the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, Michigan (1951-1955) and the Trans World Airlines terminal at Kennedy Airport in New York City (1962).萨里南,艾罗:(1910-1961) 芬兰裔美国建筑师,他曾设计了密歇根州沃伦市的通用汽车技术中心(1951-1955年)和纽约市肯尼迪国际机场候机楼(1962年)〔McIntire〕American architect and craftsman who designed many colonial homes and public buildings in Salem, Massachusetts.麦金泰尔,塞缪尔:(1757-1811) 美国建筑师、手工艺者,曾设计过许多殖民地时期的住宅以及马萨诸塞的塞勒姆的公共建筑〔architecture〕from architectus [architect] * see architect 源自 architectus [建筑师] * 参见 architect〔Pisano〕Italian sculptor noted for combining classical and French Gothic styles. His works include the hexagonal pulpit of the Baptistry in Pisa. Nicola's sonGiovanni (1245?-1314?), a sculptor and architect, designed the Church of the Franciscans in Naples (1268). 皮萨诺,尼古拉:(1220-1284?) 意大利雕塑家,以其融合古典主义和法国哥特式的风格而闻名,其作品包括在比萨洗礼堂的六角形布道坛。他的儿子基瓦尼 (1245?-1314?),一位雕刻家和建筑师,设计了那不勒斯的方济各教堂(1268年) 〔Peruzzi〕Italian architect and painter. In 1520 he was appointed architect for Saint Peter's in Rome.佩鲁齐,巴尔达萨雷:(1481-1536) 意大利建筑师和画家。1520年被任命为罗马圣彼得大教堂的建筑师〔Wren〕English architect who designed more than 50 London churches, most notably Saint Paul's Cathedral (1675-1710). His secular works include the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford (1664-1669) and Trinity College Library in Cambridge (1676-1684).雷恩,克里斯托弗:(1632-1723) 英国建筑师,曾设计过五十多座伦敦教堂,最著名的是圣保罗大教堂(1675-1710年)。他的非宗教类作品包括牛津的谢尔顿剧院(1664-1669年)和剑桥大学的三一学院图书馆(1676-1684年)〔Wright〕American architect whose distinctive style, based on natural forms, had a great influence on the modern movement in architecture. His designs include private homes, the Johnson Wax Company Building in Racine, Wisconsin (1939), and the Guggenheim Museum in New York City (1943-1959).莱特,弗兰克·劳埃德:(1869-1959) 美国建筑师,他基于自然形式的特殊建筑风格极大地影响了现代建筑业。他的设计包括私人住宅,在威斯康星州的拉辛市的约翰逊制腊公司办公大楼(1939年),和纽约的古根海姆博物馆(1943-1959年)〔Palladio〕Italian architect who developed a style based on the classicism of ancient Rome, breaking with the ornate conventions of the Italian Renaissance. His works include the Villa Rotonda and the Palazzo Chiericati in Venice.帕拉第奥,安德烈亚:(1508-1580) 意大利建筑师,发展了一种基于古罗马的古典主义风格,打破了意大利文艺复兴时的华丽传统。他的作品包括罗通达别墅和威尼斯的基耶里凯蒂宫〔Meier〕American architect noted for technically innovative designs that blend respectfully with their natural environments. His best-known works include the High Museum in Atlanta and the Getty Center in Los Angeles.梅尔,理查德:美国建筑师,以其与自然环境相融合的技巧性创新设计著称,他最广为人知的作品包括位于亚特兰大的高博物馆及位于洛杉矶的盖茨中心〔Gehry〕Canadian-born American architect. His designs, which incorporate elements of sculpture and collage, include the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles (1989) and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (1997).盖瑞,法兰克:加拿大裔美国建筑师,他的设计结合了雕塑及美术拼贴的元素,包括位于洛杉矶的华德迪斯奈演奏厅(1989年)及古根汉博物馆毕尔包(1997年)〔Sullivan〕American architect known for his early steel-frame designs for skyscrapers and for his influential dictum "Form follows function.”萨利,路易斯·亨利:(1856-1924) 美国建筑师,他因早期为摩天大楼的钢架结构的设计和颇有影响的“功能重于外形”的观点而著名〔Renwick〕American architect who designed the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. (1848), and Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York City (1853).兰威克,詹姆斯:(1818-1895) 美国建筑师,曾设计了华盛顿特区的史密森学院(1848年)和纽约城内的圣帕屈克大教堂(1853年)〔Pei〕Chinese-born American architect who designed Government Center in Boston and Place Ville Marie in Montreal.贝,聿(奥)·明:(生于 1917) 出生于中国的美国建筑师,设计了美国波士顿的政府中心和蒙特利尔的玛丽市广场〔Upjohn〕British-born American architect who was a leader of the Gothic revival. His designs include Trinity Church in New York City (1846).厄普约翰,理查德:(1802-1878) 生于英国的美国建筑师,为哥特风格复兴中的一位执牛耳的人物。他的设计包括纽约城的三位一体教堂(1846年)〔Imhotep〕Egyptian architect, astrologer, and physician. He was the architect of the funeral complex at Saqqara, consisting of a huge stepped pyramid, a processional hall, and other buildings.印和滇:埃及建筑师、占星家、及医师。他是塞加拉坟墓群的建筑师,该墓群有无数阶梯的大型金字塔、一座唱经堂及其它建筑物〔Vitruvius〕Roman architect and writer. HisDe Architectura is the only surviving text on ancient architectural theory. 维特鲁威:罗马建筑师和作家,他的《关于建筑》 是关于古代建筑理论的唯一流传下来的作品 〔Gropius〕German-born American architect. Founder of the Bauhaus school of design, he exerted tremendous influence on modern architecture.格罗皮厄斯,沃尔特·阿道尔夫:(1883-1969) 德裔美国建筑师,包浩斯建筑学派创始人。他对现代建筑艺术有极其重大的影响〔Giotto〕Florentine painter, architect, and sculptor. Considered the greatest painter of pre-Renaissance Italy, he turned from the formulaic Byzantine style to a more natural representation of human expression and movement.乔托:佛罗伦萨画家、建筑师和雕塑家。被认为是文艺复兴之前意大利最伟大的画家,他从拜占庭形式化的风格转向对人类的表情和动作的更自然表现〔Harrison〕British-born American architect noted as the designer of King's Chapel in Boston and Christ Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts.哈里森,彼得:(1716-1775) 出生于英格兰的美国建筑师,因设计位于波士顿的耶稣大教堂和马萨诸塞州剑桥的耶稣教堂而著名〔Jones〕English architect who brought the Palladian classical style to England. He designed the Queen's House in Greenwich and the Banqueting Hall in Whitehall, London.琼斯,伊尼戈:(1573-1652) 英国建筑师,曾把帕拉弟奥古典主义风格带到英国。他设计了格林尼治的女王行宫及伦敦怀特霍尔宴会厅〔Stone〕American architect who was an exponent of the International Style. Among his notable designs is the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. (1964).斯通,爱德华·杜雷尔:(1902-1978) 美国建筑师,国际风格的倡导者,他的著名设计之一是华盛顿特区的供艺术表演用的肯尼迪中心(1964年)〔Cram〕American architect and noted exponent of the Gothic revival. He designed part of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in New York City.克拉姆,拉尔夫·亚当斯:(1863-1942) 美国建筑师和著名的哥德复兴式建筑风格的倡导者。他设计了部分纽约城的圣约翰大教堂〔McKim〕American architect who was a leading proponent of the neoclassic revival. His designs include those of the Boston Public Library (1887) and the Rhode Island state capitol (1892).麦金,查尔斯·福伦:(1847-1909) 美国建筑师,新古典复兴派的代表人物。他的设计有波士顿公众图书馆(1887年)和罗得岛州的州府大厦(1892年)〔Utzon〕Danish architect who won a competition to design the Opera House in Sydney, Australia (1957). He withdrew from the project in 1966, and the building was completed, though not entirely to his design, in 1973.伍重:丹麦建筑师,在设计澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院的竞争中获胜(1957年)。他于1966年退出该项目,该楼于1973年竣工,不过并非完全根据他的设计〔Johnson〕American architect who designed the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center (1964) and the American Telephone and Telegraph Headquarters Building (1978), both in New York City.约翰逊,菲利普·科特尤:(生于 1906) 美国建筑师,设计了林肯中心的纽约州剧院(1964年)以及美国电话电报指挥大楼(1978年),生于纽约市〔Geddes〕American architect and theatrical and industrial designer who popularized the concept of streamlining.格迪斯,诺曼·贝勒:(1893-1958) 美国建筑师,剧院和工业设计人,曾推广了流线型的概念〔mansard〕after François Mansart (1598-1666), French architect 源自弗朗西斯 孟萨 (1598-1666年),法国建筑师 〔Costa〕Brazilian architect. Heavily influenced by Le Corbusier and by Bauhaus design, he rose to fame after his airplane-shaped plan was selected for Brasília, the new capital of Brazil, in 1957.寇斯塔,卢西欧:巴西建筑师。他深受柯比意和包浩斯设计风格的影响,1957年他的飞机形设计图被用于巴西新首都巴西利亚的建设后声名鹊起〔Scott〕British architect and a leader of the Gothic revival who restored the edifice of Westminster Abbey.斯科特,乔治·吉尔伯特:(1811-1878) 英国建筑师和哥特复兴的领导人,修复了威斯敏斯特大教堂的建筑〔Root〕American architect whose designs include the Monadnock Building (1889-1891) in Chicago, which employed steel framing instead of traditional solid-wall construction.路特,约翰·韦尔伯恩:(1850-1891) 美国建筑师,其设计包括芝加哥的使用钢铁构架而非传统的实心墙结构的英纳德诺克建筑(1889-1891年)〔Goodhue〕American architect whose works include the chapel of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (1908) and the Nebraska State Capitol (completed 1934).古德休,贝特拉·格罗斯文诺:(1869-1924) 美国建筑师,经手的建筑包括美国陆军军官学校西点军校的附属礼拜堂(1908年)和美国内布拉斯加州议会会堂(1934年完成)〔Bulfinch〕American architect whose major works include the Massachusetts State House in Boston (1798) and the completion of the U.S. Capitol (1830).布尔芬奇,查尔斯:(1763-1844) 美国建筑师,主要作品有位于波士顿的马萨诸塞州大厦(1798年)和美国国会大厦(1830年)〔Hastings〕American architect who with John Merven Carrère formed an important architectural firm whose designs include that of the New York Public Library (1897-1911) and numerous mansions.黑斯廷斯,托马斯:(1860-1929) 美国建筑师,他和约翰·默文·卡雷尔一起建立了一个重要的建筑公司,他设计了纽约公共图书馆(1897-1911年)和不计其数的大厦〔Vanbrugh〕English playwright and architect who wroteThe Provok'd Wife (produced 1697) and designed Blenheim Palace. 范布勒,约翰:(1664-1726) 英国剧作家和建筑师,著有《恼怒的妻子》 (作于1697年)并设计了布兰希姆宫 〔Speer〕German architect and Nazi politician. He was Hitler's personal architect (1934-1945) and minister of armaments (1942-1945).斯皮尔,阿尔贝特:(1905-1981) 德国建筑师及纳粹政治家,他曾任希特勒的私人建筑师(1934-1945年)及军备部长(1942-1945年)〔Benjamin〕American architect particularly noted for his books, such asThe American Builder's Companion (1806), which popularized late colonial and Greek Revival designs throughout New England. 本杰明,阿舍:(1773-1845) 美国建筑师,特别以其著作闻名,如《美国建筑者伴侣》 (1806年),该书在新英格兰推广殖民时代晚期和希腊复兴时期的建筑设计 〔Churrigueresque〕after José Benito Churriguera (1665-1725), Spanish architect 源自约瑟·贝内托 丘里格拉 (1665-1725年),西班牙建筑师 |
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