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单词 开花
释义 〔vernalization〕Subjection of seeds or seedlings to low temperature in order to hasten plant development and flowering.春化作用,春化处理:为了加速植物的生长和开花把种子或幼苗置于低温度下〔broccoli〕Italian [pl. of] broccolo [flowering sprout of a turnip] [diminutive of] brocco [shoot, sprout] 意大利语 broccolo的复数 [萝卜开花的嫩枝] brocco的小后缀 [芽,嫩枝] 〔phytochrome〕A cytoplasmic pigment of green plants that absorbs light and regulates dormancy, seed germination, and flowering.光敏色素:绿色植物的一种胞质色素,它可吸收阳光和调整植物的休眠状态、种子发芽和开花〔floriferous〕From Latin flōrifer [bearing flowers] 源自 拉丁语 flōrifer [开花的] 〔nicotiana〕Any of various flowering annual or perennial herbs of the genusNicotiana, native to the Americas and including the tobacco plant and ornamental species with fragrant flowers. 烟草属:一种源于美洲的箭羽烟草花 属开花的一年或多年生草本植物,包括烟草植物和带有芳香花朵的装饰性种类 〔goldenrod〕Any of numerous chiefly North American plants of the genusSolidago, having clusters of small yellow flower heads that bloom in late summer or fall. 一枝黄花:许多主要产于北美的一枝黄花 属植物,簇生成头状花序的小黄花,在夏末和秋季开花 〔sallow〕A broad-leaved European willow(Salix caprea) having large catkins that appear before the leaves and tough wood used as a source of charcoal. 柳树:欧洲阔叶柳树(柳属 黄花柳) ,具有柔荑花序,开花早于叶子出现,硬树木,可制木炭 〔exanthema〕anthein [to blossom] from anthos [flower] anthein [开花] 源自 anthos [花] 〔bloom〕To bear a flower or flowers.开花:产生或长出花〔determinate〕Terminating in a flower and blooming in a sequence beginning with the uppermost or central flower; cymose:依序绽放的,聚伞花序的:从最上面的或中间的花开始以一定的顺序开花,最后在一朵花上终止的;聚伞花序的:〔flowerage〕The process or state of flowering.开花开花的过程或状态〔digitalis〕The name of the plant genusDigitalis, whose member the foxglove provides an important drug used to treat heart disease,is associated with another part of the body, the finger.InDigitalis, which comes from the Latin word digitālis, meaning "relating to a finger,”we recognizedigit, which derives from Latin digitus, "finger, toe.” In Modern Latin the genus name was chosenbecause the German name for the foxglove isFingerhut, "thimble,” or literally "finger hat.” The second part of our wordfoxglove also refers to the similarity of the foxglove blossoms to the fingers of a glove. Digitalis is first recorded in English in a work published in 1664. 毛地黄 属的植物毛地黄, 是治疗心脏病的重要药物,与身体另一部位手指有关。Digitalis 来自于拉丁语 digitalis , 意指“与手指有关的”。我们认为digit 来源于表示“手指,脚趾”的拉丁语 digitus 。 在新拉丁语中选定了种属名称,是因为熟地的日耳曼语名称是Fingerhut “指套”或字面上的“指套”。 Foxglove 的第二部分是指毛地黄开花时与手套的指头很相似。 英语中第一次记录Digitalis 的作品是在1664年发表 〔cereus〕Any of several cacti of the genusCereus or closely related genera, such as a night-blooming cereus. 仙影掌,仙人山:一种仙影掌属 或相近属仙人掌,如夜里开花的仙人掌 〔mayflower〕Any of various plants that bloom in May.五月花:五月开花的植物〔florescence〕from Latin flōrēscēns flōrēscent- [present participle of] flōrēscere [inchoative of] flōrēre [to flower, bloom] * see flourish 源自 拉丁语 flōrēscēns flōrēscent- flōrēscere的现在分词 flōrēre的起始动词 [开花,盛开] * 参见 flourish〔accrescent〕Increasing in size after flowering, as the calyx of the ground cherry.生长的,增加的:开花之后在体积上的增长,如樱桃花萼的生长〔lorikeet〕Any of several small, often brilliantly colored Australasian parrots that feed primarily on soft fruits or the nectar and pollen of flowers and blooming trees.短尾鹦鹉:一种澳大拉西亚的体小、通常色彩鲜艳的鹦鹉,主要食软果或水果原汁花与开花树木和花的蜜〔floricane〕The flowering and fruiting stem of a biennial plant, especially of a bramble.花茎:两年生植物开花并结果的茎,尤指有刺灌木的〔Romberg〕Hungarian-born American composer of operettas, includingBlossom Time (1921) and The Student Prince (1924). 龙伯格,西格蒙德:(1887-1951) 匈牙利裔美籍音乐喜剧作曲家,其作品包括《开花时节》 (1921年)和 《学生王子》 (1924年) 〔rhodora〕A deciduous shrub(Rhododendron canadense) of northeast North America, having rose-purple, two-lipped flowers that bloom before the leaves appear. 北美杜鹃:北美东北部的一种定时落叶(杜鹃花属 加拿大杜鹃) 灌木,具有玫瑰紫红色,两片的花,在叶子出现之前开花 〔effloresce〕flōrēscere [inchoative of] flōrēre [to blossom] from flōs flōr- [flower] * see bhel- 3flōrēscere flōrēre的起始动词 [开花] 源自 flōs flōr- [花] * 参见 bhel- 3〔ganja〕Marijuana, especially a highly resinous form of marijuana prepared from the flowering tops and leaves of selected plants and usually ingested by smoking.大麻:大麻,尤指从精选植物的开花顶端及叶中提取的大麻的高质量树脂形式,一般通过吸烟来摄取〔everblooming〕Blooming throughout the growing season.连续开花的,常开花的:四季开花的,在生长季节里不断开花〔blossom〕The condition or time of flowering:花期:开花的状态和时期:〔pasqueflower〕Alteration influenced by pasque [Easter, from their flowering in April] 受 pasque的影响 [复活节,由四月开花而得名] 〔disbud〕To remove buds from (a plant) to promote better blooms from the remaining buds or control the shape of the plant.摘去…的幼芽;摘除…的花蕾:摘去(植物)的幼芽或花蕾,从而使剩下的花蕾更好地开花或控制植物的形状〔biennial〕A plant that normally requires two seasons to complete its life cycle, growing usually as a rosette in the first season and producing flowers and fruits and then dying in the second season.二年生植物:一般需要两个生长季来完成其生命周期的植物,通常是第一季生长为莲座丛,第二季开花、结果,后死亡〔blow〕From Middle English blowen [to bloom] 源自 中古英语 blowen [开花] 〔florescence〕A condition, time, or period of flowering.See Synonyms at bloom 1花期:一种开花的状态、一段开花的时间或时期 参见 bloom1〔perpetual〕Flowering throughout the growing season.四季开花的:整个生长季节都开花〔anthesis〕from anthein [to bloom] 源自 anthein [开花] 〔burgeon〕To begin to grow or blossom.抽条,长出花蕾:开始生长或开花〔blow〕To bloom or cause to bloom.开花或使花盛开〔hashish〕A purified resin prepared from the flowering tops of the female cannabis plant and smoked or chewed as a narcotic or an intoxicant.印度大麻麻醉剂:由雌性大麻的开花顶端提炼出来的纯丁香,作为一种麻醉剂或毒品点燃或咀嚼〔anthesis〕The period during which a flower is fully open and functional.开花开花期:花朵完全开放的时期〔bloom〕The condition of being in flower:开花期:开花状态:〔rafflesia〕Any of various parasitic plants of the genusRafflesia of tropical Asia, having small, brownish, scalelike leaves and fleshy, apetalous, foul-smelling flowers of various sizes. The species R. arnoldii has the largest flowers among all flowering plants, often measuring up to 1 meter (40 inches) in diameter. 大花草:一种生于亚洲热带的大花草 属寄生植物,叶小、呈棕色、鳞状,有大小各异、肉质、单(花)被的、味道很难闻的花 大王花 的花在所有开花品种中是最大的,直径通常可达1米(40英寸) 〔monocarpic〕Flowering and bearing fruit only once.只有一次开花和结果的〔phenology〕The scientific study of periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, breeding, and migration, in relation to climatic conditions.物候学,物候现象:研究与气候条件有关的周期性生物现象的科学,如开花、繁殖和迁移〔anthesis〕Greek anthēsis [flowering] 希腊语 anthēsis [开花]




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