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释义 〔Vladivostok〕A city of extreme southeast Far Eastern U.S.S.R. on an arm of the Sea of Japan. It has been a naval base since 1872 and grew rapidly after the completion of the Trans-Siberian Railroad in the early 1900's. Population, 600,000.符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴):苏联远东最东南的一个城市,位于日本海海湾。自从1872年以来一直为海军基地,20世纪早期在模贯西伯利亚铁路开通后发展更为迅速。人口600,000〔domain〕An open connected set that contains at least one point.域:至少含有一个点的开通连集〔Seattle〕A city of west-central Washington bounded by Puget Sound and Lake Washington. First settled in the 1850's, it prospered after the coming of the railroad in 1884 and became a boom town during the Alaskan gold rush of 1897. It is now an important commercial, transportation, and industrial hub and a major port of entry. Population, 516,259.西雅图:美国华盛顿州中西部的一个城市,被普吉特湾和华盛顿湖环绕。19世纪50年代首批居民在此定居,1884年火车开通后开始繁荣起来,在1897年阿拉斯加淘金热潮中成为一个新兴城市。它现在是重要的商业、运输、工业中心及主要进口港。人口516,259〔Bremerhaven〕A city of northwest Germany at the mouth of the Weser River near the North Sea. It has a deep natural harbor and is an important shipping center. Transatlantic service to the United States was inaugurated here in 1847. Population, 135,095.不来梅港:德国西北部一城市,位于北海附近的威悉河河口。该市有一个天然深港,是重要的航运中心。1847年该市开通了横渡大西洋直达美国的航线。人口135,095〔Suez〕A city of northeast Egypt at the head of the Gulf of Suez and the southern terminus of the Suez Canal. It became a major port after the opening of the canal. Population, 254,000.苏伊士:埃及东北部一城市,位于苏伊士湾的顶端,苏伊士运河的最南端。苏伊士运河开通后该市成为一个重要的港口。人口254,000〔Somaliland〕A region of eastern Africa comprising present-day Somalia, Djibouti, and southeast Ethiopia. The area was a target of European colonization after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869.索马里兰:东非一个地区,由当今的索马里、吉布提和埃塞俄比亚东南部组成。1869年苏伊士运河开通之后,该地区成为欧洲殖民地的目标〔broad〕had broad views regarding social services.See Synonyms at broad-minded 对于社会的服务业持开通的见解 参见 broad-minded〔way〕opened the way to peace.开通走向和平之路〔Schenectady〕A city of eastern New York on the Mohawk River northwest of Albany. First settled in 1661, it prospered after the opening of the Erie Canal and the coming of the railroad in the early 19th century. Its electrical industry dates to the 1880's. Population, 65,566.斯卡奈塔第:美国纽约州东部的一座城市,位于奥尔巴尼西北部莫霍克河岸。建立于1661年,在伊利运河开通及19世纪早期铁路开通后开始繁荣。电子工业可追溯到19世纪80年代。人口65,566〔Aden〕The largest city of Yemen, in the southern part of the country on the Gulf of Aden. It has been one of the chief ports of southern Arabia since ancient times and became a major trading and refueling station after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Aden was the capital of Southern Yemen from 1967 until 1990. Population, 271,600.亚丁:也门最大的城市,处于亚丁湾南部。自古以来一直是阿拉伯半岛南部的主要港口之一,1869年苏伊士运河开通后,成为一个主要的贸易区及燃料补给站。从1967年至1990年亚丁是南也门的首都。人口271,600〔Pierre〕The capital of South Dakota, in the central part of the state on the Missouri River. Originally a small trading center, it thrived after the coming of the railroad and was chosen as state capital in 1889. Population, 12,906.皮尔:美国南达科他州的首府,位于该州的中部、密苏里河畔。最初是一个小贸易中心,铁路开通之后繁荣起来,1889年被选为州首府。人口12,906〔throughout〕The road is kept open throughout the year.这条路全年开通〔tunnel〕To make a tunnel through or under.在…掘隧道:穿过或在…下面开通一条坑道〔touch〕To renew a line of communication:重新开通一联系线路:〔Winnipeg〕The capital and largest city of Manitoba, Canada, in the southeast part of the province at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine rivers. Founded as a fur-trading post, it developed rapidly after the coming of the railroad in 1881. Population, 564,473.温尼伯:加拿大马尼托巴省省会和最大城市,位于此省东南部雷德河和阿西尼伯因河交汇 处。建立时是一个毛皮贸易站,1881年铁路开通后发展很快。人口564,473〔clear〕Free from impediment, obstruction, or hindrance; open:畅通的,无阻的:无阻碍、妨碍或障碍的;开通的:〔utilize〕A number of critics have remarked thatutilize is an unnecessary substitute for use. It is true that many occurrences ofutilize could be replaced by use with no loss to anything but pretentiousness, for example, in sentences such asBarbara utilized (prefer used ) questionable methods in her analysis or We hope that many commuters will continue to utilize (prefer use ) mass transit after the bridge has reopened. Bututilize can mean "to find a profitable or practical use for.” Thus the sentenceThe teachers were unable to use the new computers might mean only that the teachers were unable to turn the computers on, whereasThe teachers were unable to utilize the new computers suggests that the teachers could not find ways to employ the computers in instruction. 一些批评家认为utilize 只是 use 的一个不必要的替换词。 在许多情况下utilize 可以被 use 替代,除了矫饰的风格被去掉之外意思上没有任何减损, 例如:Barbara utilized ( used 更可取) questionable methods in her analysis(芭芭拉在她的分析中用了一些有争议的方法) 或者 We hope that many commuters will continue to utilize ( use 更可取) mass transit after the bridge has reopened(我们希望许多乘公共汽车上下班者在桥重新开通之后仍旧使用公共交通)。 但是utilize 可指“为…找到一种有益的或实用的用途”。 因而下面这句话The teachers were unable to use the new computers(老师们不会使用新电脑) ,有可能指只有这些老师不会打开计算机, 而The teachers were unable to utilize the new computers(老师不会运用新计算机) 暗示了那些老师在指导时不知道如何利用电脑




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