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单词 异想天开
释义 〔romantic〕romantic notions.异想天开的念头〔vapor〕A fantastic or foolish idea.幻想,妄想:异想天开的或愚蠢的想法〔whimsicality〕A whimsical idea or its expression; a caprice.怪念头:异想天开的念头或表述;怪念头〔chimerical〕Created by or as if by a wildly fanciful imagination; highly improbable.大胆虚构或异想天开的;非常不可能的〔fancy〕The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.See Synonyms at imagination 想象力:心智机能,能产生想法、幻想、想象;想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的 参见 imagination〔woolgathering〕Indulgence in fanciful daydreams.异想天开:放任于稀奇的白日梦〔whimsicality〕The quality or state of being whimsical.异想天开的、心血来潮等的状态〔wild〕a wild idea.异想天开的主意〔caprice〕"Talk of space stations, space manufacturing or space defense will be whimsy until the cost of reaching orbit comes down" (Gregg Easterbrook). “关于空间站、空间加工业或空间防御的高辩阔论在进入轨道所需的成本降低之前只是异想天开” (格里格·衣斯特布鲁克)。〔whimsy〕An odd or fanciful idea; a whim.See Synonyms at caprice 古怪或离奇的念头,异想天开 参见 caprice〔Laputan〕Absurdly impractical or visionary, especially to the neglect of more useful activity.异想天开的:极端不切实际的或异想天开的,特别是指否定更有用的行为的〔arbitrary〕the butt of whimsical persecution. 异想天开迫害的对象。 〔woolgathering〕Indulging in fanciful daydreams.异想天开的:放任于稀奇的白日梦的〔viewy〕Exhibiting extravagant or visionary opinions.空想的:表现不切实际的或者异想天开的观点的〔embellish〕a fanciful account that embellishes the true story.对这个真实故事添加的异想天开的解释〔pup〕An inexperienced or conceited young person:毫无经验或异想天开的年轻人:〔whimsical〕Determined by, arising from, or marked by whim or caprice.See Synonyms at arbitrary 异想天开的:因心血来潮或异想天开而做决定的,由此引起或具有其特性的 参见 arbitrary




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