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单词 引人注意
释义 〔display〕An advertisement or headline designed to catch the eye.夸张的广告:为引人注意而设计的广告或大标题〔arresting〕Attracting and holding the attention; striking.See Synonyms at noticeable 醒目的:引人注意的和给人深刻印象的;引人注目的 参见 noticeable〔aware〕"as much awake to the novelty of attention in that quarter as Elizabeth herself" (Jane Austen). “在那一季对引人注意的新奇事物的感知象伊丽莎白自己一样多” (简·奥斯汀)。〔blatant〕It is natural thatblatant and flagrant are often confused, since the words overlap in meaning.Both attribute conspicuousness and offensiveness to certain acts.Butblatant emphasizes the failure to conceal the act: 混淆单词blatant 和 flagrant 是很自然的, 因为两词有重叠含义,都是指某种行为的引人注意和令人讨厌。但是blatant 强调没有隐藏这种行为: 〔noticeable〕The movements of the prowler were observable from the window. What ismarked is emphatically evident: 从窗户那很容易注意到来回走动的徘徊者。 Marked 形容的是格外地引人注意的事物: 〔notability〕A prominent or notable person.名人:重要的或引人注意的人〔fun〕The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable,just as the wordtalkative has lost all taint of its originally jocular formation from the attachment of a Latinate suffix to a native Anglo-Saxon root. At present, however, the attributive use offun may still raise eyebrows, and writers who want to stay on the safe side are advised to avoid it in contexts in which a light tone would not be appropriate.也许总有一天,这一用法会变得完全不引人注意了,正如单词talkative 在其拉丁语后缀与盎格鲁-撒克逊语词根组成词时该词有打趣的意味,但现在已失去其所具有的本义了。 然而,现在使用fun 做定语仍有可能导致误解, 而为保险起见的作家也都会避免在与轻松的语调显得不太协调的行文中使用该词〔gimmick〕To add gimmicks to; clutter with gadgets or attention-getting details. Often used withup. 用暗机关于:用暗机关于;被小玩意和引人注意的小东西弄得乱七八糟。常与up 连用 〔obscure〕Not readily noticed or seen; inconspicuous:不引人注意的:不会马上被发现的或看见的;不引人注意的:〔noteworthy〕a noteworthy advance in cancer research.在癌症研究方面引人注意的进步〔desirable〕A desirable person or thing.引人注意者:引人注意的人或事〔noteworthy〕Deserving notice or attention; notable:值得注意的;引人注意的:〔absorb〕To occupy the full attention, interest, or time of; engross.See Synonyms at monopolize 引人注意,使着迷:占据…的全部注意力、兴趣或时间;使全神贯注 参见 monopolize〔inconspicuous〕Not readily noticeable.不醒目的,不显眼的:不容易引人注意〔splotch〕"spectacular splotches of color and beauty in the blossoms"(Wendy Lyon Moonan)“花丛中引人注意的鲜艳色块”(温迪·里昂·穆南)〔obtrusive〕Undesirably noticeable:引人注意的:令人不适地引人注目的:〔feat〕A notable act or deed, especially an act of courage; an exploit.功绩:引人注意的行为或事情,特指勇敢的行为;功劳〔noticeable〕"His long, feminine eyelashes were very noticeable" (Joseph Conrad). “他那长长的,女人似的睫毛很引人注意” (约瑟夫·康拉德)。 〔tattler〕Any of several shore birds related to and resembling the sandpipers, especially one of the genusHeteroscelus that is noted for its loud cry. 鹬科鸟:一种生活于水边的与鹬有亲缘关系或类似鹬的鸟类,尤指红脚鹬 属的一种鸟,以其大声的鸣叫而引人注意 〔unobtrusive〕Not undesirably noticeable or blatant; inconspicuous.不突出的:没有让人生厌的引人注意或炫耀的;不显眼的〔obtrusive〕an obtrusive scar.一块引人注意的伤口〔obscure〕an obscure flaw.不引人注意的瑕疵




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