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单词 弗里吉亚
释义 〔Antioch〕An ancient town of Phrygia north of present-day Antalya, Turkey. It was a center of Hellenistic influence and was visited by Saint Paul in biblical times.安提克:今土耳其北部弗里吉亚的一座古镇。是受古希腊文化影响的中心,《圣经》年代圣保罗曾参观过这里〔Phrygian〕The Indo-European language of the Phrygians.弗里吉亚语:弗里吉亚人的讲的印欧语系语言〔Troy〕Also Il.i.on [ĭlʹē-ən, -ŏn'] or [-ē-əm] An ancient city of northwest Asia Minor near the Dardanelles River. Originally a Phrygian city dating from the Bronze Age, it is the legendary site of the Trojan War and was captured and destroyed by Greek forces c. 1200b.c. The ruins of Troy were discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in 1871. 也作 Il.i.on [ĭlʹē-ən, -ŏn'] 或 [-ē-əm] 特洛伊:小亚细亚西北一古城,位于达达尼尔河附近。从青铜器时代起便是一座弗里吉亚城市,传说为特洛伊战争所在地,大约在公元前 1200年被希腊军队侵占并毁灭。特洛伊城废墟于1871年由海因里希·希里曼发现 〔Phrygian〕Of or relating to Phrygia or its people, language, or culture.弗里吉亚的:弗里吉亚或其民族、语言或文化的〔Baucis〕A peasant woman of Phrygia who together with her husband Philemon received with great hospitality Zeus and Hermes disguised as men. The gods rewarded the couple by turning them in their old age into intertwining linden and oak trees.博西斯:弗里吉亚的一位农妇,她和其丈夫腓力门热情款待了乔装下凡的宙斯和赫耳墨斯。宙斯酬谢了这对夫妇,在他们年老时,把他们变成了互相缠绕着的菩提树和橡树〔Attis〕A Phrygian man, the consort of Cybele, whom the goddess out of sexual jealousy drove mad, whereupon he castrated himself and died.阿提斯:弗里吉亚人和西布莉的配偶,西布莉出于性妒忌将阿提斯逼疯,阿提斯因此自宫而死〔Corybant〕A priest of the Phrygian goddess Cybele whose rites were celebrated with music and ecstatic dances.科瑞本特:弗里吉亚自然女神西布莉的侍从,自然女神的礼拜仪式以音乐和欢快的舞蹈来庆祝〔Midas〕The fabled king of Phrygia to whom Dionysus gave the power of turning to gold all that he touched.迈达斯:传说中的弗里吉亚国王,酒神狄俄尼索斯赐给他一种力量使他能够把他用手触摸的任何东西变成金子〔Phrygia〕An ancient region of central Asia Minor in modern-day central Turkey. It was settled c. 1200b.c. and flourished from the eighth to the sixth century, after which it came under the influence of Lydia, Persia, Greece, Rome, and Byzantium. 弗里吉亚:小亚细亚中部一古代地区,位于今天的土耳其中部。从公元前1200年起就有人定居,并从公元前 8世纪到6世纪繁荣一时,之后受到吕底亚古国、波斯、希腊、罗马和拜占庭的统治 〔frieze〕from Latin Phrygium (opus) [Phrygian (work)] 源自 拉丁语 Phrygium (opus) [弗里吉亚(制品)] 〔Konya〕A city of southwest-central Turkey south of Ankara. Built on the site of an ancient Phrygian city, Konya was a powerful Seljuk sultanate from the 11th to the 13th century. Population, 329,139.科尼亚:土耳其中部偏西南一城市,位于安卡拉以南。建在一个古代弗里吉亚城市的遗址上,从11世纪到13世纪,科尼亚是一个强大的塞尔柱苏丹帝国。人口329,139〔Cybele〕The Phrygian goddess of nature of ancient Asia Minor.西布莉:古代小亚细亚的弗里吉亚自然女神〔Phrygian〕A native or inhabitant of Phrygia.弗里吉亚人:弗里吉亚土著人或居民




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