单词 | 归入 |
释义 | 〔subsumption〕from subsūmptus [past participle of] subsūmere [to subsume] * see subsume 源自 subsūmptus subsūmere的过去分词 [把…归入某一类] * 参见 subsume〔subsume〕To classify, include, or incorporate in a more comprehensive category or under a general principle:把…归类:把…归入一更大范围更广泛的类型中或归在一普遍原则下:〔classify〕To designate (a document, for example) as confidential, secret, or top secret.归入机密级别:指定(如文件)为机密、秘密或绝密的〔put〕Just put him down as a sneak.他被归入鬼鬼祟祟的那一类人〔list〕To put (oneself) in a specific category:列为:把(自己)归入某一类别:〔Tadzhikistan〕A historical region of south-central Asia bordering on Afghanistan and China. It was settled by the Tajik by the 10th century and conquered by the Mongols in the 13th century. The region was acquired by Russia in 1895.塔吉克斯坦:亚洲中南部的一个历史地区,与阿富汗和中国接壤。塔吉克人在10世纪以前在这个地区定居,在13世纪它被蒙古人征服。该地区于1895年归入俄国〔trashed〕Expressions for intoxication are among those that best showcase the creativity of slang. The boundless inventiveness in expressing the ordinary in not-so-ordinary ways led Walt Whitman to describe slang as"an attempt of common humanity to escape from bald literalism, and express itself illimitably.” Colloquial and slang expressions meaning "intoxicated" can fill several pages in slang thesauruses. Most fall into a few general groups. Common are expressions that originally meant "damaged, badly affected by something,” such as trashed, smashed, crocked, blitzed, hammered, wasted, messed up, and blasted. Cooking terms are also common, such as baked, fried, and boiled (said to have been coined at Princeton University in the 1920s). Terms relating to liquids or being filled are a natural source of metaphors for filling oneself up with drink or drugs: sloshed, oiled, tanked, and loaded are but a few. Some terms are not easily classified or have origins that are not fully clear, such as tight (first appearing in the 1830s), plastered (first appearing around 1912), blotto (perhaps from blot, first appearing in 1917), and stoned (apparently taken from such expressions as stone-drunk, stone-cold, and first appearing as stone in 1945). Most current terms for "intoxicated" are not very old, as one expects of slang terms generally; of those in the lists above, blotto, crocked, fried, loaded, plastered, tanked, tight, and oiled are recorded in the first half of the 20th century, and of these only tight and oiled are known to have existed before then. 表示喝醉的词语充分体现了俚语的创造性。用非同寻常的方式创造极为寻常的俚语,其间蕴藏了无限创造空间,华尔特·惠特曼将俚语描述为“让平常心从文字束缚中逃离,并随性表达出来” 。表示“喝醉的,酒醉的”的口语以及俚语的表达方式,可以填满俚语同义词的数页空间。大多数俚语可归入几个分类。许多常见俚语的原意为“被破坏的,受某物负面影响”,如 trashed、smashed、crocked、blitzed、hammered、wasted、messed up 以及 blasted 。烹饪词汇也很普遍,如 baked、fried 和 boiled (据说由普林斯顿大学于20世纪20年代创造)。与液体或注入有关的词语是隐喻表示过多饮酒或吸毒而形成的自然来源: sloshed、oiled、tanked 和 loaded 只是其中少数例子。有些词语不易界定其类别或其原意较不清楚,如 tight (首次出现于19世纪30年代)、 plastered (首次出现于1912年)、 blotto (可能源自 blot ,首次出现于1917年)以及 stoned (显然来自词语 stone-drunk和stone-cold ,并于1945年首次以 stone 的形式出现)。正如大家对俚语的普遍看法,大多数表示“喝醉的,酒醉的”的现行词语都较新;在如上所列词汇中, blotto、crocked、fried、loaded、plastered、tanked、tight 和 oiled 首次见载于19世纪中叶,只有 tight 和 oiled 是所知早于那个时期 〔break〕To be separable or classifiable into categories, as data.可分开归入各种类别,如数据〔subsume〕"The evolutionarily later always subsumes and includes the evolutionarily earlier"(Frederick Turner)“在进化史上,先来者总是被归入后来者中”(弗雷德里克·特纳)〔Gniezno〕A city of central Poland east-northeast of Pozna÷. Polish kings were crowned here from 1025 to 1320. The city passed to Prussia in 1793 and was restored to Poland in 1919. Population, 67,400.格涅兹诺:波兰中部一城市,位于波兹南东北偏东。从1025年到1320年波兰国王在此加冕。它在1793年割让给普鲁士,1919年重新归入荷兰。人口67,400〔range〕To assign to a particular category; classify.分类:归入某一特定范畴;归类〔Sassari〕A city of northwest Sardinia, Italy, north-northwest of Cagliari. An important trading center in the Middle Ages, it was held by the Genoese and Aragonese before passing to Piedmont in 1718. Population, 118,158.萨萨里:意大利撒丁尼亚岛西北部的一城市,位于卡利亚里的西北偏北方。中世纪时它是一个重要贸易中心,并且一直为热那亚人和亚拉冈人占据,直到1718年归入皮得蒙省。人口118,158〔Devonian〕Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, system of rocks, or sedimentary deposits of the fourth period of the Paleozoic Era, after the Silurian and before the Mississippian or Carboniferous Period, and characterized by the appearance of forests and amphibians. See table at geologic time 泥盆纪的:归入古生代第四纪的地质时期的岩石系统或沉积矿床泥盆纪。处于志留记之后,密西西比纪或石炭纪之前,森林和两栖类的出现是其特征 参见 geologic time〔reabsorb〕To accommodate or accept again, as into a group or category.重接收:重新接纳或接受,例如进入某一集体或归入某一类别〔Sardinia〕An island of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea south of Corsica. Settled by Phoenicians, Greeks, and Carthaginians before the sixth centuryb.c. , the island was taken by Rome in 238 b.c. and later fell to the Vandals (fifth century a.d. ) and the Byzantines (early sixth century). Numerous European powers controlled the island before 1720, when it passed to the House of Savoy and became the nucleus of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia became the first king of Italy in 1861. 撒丁尼亚:意大利地中海中的一个岛屿,位于科西嘉岛南面。在公元前 6世纪前由腓尼基人、希腊人和迦太基人居住,该岛于 公元前 238年被罗马人占领,然后又分别被汪达尔人( 公元 5世纪)和拜占庭人(6世纪早期)占领该岛,于1720年归入萨瓦王朝统治下,成为撒丁王国的中心,在此以前该岛曾被许多欧洲力量控制过。维克多·伊曼纽尔二世(撒丁王国国王)于1861年成为意大利第一位国王 〔Silesia〕A region of central Europe primarily in southwest Poland and northern Czechoslovakia. Settled by Slavic peoples c.a.d. 500, the region was long contested by various states and principalities. After World War I Silesia was partitioned among Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. Much of the Czechoslovakian section passed to Germany and Poland after the signing of the Munich Pact in 1938. Germany occupied Polish Silesia from 1939 to 1945, and after World War II Poland annexed most of German Silesia. Upper Silesia, in southern Poland, is an important industrialized area. 西里西亚:欧洲中部一地区,主要位于波兰西南部和捷克斯洛伐克北部。公元 500年斯拉夫民族在此定居,长期以来各国和各公国都对该地区进行争夺。第一次世界大战以后,西里西亚被德国、波兰和捷克斯洛伐克分割。1938年慕尼黑条约签订以后,捷克斯洛伐克所占的那部分归入德国和波兰。1939年至1945年德国占领了波兰属西里西亚,第二次世界大战后波兰合并了大部分德属西西里亚。波兰南部的 上西里西亚 是一个重要的工业区 〔put〕To assign to a category:把…归入某一类别:〔Provence〕A historical region and former province of southeast France bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. It was settled c. 600b.c. by Greeks and later by Phoenician merchants and was colonized by Rome in the second century b.c. Provence became part of the kingdom of Arles in 933 a.d. and later passed to the Angevin dynasty (1246) and to France (1486). 普罗旺斯:法国历史上东南部的一个地区和以前法国的一个省,临近地中海大约公元前 600年古希腊人开始在此定居,后来腓尼基商人也进入此地 公元前 2世纪,普罗旺斯成为罗马殖民地 公元 933年它成为亚耳王国的一部份,后来又归金雀花王朝所有(1246年)1486年归入法国 |
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