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单词 当代
释义 〔Lermontov〕Russian writer who is remembered for the novelA Hero of Our Time (1840) and his many poems. He died in a duel. 莱蒙托夫,米克海尔·尤里耶维奇:(1814-1841) 俄国作家。因其小说《当代英雄》 (1840年)和众多诗作而受到纪念。他死于一场决斗 〔worry〕"Don't worry" is a much milder injunction than it once would have been,for the wordworry has softened its sense greatly over the course of its history. Its Old English ancestor,wyrgan, meant "to strangle.” Its Middle English descendant,worien, kept this sense and developed the new sense "to grasp by the throat with the teeth and lacerate" or "to kill or injure by biting and shaking.” This is the way wolves or dogs might attack sheep, for example.In the 16th centuryworry began to be used in the sense "to harass, as by rough treatment or attack,” or "to assault verbally,” and in the 17th century the word took on the sense "to bother, distress, or persecute.”It was a small step from this sense to the main modern senses "to cause to feel anxious or distressed" and "to feel troubled or uneasy,” first recorded in the 19th century.与过去相比,“别担心”这句话的命令意味减少了许多,因为随着历史的变迁worry 这个词的“攻击性”意味大大削弱了。 其古英语中的前身wyrgan, 意为“扼杀”。 在中世纪英语中的worien 保留了这个意思并衍生出一个新意思“用牙齿咬住喉咙并且撕裂”或“咬住并来回甩动以杀死或伤害”。 例如,这是狼或狗袭击羊的方式。16世纪,worry 开始含有“以粗暴手段或袭击方式来骚扰”,“口头攻击”的意思, 到了17世纪这个词产生了“干扰、使焦虑和烦扰”的意思。19世纪,这个词义向前发展了一点,产生了适用于当代的主要意思“使感到焦虑或痛苦”和“感到烦恼或不安”〔Horney〕German-born American psychoanalyst who emphasized the role of environmental and cultural factors in the development of neurosis. Her works includeThe Neurotic Personality of Our Time (1937) and Neurosis and Human Growth (1950). 霍尔奈,卡伦·丹尼尔森:(1885-1952) 德裔美国精神分析家,她强调环境因素和文化因素在精神病形成中的作用。她的著作包括《当代的精神质人格》 (1937年)和 《精神病和人类的发展》 (1950年) 〔modernism〕Often Modernism A Roman Catholic movement, officially condemned in 1907, that attempted to examine traditional belief according to contemporary philosophy, criticism, and historiography. 常作 Modernism 天主教的现代主义:于1967年遭正式谴责的罗马天主教的一个运动,它试图根据当代的哲学、评论和史学观点审视传统的信仰〔Valentine〕Roman Christian who according to tradition was martyred during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Claudius II. Another martyr named Valentine, who was bishop of Terni, a region in present-day central Italy, has also been suggested as the inspiration for our modern feast of Saint Valentine's Day.圣瓦伦丁:罗马基督教徒,据说他在皇帝克劳迪二世对基督教徒的审判中遇难,另一个叫圣瓦伦丁的遇难者是今天意大利中部地区的特尔尼的主教,他也被认为是我们当代圣瓦伦丁节日宴会的启示者〔Richardson〕British actor noted for his strong characterizations in classic roles as well as in contemporary works, such as Pinter'sNo Man's Land (1975). 理查森,拉尔夫·戴维:(1902-1983) 英国演员,以其在古典角色及当代的作品中的强烈性格刻划而著称,例如平特的《无人地带》 (1975年) 〔odeum〕A contemporary theater or concert hall.当代的剧场或音乐厅〔reinvent〕"Call it reinventing the wheel or recasting old ideas, but these contemporary versions have a spirit and style all their own"(New York Times)“称它是重新从头做也好,重新表达老主意也好,但是这些当代的版本有它们自己的精神和风格”(纽约时报)〔that〕"That contemporary American English is exuberantly vigorous is undeniable"(William Arrowsmith)“当代美国英语蓬勃繁荣是不可否认的”(威廉·阿罗史密斯)〔late〕Contemporary; up-to-date:当代的;最新的:〔Sontag〕American writer noted for her essays on contemporary culture, especially those contained inAgainst Interpretation (1966). 商塔格,苏珊:(生于 1933) 美国作家,以其关于当代文化的论文而著称,尤指那些包括《反对诠释》 (1966年)一书之中者 〔coetaneous〕From Late Latin coaetāneus [a contemporary] 源自 后期拉丁语 coaetāneus [当代的] 〔existent〕Occurring or present at the moment; current.目前的;当代〔contemporize〕To make modern or contemporary, as in style or décor.使合乎时代:使…成为现代或当代的,如在风格或装饰布局上〔Taine〕French philosopher and historian who was a leading exponent of positivism and wrote the six-volumeOrigins of Contemporary France (1875-1893). 泰纳,希波利特·阿道夫:(1828-1893) 法国哲学家和历史学家,是实证主义的一名重要支持者,著有六卷本的《当代法国的起源》 (1875-1893年) 〔scenographic〕"Contemporary design has a strongly scenographic appeal, as if modern rooms were meant to be stage sets"(Los Angeles Times)“当代设计对具有舞台布景的透视画法有很大的兴趣,这就如同现代的房间”(洛杉矶时报)〔contemporary〕Whencontemporary is used in reference to something in the past, its meaning is not always clear.Contemporary critics of Shakespeare may mean critics in his time or critics in our time. When the context does not make the meaning clear,misunderstanding can be avoided by using phrases such ascritics in Shakespeare's time or modern critics. 当comtemporary 被用来指过去的事情时, 它的含义有时是很模糊的。Contemporary critics of Shakespeare 可以表示与莎士比亚同时代的评论家们或者我们当代的评论家们。 如果上下文不能说清楚意思,可以用诸如critics in Shakespeare's time(莎士比亚那个时代的评价家们) 或 modern critics(当代评论家们) 之类的短语以避免产生误解 〔Lynd〕American sociologist. With his wife,Helen Merrell Lynd (1896-1982), he wrote the pioneering sociological study Middletown: A Study in Contemporary American Culture (1929). 林德,罗伯特·斯汤顿:(1892-1970) 美国社会学家。与其妻海伦·玛瑞尔·林思 (1896-1982年)同写了开拓性社会学著作 《城市中心:当代美国文化研究》 (1929年)




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