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释义 〔hall〕Thehalls of academe and city hall remind us that what we commonly mean by the wordhall, "a passageway, an entrance room,” represents a shrunken version of whathall once commonly designated. Going back to the Indo-European rootkel- 1, "to cover,” the Old English wordheall, ancestor of our hall, referred to "a large place covered by a roof, whether a royal residence, an official building, or a large private residence, or a large room in a residencewhere the public life of the household is carried on.”These senses and related ones are still in use,as is attested bytown hall and halls of academe. Our common use of the termhall for a vestibule or a corridor harks back to medieval times when the hall was the main public room of a residenceand people lived much less privately than now.As private rooms in houses took on the importance they have today,the hall lost its function.Hall also had come to mean any large room, and the vestibule was at one time one of the main sitting rooms in a house,but this sort of room has largely disappeared also,andhall has become the designation for the small vestibule of today as well as for an entrance passage or any passageway.halls of academe 以及 city hall 提醒我们注意: 我们通常把hall 这个词定义为“走廊,门厅”, 反映出hall 这词当初设定时的通常含义的种种痕迹。 追溯到该词的印欧语词根kel- 1, 意思是“去覆盖”, 我们hall 这个词的来源是古英语中 heall 这个词, 它指的是“一个有屋顶覆盖的大地方或者属于皇室住宅、政府建筑或是一座大的私人府第或者是一所住宅中的大房子,主人在其中进行社交活动”。这些概念或与之相关的意思直到今天还有,比如说town hall 和 halls of academe 。 我们现在一般所用的,把hall 当作门厅或走廊的用法可以追溯到中世纪, 那时大厅是居住者的最主要的起居室,人们生活还没有今天这么隐私化,于今日个人房间在生活中占主要地位,大厅失去了它当年的功用。Hall 还曾意味着大房间, 而门厅在过去一段时间内曾是房屋中主要的一处起居室,但这样的房子大部分也都消失了,而hall 的意思已经变成指那些当今小的走廊, 或者是进出口处的走廊,或者是随便哪个走廊〔parody〕Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty:拙劣的模仿,滑稽的模仿:模仿得不好以至不能与当初打算做的嘲弄相提并论的东西;拙劣的模仿作品:〔confirm〕The divorce validated my parents' original objection to the marriage). 我的离婚证明我父母当初反对这桩婚姻是正确的)。 〔pone〕A staple of the early American colonies from New England southward to Virginia waspone, a bread made by Native Americans from flat cakes of cornmeal dough baked in ashes.Derived from an Algonquian word meaning "to roast" or "to bake,”pone is one of several Virginia Algonquian words (including hominy and tomahawk ) borrowed into the English of the Atlantic seaboard. The wordpone, usually in the compound cornpone, is now used mainly in the South,where it means cakes of cornbread baked on a griddle or in hot ashes—as the Native Americans originally cooked it.从新英格兰往南至弗吉尼亚等早期的美洲殖民地人的一种主食玉米面包, 即由土著美洲人制作的一种面包,将扁平的玉米面团放在灰烬中烤制而成。pone 是由阿尔贡金语中一个意为“烤肉”或“烤面包”的词派生而来,它是被大西洋沿岸英语借用的几个弗吉尼亚阿尔贡金语词汇中的一个(还包括 homing牛奶玉米片粥 和 Bomahawk印第安战斧) 。 pone 这个词通常用在 cornpone 这一复合词中, 现在主要在美国南方使用,在那儿它意指在一只圆烤盘或热灰中烤出的玉米面糕——就象当初美洲土著人的那种做法〔complected〕"A white-haired and ruddy-complected priest stood on the deck of one of the trawlers"(New York Times)"Fewer still could fit the original job description of a raven-haired, smooth-complected, red-lipped innocent"(Los Angeles Times)“一个白头发、脸色红润的牧师站在一只拖网渔船的甲板上”(纽约时报)“没几个人会仍然相信对当初那个黑头发、光皮肤、红嘴唇的幼稚孩童的描述”(洛杉矶时报)




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