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单词 当选
释义 〔elect〕Chosen for marriage. Often used in combination:当选的:为婚嫁挑选的,常用于复合词中:〔Peel〕British politician. As home secretary (1822-1827 and 1828-1830) he established the London police force (1829) and helped pass the Catholic Emancipation Act (1829). He later served as prime minister (1834-1835 and 1841-1846).皮尔,罗伯特:(1788-1850) 英国政治家,作为内政大臣(1822-1827和1828-1830年),他建立了伦敦警察部队(1829年)并帮助通过了天主教徒释放法令(1829年),而后又当选为两届首相(1834-1835和1841-1846年)〔Glenn〕American astronaut and politician. On February 20, 1962, aboardFriendship 7, he became the first American to orbit the earth. He was elected U.S. senator from Ohio in 1974, 1980, and 1986. 格伦,小约翰·赫歇尔:(生于 1921) 美国宇航员、政治家。在1962年2月20日乘友谊7号 航天飞船进行轨道飞行,成为第一个绕地球轨道飞行的美国人。他先后于1974年、1980年和1986年当选为俄亥俄州的参议员 〔in〕campaigned hard and was voted in.激烈竞争后当选〔Walesa〕Polish labor leader. He won the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership of the independent trade union Solidarity. In 1990 he was elected president of Poland.瓦文萨,里奇:(生于 1943) 波兰劳工领袖。以其对波兰独立自治团结工会的领导,获1983年诺贝尔和平奖。1990年,他当选为波兰总统〔Caraway〕American legislator. Appointed to fill out her husband's term in the U.S. Senate in 1931, she became in 1932 the first elected woman senator and served until 1945.卡拉维,哈蒂·奥费利娅·怀亚特:(1878-1950) 美国议员。1931年被任命完成她丈夫在美国参议院的任期。1932年当选为第一名女参议员,任职直至1945年〔Johnson〕The 17th President of the United States (1865-1869). Elected Vice President (1864), he succeeded the assassinated Abraham Lincoln as President. His administration was marked by reconstruction policies in the South and the purchase of Alaska (1867). An attempt to unseat Secretary of War Edwin Stanton led to Johnson's impeachment on purely political charges brought by Republican senators (1868). Johnson was acquitted by one vote.约翰逊,安德鲁:(1808-1875) 美国第17任总统(1865-1869年)。他于1864年当选副总统,在阿伯拉罕·林肯遇刺后继任总统。他执政时推行南部重建政策,并于1867年买下了阿拉斯加。因试图罢免国防部长埃德温·斯坦顿,约翰逊还受到共和国参议员们关于纯粹政治性原因的指控(1868年)。约翰逊在一次投票后被宣告无罪〔Kohl〕German politician elected chancellor of West Germany in 1982 and of Germany in 1990, serving until 1998. A chief architect of the European Union and single currency plan, he is best known for overseeing Germany's reunification process.柯尔,赫尔穆特:德国政治家,1982年当选为西德总理,1990为德国总理,1998年卸任。欧盟及单一货币计划的主要策划人,以其对德国重新统一的努力闻名〔Randolph〕American politician known for his brilliant oratory and eccentric behavior during his tenure as a U.S. representative (12 terms between 1799 and 1829) and senator (1825-1827) from Virginia.伦道夫,约翰:(1773-1833) 美国政治家,1799年至1829年共担任十二届众议员,1825年至1827年代表弗吉尼亚州当选参议员,其间以他杰出的口才和奇特的举动而著名〔Mugabe〕Zimbabwean politician who led the Black nationalist struggle against the white minority government of Rhodesia. After Zimbabwe's independence (1980), he was elected prime minister.穆加贝,罗伯特·加布里埃尔:(生于 1924) 津巴布韦政治家,领导黑人民族主义者反对罗得西亚少数白人统治的政府。在1980年津巴布韦独立后,当选为总理〔Ross〕American politician who was elected (1924) to complete her deceased husband's term as governor of Wyoming (1925-1927), thereby becoming the first woman governor in the United States.罗斯,奈烈·泰洛:(1876-1977) 美国政治家,1924年当选为美国怀俄明州州长(1925-1927年)以完成她已故丈夫的任期,由此而成为美国第一位女州长〔Houston〕American general and politician who fought in the Texan struggle for independence from Mexico and became president of the Republic of Texas (1836-1838 and 1841-1844). When Texas was admitted to the Union, he served as U.S. senator (1845-1859) and governor (1859-1861).休斯顿,塞缪尔:(1793-1863) 美国将军及政治家,曾参与得克萨斯从墨西哥争取独立的斗争,后成为得克萨斯共和国总统(任期为1836-1838年和1841年-1844年)当得萨克斯加入联邦后,他于1845年-1859年当选为美国国会参议员,并于1859年-1861年当选为州长〔Barak〕Israeli politician. He ended a 35-year military career to enter politics, joining the Labor Party in 1995 and serving that year as interior minister, then foreign minister. He served as Israel's prime minister from 1999 to 2001.巴拉克,奥德:以色列政治家。在经历了35年的职业军人生涯后他转而从政,1995年加入工党并历任内政部长和外交部长。1999年他当选以色列总理〔relinquish〕was forced by the scandal to resign the office to which he had been elected.因丑闻而被辞去他已当选的职务。〔wing〕a presidential candidate waiting in the wings.总统候选人等待着即将当选的希望的消息〔Foster〕American labor leader and radical politician who was a presidential candidate (1924, 1928, and 1932) and national chairman (1945-1956) of the Communist Party of the United States.福斯特,威廉·西布伦:(1881-1961) 美国工人领袖、激进派政治家,曾于1924、1928及1932年当选为总统候选人,并于1945年-1946年担任美国共产党中央主席〔Yeltsin〕Russian politician who was elected president of the republic of Russia in 1991. He was reelected to the position in 1996.叶利钦,鲍里斯·尼古拉耶维奇:俄罗斯政治家,1991年当选为俄罗斯共和国总统。1996年他再次当选〔Suharto〕Indonesian military and political leader who seized power from Sukarno (1967) and was elected president in 1968.苏哈托:印度尼西亚军事和政治领袖,他从苏加诺手中夺取了政权(1967年)并于1968年当选为总统〔Montana〕American football player. A quarterback mainly with the San Francisco 49ers (1980-1992), he is among the National Football League's leaders in career passing yardage. He was the NFL player of the year twice.蒙大拿,小约瑟夫:美式足球选手。其职业生涯大部分都效力于旧金山四九人队,担任四分卫(1980年至1992年),在他的足球生涯中也是全美足球联盟的领导之一,曾两次当选年度全美国家足球联盟球员〔Mulroney〕Canadian politician who was elected prime minister in 1984 and reelected in 1988.穆罗尼,(马丁)布莱恩:(生于 1939) 加拿大政治家,在1984年当选为总理,1988年再次当选




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