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单词 形似
释义 〔chickaree〕A small squirrel(Tamiasciurus douglasi) of the evergreen forests of northwest North America, resembling and closely related to the red squirrel. 赤栗鼠:北美洲西北部常绿森林中的一种小松鼠(道氏红松鼠) ,形似红松鼠并与之有密切联系 〔pinot〕variant of pineau [diminutive of] pin [pine tree (from the shape of the clusters of grapes)] pineau的变体 pin的小后缀 [松树(其形似葡萄串)] 〔plantain〕A large, tropical, treelike herb(Musa paradisiaca) of southeast Asia, resembling the banana and bearing similar fruit. 大蕉:一种热带类似树的大型草本植物(巴蕉属 粉芭蕉 ) ,产于亚洲东南部,形似于香蕉树,结相似的果实 〔orzo〕A kind of pasta shaped like pearls of barley, frequently prepared with lamb in Greek cuisine.米粒状面食:形似大麦粒的面食,在希腊式烹调中常与羔羊肉放在一起〔dart〕An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect.外形似镖的事物:物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体〔catkin〕From obsolete Dutch katteken [kitten] [diminutive of] katte [cat (from its resemblance to a kitten's tail)] 源自 已废荷兰语 katteken [小猫] katte的小后缀 [猫(因其形似小猫的尾巴而命名)] 〔wren〕Any of various similar unrelated songbirds.形似但与之无关的鸣禽〔mandrake〕A southern European plant(Mandragora officinarum) having greenish-yellow flowers and a branched root. This plant was once believed to have magical powers because its root resembles the human body. 曼德拉草:一种产于欧洲南部的植物(茄参属 药用茄参) ,开有黄绿色花朵并生分叉的根。这种植物曾被认为具有魔力,因为它的根与人体形似 〔pandurate〕pandurate leaves.形似小提琴的叶子〔allosaur〕Any of various carnivorous dinosaurs of the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous Periods, similar to but smaller than the tyrannosaur.跃龙,异龙:侏罗纪晚期和白垩纪早期任一种食肉恐龙,形似霸王龙但体型较小〔ogee〕A double curve with the shape of an elongated S.S形曲线:形似拉长的S形的双曲线〔stapes〕The innermost of the three small bones of the middle ear, shaped somewhat like a stirrup. Also called stirrup bone 镫骨:中耳三个小骨中最里面的一块,形似马镫 也作 stirrup bone〔pincer〕An object resembling one of the grasping parts of a set of pincers.钳状物:一种形似钳子的握手部分的物体〔rock〕To be washed and panned in a cradle or in a rocker. Used of ores.洗出矿沙:在形似摇篮的框架或淘金摇动槽中摇洗或淘洗。用于指矿沙的摇洗〔spinous〕Resembling a spine or thorn.刺状的,棘状的:形似刺或棘的〔dusty〕Consisting of or resembling dust; powdery.尘状的:由尘土构成的或形似尘土的;粉状的〔opossum〕The wordopossum takes us back to the earliest days of the United States. The settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, was founded in 1607 by the London Company, chartered for the planting of colonies.Even though the first years were difficult,promotional literature was glowing.In one such piece,A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie in Virginia, published in 1610, we find this passage: "There are . . . Apossouns, in shape like to pigges.”This is the first recorded use ofopossum, although in a spelling that differs from the one later settled on to reproduce the sound of the Virginia Algonquian word from which our word came.The wordopossum and its shortened form possum, first recorded in 1613 in more promotional literature, remind us of a time when the New World was still very new, settlers were few,and the inhabitants for whom the New World was not new were plentiful.词语opossum 把我们带回到了早期的美国社会。 伦敦公司,作为开拓殖民地的委托者,在1607年建立了弗吉尼亚詹姆斯敦的居民点。即使在最初的年代里很困难,激进文学也开始抬头。在其中有一篇于1610年出版的弗吉尼亚殖民地的真实宣言 , 其中有一段“一种形似猪的动物”,就是最早的关于opossum 的记录, 虽然它的拼写和现在我们所使用的弗吉尼亚阿尔贡金语的拼写有所不同。词语opossum 和其缩写形式 possum 最初于1613年记录在更加激进的文学作品中, 让我们回想起当新大陆还很陌生而且只有很少的居住者时,已有许多对于新大陆并不陌生的土著居民〔paczki〕A round Polish pastry similar to a doughnut, usually filled with fruit and topped with sugar or icing.帕克奇饼:为圆形波兰糕饼,形似炸面包圈,通常带有水果夹心,上面涂着食糖或糖衣〔margay〕A spotted Central and South American wildcat(Felis wiedi) resembling a small, long-tailed ocelot. 虎猫:一种产于中南美洲的身上有斑点的野猫(美洲花斑猫 猫属) ,形似一种体小而有长尾的豹猫 〔motorcycle〕A two-wheeled motor vehicle resembling a heavy bicycle, sometimes having two saddles and a sidecar with a third wheel.摩托车:形似重型自行车的两轮机动车,有时有两个车座和一个带单轮的边车〔pandurate〕Having rounded ends and a contracted center; fiddle-shaped:提琴形的:有圆的顶点和缩小的中心;形似小提琴的:〔mousing〕From mouse [a large mouselike knot on a rope] 源自 mouse[绳子上大且形似老鼠的绳结]




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