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单词 形式上
释义 〔aureate〕Inflated and pompous in style.绚丽的:形式上浮夸的,矫揉造作的〔hisself〕Speakers of some vernacular American dialects, particularly in the South, may use the possessive reflexive formhisself instead of himself (as in He cut hisself shaving ) and theirselves or theirself for themselves (as in They found theirselves alone ). These forms reflect the tendency of speakers of vernacular dialects to regularize irregular patterns found in the corresponding standard variety. In Standard English, the pattern of reflexive pronoun forms shows slightly irregular patterning; all forms but two are composed of the possessive form of the pronoun and -self or -selves, as in myself or ourselves. The exceptions are himself and themselves, which are formed by attaching the suffix -self/-selves to the object forms of he and they rather than their possessive forms. Speakers who use hisself and theirselves are smoothing out the pattern's inconsistencies by applying the same rule to all forms in the set.·A further regularization is the use of -self regardless of number, yielding the forms ourself and theirself. Using a singular form in a plural context may seem imprecise, but the plural meaning of ourself and theirself is made clear by the presence of the plural forms our- and their-. Hisself and theirselves have origins in British English and are still prevalent today in vernacular speech in England. 一些美国本土方言的使用者,尤其是美国南方人,可能会用所有格的反身代词形式hisself 代替 himself (如 He cut hisself shaving﹝刮脸时他割到自己﹞ )以及 theirselves 或 theirself 代替 themselves (如 They found theirselves alone﹝他们发觉自己很孤独﹞ )。这些形式反映出本土方言使用者试图规则化相应标准变化中的不规则模式。在标准英语中,反身代词模式显示出略微不规则模式的形成;除两个反身代词外,所有的反身代词都由代词的所有格形式加 -self 或 -selves 构成(如 myself 或 ourselves )。例外的就是 himself 和 themselves ,将后缀 -self/-selves 附加在 he 和 they 的宾格形式而不是所有格形式上形成。采用 hisself 和 theirselves 的本土方言使用者消除了将同一规则用于一组中所有形式时产生的模式矛盾。进一步的规则化是不考虑数量而全部使用 -self ,由此产生 ourself 和 theirself 。在复数上下文中使用单数形式似乎有失严谨,但 ourself 和 theirself 的复数含义已由复数形式的 our- 和 their-清楚表明。Hisself 和 theirselves 起源于英式英语并在英国本土语言中依然流行 〔dash〕A spirited quality in action or style; verve.See Synonyms at vigor 英勇:行为或形式上的刚猛的品质;活力 参见 vigor〔state〕A condition of being in a stage or form, as of structure, growth, or development:状态:处于某阶段或形式上的状态,如结构、生长或发展的状态:〔semiclassical〕Of, relating to, or being a work that in style or form falls between the classical and popular genres.半古典的:某件在风格或形式上介于古典和通俗类型之间的作品的、与之相关的或属于之的〔pitchy〕Resembling pitch in consistency.有沥青性质的:在结构、形式上象沥青的〔tomato〕It has been said that the real contributions to world civilization were made by the unknown inhabitants of the Americas who domesticated plants such as the potato and squash and not by the great pre-Columbian civilizations, including that of the Aztecs.The tomato was another contribution,its name coming ultimately from the Nahuatl language spoken by the Aztecs as well as by other groups in Mexico and Central America.The Spanish, who conquered the area, brought back the tomato to Spain and,borrowing the Nahuatl wordtomatl for it, named ittomate, a form shared in French, Portuguese, and early Modern English.Tomate, first recorded in 1604, gave way totomato, a form created in English either because it was assumed to be Spanish or under the influence of the wordpotato. In any case,as is well known,people resisted eating this New World food at first because its membership in the Nightshade family made it suspect,but it is now eaten throughout the worldwhile Aztec civilization is memorialized by ruins.据说对世界文明真正作出贡献的并非是包括阿兹特克文明在内的哥伦布到达前的美洲文明,而是那些家庭种植土豆、南瓜等的不知名的美洲居民。西红柿是其中的另一贡献,它的名字最终的来源是阿兹特克人和其他墨西哥和中美洲居民使用的纳瓦特尔语。征服了该地区的西班牙人把西红柿带回了西班牙,并且借用了纳瓦特尔语的单词tomatl , 把它称作tomate , 这个形式为法语、葡萄牙语和早期现代英语所通用。Tomate ,最早记录于1604年, 后来被英语中诞生的一个形式tomato 所取代。 取代的原因可能是因为形式上更象西班牙语或是因为受单词potato 的影响。 不管怎么样,就像我们知道的,由于它属于茄科使它受到怀疑,人们起初拒绝吃它,不过现在全世界的人们都在吃西红柿,而阿兹特克文明都只存在于废墟之中了〔transpose〕To alter in form or nature; transform.在性质或形式上的改变;变形〔Grecize〕To make Greek or Hellenic in form or style.使希腊化:使其在风格或形式上像希腊的〔Josiah〕King of Judah (640?-609?) who attempted to destroy all forms of idolatry.约西亚:犹大国王(公元前640-609年),曾试图摧毁一切形式上的偶像崇拜〔steady〕 Constant implies invariability, as in nature or form: Constant 暗指在本质和形式上无变化: 〔posthumous〕The wordposthumous is associated with death, both in meaning and in form. Our word goes back to the Latin wordpostumus, meaning "last born, born after the death of one's father, born after the making of a will,” and "last, final.”Postumus was largely used with respect to events occurring after death but not exclusively so,since the word was simply one of the superlative forms of the adverbpost, "subsequently, afterward.” Because of its use in connection with death,however, later Latin writers decided that the last part of the word must have to do withhumus, "earth,” or humāre, "to bury,” and began spelling the wordposthumus. This form of the Latin word was borrowed into English,being first recorded in a work composed before 1464.Perhaps the most telling use of the word appears in the poet Robert Southey's comment on the rewards of an author:"It was well we should be contented with posthumous fame, but impossible to be so with posthumous bread and cheese.”Posthumous 这个词在意义和形式上都与死亡有关。 英语中这个词可追溯到拉丁语postumus , 意为“最后生的,父亲死后生的,立遗嘱之后出生的”和“最后的,最终的。”Postumus 绝大多数情况下用来指死后所发生的事情, 但也并非仅此一种用法,因为这个词只是意为“随后地,后来地”副词post 的最高级形式之一。 由于其用法与死亡有关,因此后来的拉丁语作者们决定该词的后半部分应与humus “土地”或 humare “埋葬”有关, 并开始将这个词拼写成posthumus。 这个拉丁词的拼写形式后来被借用到英语中,在英语中首次记录于1464年前所著的一部作品中。也许这个词最显著的使用出现在诗人罗伯特·骚塞对一个作者所得奖励的评论中:“我们满足于死后得到的声名,而不可能满足于死后所得到面包与奶酪,这样很好”




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