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单词 彼此
释义 〔mix〕Greed and charity don't mix. Toblend is to mix intimately and harmoniously so that the components shade into each other, losing some or all of their original definition: 贪婪和怜悯是不相容的。 Blend 是紧密而和谐地混合以致各成分彼此融合而失去其某些或全部的原始定义: 〔friendship〕The quality or condition of being friends.友谊:彼此当朋友的质量或情形〔incompatibility〕incompatibilities Mutually exclusive or antagonistic qualities or things. incompatibilities 不相容,两相对立:无法共存、彼此抵触的特性或事物〔alternate〕Happening or following in turns; succeeding each other continuously:轮流的,交替发生的:按顺序发生或跟随;彼此连续接替:〔handshake〕The grasping of hands by two people, as in greeting or leave-taking.握手:在见面或离别时两个人握住彼此的手〔peal〕A ringing of a set of bells, especially a change or set of changes rung on bells.钟声:一组钟的响声,尤指钟的变奏彼此谐音的〔rapport〕Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity.关系,友好:关系,尤指一种互相信任,彼此友爱的关系〔golf〕A game played on a large outdoor course with a series of 9 or 18 holes spaced far apart, the object being to propel a small, hard ball with the use of various clubs into each hole with as few strokes as possible.高尔夫球:在室外大场地开展的一种球类运动,有一系列的9个或18个彼此远距离分开的穴,比赛目的是用各种球棒把一小的硬球推入各个穴,球棒击球的次数越少越好〔peal〕A set of bells tuned to each other; a chime.钟:彼此造成谐音的一组钟;钟〔apocarpous〕Having carpels that are free from one another. Used of a single flower with two or more separate pistils, as in roses.离心皮的:心皮彼此分开的。用于一朵有两个或多个分隔雌蕊的花,如玫瑰〔blend〕To combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another:混合:结合或混杂以使组成部分分辨不出彼此〔logrolling〕The exchanging of political favors, especially the trading of influence or votes among legislators to achieve passage of projects that are of interest to one another.互投赞成票:交换政治上的赞同意见,尤指议员之间的政治影响或选票交易,目的在于促成对彼此都有利的议案的通过〔irreconcilable〕One of two or more conflicting ideas or beliefs that cannot be brought into harmony.不可调和的思想:两个或更多不能调和的彼此冲突的观念或信仰〔jive〕"You just jive in one big group, putting each other on, trying to top the last line"(Time)“你只是在一大群人中聊天,彼此装腔作势,试图要占上风”(时代)〔cancel〕To neutralize one another; counterbalance:抵消,中和:使彼此中和;抵消:〔maze〕An intricate, usually confusing network of interconnecting pathways, as in a garden; a labyrinth.曲径,迷津:花园中彼此相连的道路的错综的、使人迷惑的网络;曲径〔filament〕A chainlike series of cells, as in many algae.细状体:一系列彼此连结的细胞,如在许多海藻中〔enmity〕The wartime enmity of the two nations subsided into mutual distrust when peace finally came.当和平最终来临时这两个民族间战时的敌意消退为彼此的不信任。〔prism〕A solid figure whose bases or ends have the same size and shape and are parallel to one another, and each of whose sides is a parallelogram.棱柱(体),角柱(体):多面固体,上下两底面大小、形状相同,且彼此平行,其余诸面则为平行四边形〔tangency〕The condition of being tangent.相切:彼此相切的状况〔capacitance〕Symbol C The ratio of the electric charge transferred from one to the other of a pair of conductors to the resulting potential difference between them.符号 C 电流容量:导致一对导体间可能电位差的彼此电荷转换率〔mutual〕Directed and received in equal amount; reciprocal:相互的,彼此的:等量指导的或以相等的数量接受的;互惠的:〔match〕A game or contest in which two or more persons, animals, or teams oppose and compete with each other:比赛,竞赛:两个或更多的人、动物或队彼此互相抗争或竞争的比赛或竞赛:〔polymer〕Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.聚合物:许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相连的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子〔barbarism〕There is a significant difference in meaning betweenbarbarism and barbarity. Both denote some absence of civilization,but the wordcivilization itself has several different senses, one the opposite ofbarbarism, the other the opposite of barbarity. On the one handcivilization may refer to the scientific, artistic, and cultural attainments of advanced societies; and it is this sense that figures in the meaning ofbarbarism. The English wordbarbarism originally referred to incorrect use of language, but it is now used more generally to refer to ignorance or crudity in matters of taste, including verbal expression:The New Yorker would never tolerate such barbarisms. On the other hand,civilization may refer to the basic social order that allows people to resolve their differences peaceably, and it is this sense—that is, civilization as opposed to savagery—that figures in the meaning ofbarbarity, which refers to savage brutality or cruelty in actions,as inThe accounts of the emperor's barbarity shocked the world. 在barbarism 与 barbarity 之间意义有明显的区别。 虽然两者都包含不文明的意思,但civilization 一词本身有好几种意思, 一种与barbarism 相反,另一种与 barbarity 相反。 一方面civilization 可以指在发达社会中科学、艺术、文化方面取得的成就, 这层意义能在barbarism 中得到体现。 英语词barbarism 最先指语音不正确的使用, 现在却更多地用来指品味方面的无知与鄙俗,包括动词表示法,例如:这个 纽约人 从不会容忍这些低级趣味。 另一方面,civilization 还可以指允许人们和平地彼此同化的社会基本规则。 在这个意义上,“文明”作为“残暴”的反义词,在barbarity 中得以体现, 指残酷的暴行或行为方面的残忍,例如句子这个皇帝的暴行被报道之后震惊了全世界 〔negotiate〕"It is difficult to negotiate where neither will trust"(Samuel Johnson)“双方彼此不信任便很难进行协商”(塞缪尔·约翰逊)〔syntagma〕A sequence of linguistic units in a syntagmatic relationship to one another.语段,结构段:彼此有结构体关系的连续语言单位〔isometric〕Of or being a crystal system of three equal axes lying at right angles to each other.等轴晶的:由三根相等的轴彼此以直角相交构成的晶体系统的〔syntagma〕A sequence of words in a particular syntactic relationship to one another; a construction.句法结构:彼此有特定句法关系的单词序列;句法结构〔dichotomy〕Division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions:二分法:通常因矛盾而彼此排斥的两部分或意见的划分:〔syntrophism〕A biological relationship in which microorganisms of two different species or strains are mutually dependent on one another for nutritional requirements.互养,共同生长:生物间的一种关系,即两种不同物种或品质的微生物体互相依靠,从彼此的身上获取所需的营养〔Diaspora〕"the diaspora of English into several mutually incomprehensible languages"(Randolph Quirk)“英语传播成几种彼此难以理解的语言”(伦道夫·夸克)〔patience〕"It is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other" (Patrick Henry). “彼此施行基督徒的忍耐、爱和慈善是所有人相互的责任” (帕特里克·亨利)。 〔keep〕a couple who kept company but never married.彼此相爱却不结婚的一对情侣〔orthoclastic〕Having right-angled cleavage.有彼此直交的解理面的〔together〕In association with or in relationship to one another; mutually or reciprocally:相互地,彼此地:互相联系或关系;相互地或交互地:〔cavort〕The children cavorted in the water, splashing and ducking each other.孩子们在水里互相泼水嬉戏并按彼此的头〔mesh〕To accord with another or each other; harmonize.相互协调:与他人调和或彼此调和;相调和〔part〕To go apart from one another; separate:分离:彼此分开;分离:〔barouche〕A four-wheeled carriage with a collapsible top, two double seats inside opposite each other, and a box seat outside in front for the driver.四轮四座大马车:带折叠篷的四轮马车,内有两个彼此相对的双人座位,外侧前部有供赶车人坐的包箱式座位




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