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单词 很大程度
释义 〔feminine〕Effeminate is largely restricted in reference to men and implies lack of manliness or strength: Effeminate 很大程度上限制在指男人而且暗含缺乏男子气概或力量的意思: 〔mightily〕To a great degree; greatly.非常,极其:在很大程度上;非常〔mechanism〕"The mechanism of oral learning is largely that of continuous repetition"(T.G.E. Powell)“口语的学习过程在很大程度上来说就是进行不断的重复”(T.G.E.鲍威尔)〔supplant〕The word processor has largely supplanted electric typewriters.See Synonyms at replace word处理程序已很大程度上取代了电动打字机 参见 replace〔particularly〕To a great degree; especially:很大程度上地;特别地:〔so〕So is frequently used in informal speech to string together the elements of a narrative. This practice should not be carried over into formal writing,where the absence of contextual information generally requires that connections be made more explicit. ·Critics have sometimes objected to the use ofso as an intensive meaning "to a great degree or extent,” as inWe were so relieved to learn that the deadline had been extended. This usage is most common in informal contexts,perhaps because unlike the neutralvery, it presumes that the listener or reader will be sympathetic with the speaker's evaluation of the situation. (Thus one would be more apt to sayIt was so unfair of them not to invite you than to sayIt was so fortunate that I didn't have to put up with your company. ) For just this reason,the construction may occasionally be used to good effect in more formal contexts to invite the reader to take the point of view of the speaker or subject: 在非正式的讲话中,so 经常被用来连接叙述的成分。 但是这种做法不能带入正式的写作当中,上下文信息的缺乏通常要求连接明确。批评家们有些时候对so 被用来表示强调的意思“很大程度”提出反对, 如在我们得知最后期限已被推迟的消息时感到了极大的放松 中。 这种用法在非正式的文章中最常用,也许是因为和中性的very 不同, 它假定听众或读者能对讲话者对形势的评价引起共鸣。(因此人们通常会说他们没有邀请你是多么不公平 , 而不是说多幸运啊,我不必再成为你的朋友 )。 正因为这个原因,这个结构有时在正式的文章中也有很好的作用,使读者接受说话人或主题的观点: 〔mad〕To an intense degree or great extent:在很大程度上或限度上:〔macrocosm〕A system reflecting on a large scale one of its component systems or parts.整体:在很大程度上反映其组成系统或部分的大系统〔where〕Whenwhere is used to refer to a point of origin, the prepositionfrom is required: Where did she come from? When it is used to refer to a point of destination,the prepositionto is generally superfluous: Where is she going? ( preferable toWhere is she going to? ). When it is used to refer to the place at which an event or a situation is located,the use ofat is widely regarded as regional or colloquial: Where is the station? (not Where is the station at? ). The idiomatic phrasewhere it's at, widely used in the 1960's to refer to "the current state of things,” is now largely pass?, except when used for stylistic effect: 当where 被用来指起源方面时, 介词from 就需要用上: 她从哪里来? 当它被用来指目的地时,介词to 就通常是多余的: 她要去哪里? ( 比起她要向哪里去? 更可取)。 当它被用来指事件所发生的场合或一种局面形势所处的地方时,使用at 则被广泛认作是地区性的或口语化的: 车站在哪里? (而不是 车站位于什么地方? )。 惯用语短语where it's at 在20世纪60年代广泛被用来指“事情的当前状态”,现已很大程度上过时了, 除非当我们用它来加强文体效果: 〔ever〕To a great extent or degree. Used for emphasis often withso : 在很大程度上,用于强调,常于so 连用: 〔much〕Great in quantity, degree, or extent:很大程度的:在数量、程度或范围上大的:〔summercater〕Since the Civil War Mainehas been a favorite vacation spot for New Englanders and tourists from farther away.Predictably, certain words in the lexicon of Maine betray a wry Yankee impatience with these outsiders and city folks who come up to Maine only for summer relaxation.Along the coast the summerresident is called asummercater; inland, the word for a nonresident issport. Or the Maine native may merely refer collectively to folksfrom away. Much Maine real estate is designatednonresident — that is, it is set aside for these summer residentson whom Maine's economy is so dependent.自从南北战争结束以后,缅因州成为新英格兰人和更远处的游客们最钟爱的度假胜地。可以预料到,缅因州词汇中有一些单词流露出扭曲的美国式的不耐烦-对这些夏季来缅因州休闲的外来者和城里人。在海滨的夏季,居民被称作度夏的人 ; 而在内陆,表示非居民的词是sport(爱运动的人) 。 或者缅因州的居民干脆统称这些人为from away(远地来的) 。 缅因州的许多房地产是为了非居民 —— 就是说,专为这些夏季住民保留,缅因州的经济很大程度上依赖于他们〔part〕To the greater extent; generally or mostly.多半,通常:很大程度地;普遍地或大部分地〔mighty〕To a great degree; extremely. Used as an intensive:极其,非常:在很大程度上;极其。用于加强语意:〔heavy〕Indulging to a great degree:过量的:放纵达到很大程度的:〔predetermine〕"These factors predetermine to a large extent the outcome"(Jessica Mitford)“这些因素在很大程度上预先决定了其结果”(杰西卡·米特福德)〔pariah〕In the wordpariah, which can be used for anyone who is a social outcast, independent of social position,we have a reminder of a much more rigid social system,where only certain people could be pariahs.The caste system of India placed members of the pariah caste very low in society;until 1949 they were also known asuntouchables. The wordpariah, however, which we have extended in meaning, came into English from Tamil paṛaiyar, the plural of paṛaiyan, the caste name, which literally means “(hereditary) drummer"and comes from the wordpaṛai, the name of a drum used at certain festivals. The word is first recorded in English in 1613.Its use in English and its extension in use probably owe much to the close relationship that developed between Great Britain and India.Indeed, many of the British servants in India were from the pariah caste.pariah 一词能用于任何一个被社会遗弃的人, 不管他的社会地位如何,在这个词中,对我们有一个更严酷的社会体制的暗示,在这种体制下,仅仅某些特定的人才能成为被社会遗弃的人。印度的社会体制把被遗弃者的社会地位订得很低,直到1949年这些人还仍旧被称作是不可接触者 。 然而,我们已经扩展了含义的pariah 一词从泰米尔语 paraiyar 即 paraiyan 的复数转入英语中来, 字面含义是“(世袭)鼓手”,源于一种特定节日用的鼓名parai 。 1613年这个词首次在英语中有所记录。它在英文中的运用和用法的扩展可能很大程度是由于大不列颠和印度的密切关系。的确,在印度许多英国人的佣人都来自于贱民阶层〔fair〕The history of the wordfair illustrates how words can weaken in meaning over time. In Old English the ancestor offair, fæger, had senses such as "lovely, beautiful, pleasant, agreeable,” a far cry from our modern sense "mildly good or satisfying.”The Old English senses passed into Middle English,where the wordfair started to take a slight turn in the direction already alluded to. Fair could mean "highly to be approved of, splendid, good,”but it could also be used ironically,as in Chaucer's observation after a horse threw the Cook on the pilgrimage to Canterbury:"that was a fair feat of horsemanship by the Cook.”This ironic use was probably not responsible for the semantic weakening offair, but it shows how a positive word can have its meaning reversed.The weakening offair was most likely caused by "the determined optimism which led to the use of fair . . . rather than direct expression of discontent,”in the words of George H. McKnight.One might add as another cause the desire to avoid hurting other people's feelings.单词fair 的历史表明随岁月的流逝单词的语意变弱。 在古英语中fair,f?ger 本意是“可爱的,漂亮的,愉快的”, 与我们现在的“比较好或满意的”大相径庭。古英语传到中世纪英语时,fair 已开始在引申的方向上有微小的转变。 Fair 可以表达“被高度赞许的,辉煌的,好的,”但也可用作反语,如在往坎特伯雷朝圣的途中马将科克摔下时后,乔尔斯评论道:“那是科克精湛骑术的体现”。这种反语用法也许对fair 语义学上的弱化没有联系, 但它表明了一个褒义的单词可以变得意思完全相反。fair 的弱化很大程度上缘于“坚决的乐观主义导致 fair 的用法改变, 而不是直接表达不满意的意思,”乔治赫·马克奈特如此评论。人们可以再添上其它原因以免伤害别人的感情




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