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单词 很明显
释义 〔showcase〕These uses clearly preserve the metaphoric sense of a showcase in which a commodity is displayed to advantage.But other uses of the verb take it further from its original sense.It is used to mean simply "to hold up to admiration,”even when the object is not something that can be hired or purchased: 这些用法很明显地保留了展示商品以获得利益的陈列柜的喻意。但是这个动词的其它一些用法则与其原本意义相差更远,它被用于表示“展示以获得赞赏”的意思,即使物体并不是什么可出租或出售的东西: 〔Aquino〕Philippine political leader. After the assassination of her husband,Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. (1932-1983), on his return to the Philippines from political exile, she ran for president (1986) against 20-year incumbent Ferdinand Marcos. Following the apparently fraudulent election, Marcos fled the country and Aquino became president. 阿基诺,科拉佐·考昂克:(生于 1933) 菲律宾政治领袖。在其丈夫小贝尼尼奥S·阿基诺 (1932-1983年)从政治流放地返回菲律宾的归途中遇刺后,她与在职20年之久的费迪南德·马科斯竞选总统(1986年)。在这次很明显的欺诈选举之后,马科斯逃亡出国而阿基诺成为总统 〔sound〕A distinctive noise:很明显的闹声、嘈杂声:〔doubt〕That is also the usual choice when the truth of the clause following doubt is assumed, as in negative sentences and questions. ThusI never doubted for a minute that I would be rescued implies "I was certain that I would be rescued.” By the same token,Do you doubt that you will be paid? seems to pose a rhetorical question ("Surely you believe that you will be paid"), whereasDo you doubt whether you will be paid? may express a genuine request for information and might be followed bybecause if you do, you should make the client post a bond. In other cases, however, this distinction betweenwhether and that is not always observed, andthat is frequently used as a substitute for whether. If may also be used as a substitute forwhether but is more informal in tone. ·In informal speech the clause followingdoubt is sometimes introduced with but: I don't doubt but (or but what ) he will come. Reputable precedent exists for this construction,as in"I do not doubt but England is at present as polite a Nation as any in the World" (Richard Steele),but modern critics sometimes object to its use in formal writing.See Usage Note at but ,if 在否定句及疑问句中当doubt 后的从句所作陈述被认为是真时,用 that 。 所以我从不怀疑我会被救起 意思就是“我确信我会得救”。 同样你怀疑人家会赖帐吗? 似乎就成了一个反问句(“你当然相信人家不会赖帐了”), 而你怀疑人家是否付款吗? 就表示一个真诚的询问, 可能接下来会说因为如果你怀疑的话,你就该让顾客付保证金 。 在其它情况下,whether 和 that 的区别并不很明显, 而且that 经常用来替代 whether。 If 也经常用来代替whether , 但是语气不很正式。在非正式语气中doubt 后面的从句有时由 but引导:I don't doubt but (或 but what ) he will come。 这种结构有其先例且属规范用法,如“我不怀疑目前的英格兰象世界上其他国家一样是礼义之邦” (理查德·斯蒂尔),但现代评论家有时反对在正式文体中这样使用 参见 but,if〔nonchalant〕A nonchalant person is not likely to become warm or heated about anything,a fact that is underscored by the etymology of the wordnonchalant. Non-,the first part of the word, is easy to spot as a familiar negative prefix;since this word was formed in Old French,we havenon-, the Old French descendant of Latin nōn-. The second element,chalant, is the Old French present participle of the verb chaloir, meaning "to be concerned.”This in turn came from the Latin wordcalēre, which from its concrete sense "to be hot or warm" developed the figurative sense "to be roused or fired with hope, zeal, or anger.”Obviously the Old French verbchaloir has lost some of the warmth of Latin calēre, but then, the nonchalant person has little warmth or concern.The wordnonchalant is first recorded in English before 1734, although Frenchnonchalance, a derivative of French nonchalant, seems to have entered English first. Englishnonchalance is first recorded in 1678. 态度冷漠的人是不太可能变得热心或对某事激动的,这一事实被词语nonchalant的词源所强调。 Non-,这个词的第一部分, 很容易认出是个很熟悉的否定前缀;因为此词形成于古法语,我们可以说non-,来自 拉丁语 non- 在古法语中的衍生词。 第二个组成部分chalant, 是动词 chaloir 的古法语现在分词, 意思是“担忧的,关心的”。此词同样也来自于拉丁词calere , 从其具体的感觉“热的或暖和的”演变到比喻的感觉“被激起或引起希望、热心或愤怒”。很明显古法语动词chaloir 已去掉了一些拉丁语 calere 的温暖, 不过,冷漠的人确是几乎没有什么热心或关心的。词语nonchalant 在1734年前第一次被记录在英语中, 尽管法语nonchalence, 是法语 nonchalant 的派生词似乎已首先进入英语。 英语中的nonchalance 于1678年第一次被记录下来 〔vulgar〕The wordvulgar brings to mind off-color jokes, but this was not always so.Ironically the wordvulgar is itself an example of pejoration, the process by which the semantic status of a word changes for the worse over a period of time.The ancestor ofvulgar, the Latin word vulgāris (from vulgus, "the common people"), meant "of or belonging to the common people, everyday,”as well as "belonging to or associated with the lower orders.”Vulgāris also meant "ordinary,” "common (of vocabulary, for example),” and "shared by all.” Its only sense of the sort we might expect was related to the notion of general sharing, that is, "sexually promiscuous.”Our word, first recorded in a work composed in 1391,entered English during the Middle English period,and in Middle English and later English we find not only the senses mentioned above but also related senses.What is common can be seen as debased,and in the 17th century we begin to find instances ofvulgar that made very explicit what was already implicit. Vulgar now meant "deficient in taste, delicacy, or refinement.” From such usevulgar has gone downhill, and at present "crudely indecent" is probably one of the first senses ofvulgar that occurs to many when the word is used. Vulgar 这个词使人想起下流的玩笑, 但这并不尽然。具有讽刺意味的是vulgar 这个词本身就是一个贬义词, 是一个词的语义经过一段时间变为贬义的过程。Vulgar 的语源,拉丁词 vulgaris (来自于 vulgrs, “普通人”), 意思是平常人的、属于平常人的或日常的,”也意味着“属于低等阶级的,与低阶级有关的。”Vulgaris 也意味着“平常的”,“普通的(如词汇表的)”,和“大家共有的。” 我们可能会想到的这一类的唯一意思与“大家共有的”的意思是有关,即“滥交的。”这个词,首先记载于1391年编的一部书里,在中古英语期间进入英语,在中古英语和后期的英语中我们不仅发现它有上述的意思,也有其它相关的意思。普通的可以被看作是低下的,在17世纪我们开始发现vulgar 把含蓄的意思变得很明显的例子。 现在vulgar 指“品味、格调或教养不高的。” 以这个意思vulgar 开始走下坡路, 现在当人们使用vulgar 时,对许多人来讲“粗野下流的”可能是第一个意思 〔bodacious〕Popularized in the comic stripSnuffy Smith, bodacious is probably a blend of the words bold and audacious, whose combined senses are evident in the following description of Sevier County, Tennessee,as"the most bodacious display of tourisma this side of Anaheim" (Los Angeles Times).A more traditional meaning is "remarkable, prodigious": "a bodacious amount of smoke" (Springfield MA Morning Union); "the most bodacious tale of hidden treasure" (Lawrence E. Will). Bodacious can also be an adverbial intensifier: "She's so bowdacious unreasonable when she's raised [irritated] ” (William T. Thompson).Black speech in New York City retains this Southernism asbardacious. Joseph Wright'sEnglish Dialect Dictionary cites the form boldacious, which, as the likely source forbodacious, strengthens the theory that some archaic British expressions are preserved in the speech of the American South.因胆大包天的斯纳费·史密斯 中的连载漫画而家喻户晓。其大概是 bold 和 audacious 两词的组合, 其组合意思在以下对田纳西州的塞费尔县的描述中很明显的:“阿纳海姆的大肆渲染的观光演出” (洛杉矶时报)。一个更传统的意思是“突出的,大量的”: “滚滚浓烟” (斯普林菲尔德·MA·联合晨报); “关于隐藏的宝藏的最迷人传说” (劳伦斯·E·威尔)。 Bodacious 也可用作加强语气的副词: “她被激[怒] 时变得如此不可理喻” (威廉·T·汤普逊)。纽约市的黑人语言还保留了这一南方音bardacious。 约瑟夫·莱特编的英语方言辞典 记录了 boldacious 的形式, 它可能是boadacious 的来源, 这证实了以下的看法:一些古时的英语表达方式仍保留在美国南部方言中〔superficial〕Concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; shallow.肤浅的:只关心或只理解很明显或很显然的事物的;浅薄的〔evidence〕Plainly visible; to be seen:显而易见的;很明显被看见的:〔shit〕Used to express scornful acknowledgment of the obvious.用来表示对很明显的事情的带有嘲讽的确认〔lingo〕A look at the entry in the Indo-European roots entry fordöghū- will show that the wordstongue, language, and lingo are related, all going back to the Indo-European rootdöghū-, "tongue.” The relationship betweenlanguage and lingo is not particularly surprising given their related meanings and common root, but one might be curious as to the routes by which these two words came into English.Language, as did so many of our important borrowings from Latin, passed through French into English during the Middle Ages, the forms involved being Latinlingua, "language,” its descendant, Old French langue, and its derivative, langage. Lingo, on the other hand, entered English after the end of the Middle Ages when Europe had opened itself to the larger world. We have probably borrowedlingo from lingoa, a Portuguese descendant of Latin lingua. The Portuguese were great traders before the English were,and it is not unlikely that the sense "foreign language" was strengthened as the Portuguese traveled around the world.Interestingly enough,the first recorded instance oflingo in English is in the New World (1660) in a reference to the "Dutch lingo.” The development in sense to "unintelligible language" and "specialized language" is an obvious one.当我们看到印欧语系词根条目dnghu- 时, 我们就可以看出tongue,language 和 lingo 之间的联系, 它们都拥有共同的印欧语系词根dnghu- “舌头”。 当我们知道language 和 lingo 拥有共同的词根并且在意思上有关联时,我们就不会惊异于他们之间的联系, 但我们可能会对这两个词是通过何种方式进入英语的感到很好奇。和许多重要的从拉丁语借来的词一样,language 是在中世纪时通过法语传入英语的, 变换的形式为拉丁语的lingua “语言”、它的变体,古法语中的 langue 和它的派生词 langage。 另一方面,Lingo是在欧洲向一个更广阔的世界开放自己的时候即在中世纪结束后期进入英语的。 我们可能从拉丁文lingua 的葡萄牙语变体 lingoa 借入了 lingo 。 葡萄牙人是英国人之前的大商人,当他们在周游世界的同时,很可能那种“外语”的意义得到了加强。很有趣的是,最先出现在英语中的lingo 新大陆(1660年)一书中用来指“荷兰语”。 所以变成“难懂的话”和“行话”的意思的发展过程是很明显〔race〕A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.人种:局部的地区性人口或全球性人口,根据由基因遗传的体质而区分为几种特性明显或不很明显的群体〔vertebrate〕A member of the subphylum Vertebrata, a primary division of the phylum Chordata that includes the fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, all of which are characterized by a segmented spinal column and a distinct, well-differentiated head.脊椎动物:脊索动物门的一个原始分支,属于脊椎动物分门的一种动物,包括鱼类、两栖动物、爬行动物、鸟类和哺乳动物,其共同特征是都有节段的脊柱和很明显的、分化的头部〔legible〕legible weaknesses in character and disposition.性格和脾气上很明显的弱点〔wilderness〕Deer comes from the Old English word dēor, meaning "beast.” Clearly the word has narrowed in meaning and lost its general sense.But another word in English,wilderness, may point to this general sense of Old English dēor. The etymology ofwilderness is variously given, but one etymology traces the-der- of wilderness back to dēor and wild- back to Old English wilde, "wild.” Der- may thus carry on dēor in its general sense, reminding us that wild beasts might be the only inhabitants of a wilderness.Wilderness, though it may have existed in Old English, is first found in 13th-century Middle English.Deer 来自于古英语中意为“野兽”的一词 deor 。 很明显这个词的词义缩小了,失去了它较笼统的意义。但英语中的另一个词wilderness, 大概会指出古英语中 deor 的笼统意义。 wilderness 的词源很多, 但一种说法顺着wilderness 中的 -der- 找到 deor ,顺着 wild- 中找到古英语中的 wilde “野蛮的”。 Der- 大概因此具有笼统意义上的 deor 的意义, 提醒我们野兽大概是荒野处的唯一居民。Wilderness 尽管在古英语中已存在, 但是在13世纪中世纪英语中首次出现的〔toady〕A toady is not a pleasant individual,and the origin of the word makes being a toady even less pleasant.Toady is obviously derived from the word toad. The-y suffix can have diminutive force, and the earliest recorded sense (around 1690) oftoady (now obsolete), "a little or young toad,” illustrates this force. The sense we know has nothing to do with baby toadsbut rather with the practice of certain quacks or charlatans who claimed that they could cast out poison.Toads were thought to be poisonous,so these charlatans would have an attendant eat a toad or pretend to eat oneand then remove the poison from the attendant.Such an attendant is obviously a type of person who would do anything,and thustoadeater (first recorded 1629) was the perfect name for a flattering, fawning parasite. Toadeater and the verb derived from it, toadeat, influenced the sense of the noun and verb toad and the noun toady, so that both nouns could mean "sycophant"and the verbtoady could mean "to act like a toady to someone.” 拍马者并不是一个讨人喜欢的人,这个词的来源使做拍马者这种作法更加不令人喜欢。Toady 很显然是从 toad 这个词衍生而来。 后缀-y 可以有一种指小的效力, Toady 这个词最早有记载(1690年左右)的含义“一只小或幼年蟾蜍”(现已废弃)正说明了这种效力。 我们现在知道的含义与年幼的蟾蜍没有什么关系,而与某些宣称能够驱毒的冒牌医生或江湖郎中的某些做法有关。当时人们认为蟾蜍有毒,所以这些江湖朗中会叫一个手下人吃下一只蟾蜍或假装吃下一只蟾蜍,然后把毒物从他的手下人身体中驱除出去。很明显,这样一个帮手是一种什么事都会做的人,这样,用toadeater (最早记载于1629年)这个词来称呼奉承拍马的寄生者是再合适不过了。 Toadeater 和从它衍生而来的动词 toadeat 影响了作为名词或动词的 toad 和作为名词 toady 的含义, 于是二个名词都可以理解为“拍马者”的意思,而动词toady 有“在某人面前象一个拍马者一样行动”的意思 〔shoddy〕Conspicuously and cheaply imitative.很明显地或低劣地模仿的〔implicit〕Contained in the nature of something though not readily apparent:固有的:虽然不很明显但包含在某物的本质中的:〔specious〕Aspecious argument is not simply a false one but one that has the ring of truth.Those aware of the specialized use of the word may therefore sense a certain contradiction in hearing an argument described asobviously specious or specious on the face of things; if the fallaciousness is apparent,the argument was probably not plausible-sounding to begin with.一种似是而非的 论点并不只是一个错误的论点, 而是指貌似正确的论点。那些意识到这个词的特殊用法的人听到这种“显然是似是而非的” 或 “就表面看起来有理的” 论点时,会因此感到某些矛盾; 如果此论点错误很明显的话,这样的论点可能一开始就不会让人觉得有道理〔bulk〕A distinct mass or portion of matter, especially a large one:大块,大量:物体很明显的重量或部分,尤指一个大物体:〔gemsbok〕A large antelope(Oryx gazella) of arid regions of southern Africa, having long, sharp, straight horns, a tufted tail, and distinctive black and white markings on the head. 南非大羚羊:一大型羚羊(长角羚 羚羊属) ,生于南部非洲干旱地区,有长、尖而直的角,尾巴成束状,头部上有很明显的黑色和白色标记 〔doodle〕One might wonder what, if any, connection exists amongYankee Doodle, a doodlebug, and the doodle that one draws when one is bored or abstracted. The worddoodle in the latter two uses may come from a Low German word meaning "fool.”"Fool,” the first (and now probably obsolete) sense of the worddoodle to be recorded in English (1628),would seem naturally to have been used inYankee Doodle, the name of a tune composed in 1755 to mock the American colonists. However, the origin ofDoodle in this expression is unknown; it may be fromtootle, because the piece was apparently composed originally for flute or fife.In the case ofdoodlebug, it is thought that doodle, meaning "simpleton,” is the first part of the insect name.The sense "absent-minded scrawl" may come directly from the sense "fool"or from a British dialectal verb, meaning "to cheat, fritter time away,”that was derived from the noun sense "fool.”人们也许会问YonkeeDoodle, doodlebug, 和意思为心不在焉地乱涂的 doodle 之间有无联系。 单词doodle 在后两种用法中大概来自低地德语中, 意思为“傻瓜”的一个单词。“傻瓜”,doodle 的第一含义(现在可能已不再用), 英文记载是在1628年,被用在1755年谱成的用来讽刺美国殖民者的曲子YankeeDoodle 中。 然而,在该表达中Doodle 的词源尚不清楚; 也许来自tootle, 因为该曲原本很明显是用笛子或横笛演奏的。在doodlebug 中, doodle 被认为意思为“傻瓜”, 是昆虫名的第一部分。“心不在焉地乱涂”可能直接来自“傻瓜”,或者来自英国方言动词,意为“欺骗,打发时间”的,这个动词来源于名词“傻瓜”〔relapse〕A falling back into a former state, especially after apparent improvement.重陷:退回到以前的状况,尤其是取得很明显的改善以后〔caviar〕Although caviar might seem to be something quintessentially Russian,the wordcaviar is not a native one, the Russian term beingikra. Caviar first came into English in the 16th century,probably by way of French and Italian,which, along with other European languages, borrowed it from Turkishhavyar. The source of the Turkish word is apparently an Iranian dialectal form related to the Persian word for "egg,”khāyah, and this in turn goes back to the same Indo-European root that gives us the English wordsegg and oval. This rather exotic etymology is appropriate to a substance that is not to everyone's taste,giving rise to Shakespeare's famous phrase,“'twas caviary to the general,”the general public, that is.虽然鱼子酱一词有点俄罗斯风范,但caviar 一词不是俄语, 俄语词是ikra。 Caviar 第一次出现在英语中是在16世纪,大概是来自法语和意大利语,而它们又与其它欧洲语言一起从土耳其语havyar 借用而来。 土耳其词的来源很明显是从与波斯单词“鸡蛋”khayah 有关的伊朗方言中而来, 并且由此追溯到给我们带来egg 和 oval 的同一印欧语系词根。 这种怪异的词源学不会适合所有人的口味,由此带来了莎士比亚的名言,“它是适合大众口味的鱼子酱,”即指一般公众〔enormity〕the world really become aware of the enormity of Pol Pot's oppression. Fifty-nine percent of the Usage Panel rejects the use ofenormity in the more general sense in the sentenceAt that point the engineers sat down to design an entirely new viaduct, apparently undaunted by the enormity of their task. This distinction betweenenormity and enormousness has not always existed historically, but nowadays many observe it.Writers who ignore it in phrases such asthe enormity of the President's election victory or the enormity of her inheritance may find their words an unintended source of amusement.整个世界也才注意到波尔布特高压政策的穷凶极恶。 用法使用小组的59%成员都反对在如下句子里将enormity 该词用于更广泛的意义, 如在句子当坐下来开始设计一座全新的高架桥时,很明显地工程师们对他们所面临的艰巨工作无所畏惧 中。 这种enomity 和 enormousness 间的差异并不总是在历史上存在, 但现在很多人都观察到了这一点。那些在例如总统竞选的巨大胜利 或 她的巨额遗产 这些短语中忽略了该差异的作者们, 很可能会发现他们的词语无意中变成逗乐趣事的来源〔fetch〕To bring forth (a sigh, for example) with obvious effort.发出:用很明显的努力发出(如叹息)〔tree〕A perennial woody plant having a main trunk and usually a distinct crown.树:一种多年生木质植物,生有一个主干且常有一个很明显的树冠〔dishonest〕Inconsistencies in his testimony made it obvious that he was a lying witness.他证词不一致,很明显,他是一个撒谎的证人。〔gimmick〕A significant feature that is obscured, misrepresented, or not readily evident; a catch.诡计,诈欺:不很明显的、误传的或模糊的重要特征;诡计〔dornick〕The worddornick is used from Pennsylvania westward to Illinois. It probably comes from Irish Gaelicdornóg, "a small round stone.” However, it is not clear which group of Gaelic-speaking Irish immigrants brought the word with them.Craig M. Carver, author ofAmerican Regional Dialects, thinks it unlikely that dornick came over with the large numbers of Irish immigrants after the famine of 1846-1847 since the word was apparently well established in Missouri and Arkansas by the middle of the 19th century.Carver attributes the introduction of the term to the Scotch-Irish Protestants from Northern Ireland who emigrated to America in the 18th century. Dornick must have been one of the "few purely Irish terms" in the otherwise English and Scots lexicon of the Scotch-Irish.单词dornick 的使用范围东起宾夕法尼亚州西至伊利诺斯州。 可能起源于爱尔兰的盖尔语dornog, “小而圆的石头”。 然而,究竟哪一批操盖尔语的爱尔兰移民带来的这个词尚不清楚。美国地区方言 的作者克雷格M·卡弗尔认为 dornick 不可能是在1846至1847年的大饥荒之后由爱尔兰人带来的, 因为该词在19世纪中叶就很明显地在密苏里州和阿肯色州使用起来了。卡弗尔认为该词是由来自北爱尔兰的苏格兰爱尔兰新教徒在18世纪带到美国来的。 Dornick 肯定是“少有的纯正爱尔兰语”之一,在苏格兰爱尔兰词典中是英语或苏格兰词语〔bring〕 When the relevant point of focus is not the place of speaking itself,the difference obviously depends on the context.We can say eitherThe labor leaders brought or took their requests to the mayor's office, depending on whether we want to describe things from the point of view of the labor leaders or the mayor.Perhaps for this reason, the distinction betweenbring and take has been blurred in some areas; a parent may say of a child, for example, 当注意的相关点不再指说话人所在处时,显然是靠上下文来判断。我们可以说The labor leaders brought 或 took their requests to the mayor's office(工会领导带着他们的要求去市长办公室), 这取决于我们叙述事情是从工会领导的角度还是从市长的角度出发。也许由于这个原因,bring 和 take 之间的区别在一些地区不是很明显; 例如,家长可以说他的孩子:




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