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释义 〔cacomistle〕A small, carnivorous mammal(Bassariscus astutus) of the southwest United States, having grayish or brownish fur and a black-banded tail and resembling the raccoon. 蓬尾浣熊,环尾猫熊:一种体型小的食肉哺乳动物(小浣熊属) ,生活于美国西南部,其皮毛呈暗灰色或棕黄色,尾巴上有黑色条斑,与浣熊很相似 〔phenocopy〕An environmentally induced, nonhereditary variation in an organism, closely resembling a genetically determined trait.似表型:有机体内由环境引起的、非遗传性的变化,与由遗传决定的特征很相似〔tally〕Something that is very similar or corresponds to something else; a double or counterpart.相似物对应物:和某一事物很相似或相应的某个事物;完全相似的事物或对等物〔digitalis〕The name of the plant genusDigitalis, whose member the foxglove provides an important drug used to treat heart disease,is associated with another part of the body, the finger.InDigitalis, which comes from the Latin word digitālis, meaning "relating to a finger,”we recognizedigit, which derives from Latin digitus, "finger, toe.” In Modern Latin the genus name was chosenbecause the German name for the foxglove isFingerhut, "thimble,” or literally "finger hat.” The second part of our wordfoxglove also refers to the similarity of the foxglove blossoms to the fingers of a glove. Digitalis is first recorded in English in a work published in 1664. 毛地黄 属的植物毛地黄, 是治疗心脏病的重要药物,与身体另一部位手指有关。Digitalis 来自于拉丁语 digitalis , 意指“与手指有关的”。我们认为digit 来源于表示“手指,脚趾”的拉丁语 digitus 。 在新拉丁语中选定了种属名称,是因为熟地的日耳曼语名称是Fingerhut “指套”或字面上的“指套”。 Foxglove 的第二部分是指毛地黄开花时与手套的指头很相似。 英语中第一次记录Digitalis 的作品是在1664年发表 〔dab〕Any of various flatfishes, chiefly of the generaLimanda and Hippoglossoides, related to and resembling the flounders. 比目鱼,孙鲽:一种比目鱼,主要是黄盖鲽 属和 拟庸鲽 属的鱼类,与鲽鱼有关而且很相似 〔injustice〕 Wrong in a legal sense refers to what violates the rights of an individual or adversely affects the public welfare;in a more general sense, however,the word is similar in meaning to but more emphatic thaninjustice: Wrong 在法律上讲指侵犯了个人权利或危害公共利益;但从更广泛的意义上讲,这个词语气和injustice很相似但更重一些: 〔bud〕A small, rounded organic part, such as a taste bud, that resembles a plant bud.蕾:一个小的,圆形的器官组成部分,如味蕾和植物的芽很相似〔difference〕Dissimilarity is difference between things otherwise alike or capable of close comparison: Dissimilarity 是指在其它方面很相似或非常类似的事物间的差异: 〔midwife〕The wordmidwife is the sort of word whose etymology is perfectly clear until one tries to figure it out.Wife would seem to refer to the woman giving birth, who is usually a wife,butmid ? A knowledge of older senses of words helps us with this puzzle.Wife in its earlier history meant "woman,” as it still did when the compoundmidwife was formed in Middle English (first recorded around 1300). Mid is probably a preposition, meaning "together with.”Thus amidwife was literally a "with woman" or "a woman who assists other women in childbirth.” Even though obstetrics has been rather resistant to midwifery until fairly recently,the etymology ofobstetric is rather similar, going back to the Latin wordobstetrīx, "a midwife,” from the verbobstāre, "to stand in front of,” and the feminine suffix -trix; theobstetrīx would thus literally stand in front of the baby. 单词midwife 属于那类语源看起来相当明了的词, 可当人们试着搞清楚时,才发现并不那么简单。Wife 似乎是指临产的妇女, 通常都身为人妇,但是mid 指的是什么呢? 通过了解词语原有的含义我们可以解开这个谜。Wife 早期时意指“妇女”, 当midwife 这个复合词在中古英语中形成的时候它仍然有此含义(首次记载于1300年前后)。 Mid 有可能是个介词, 意为“与…在一起”。这样midwife 字面上的意思就是“与妇女在一起”或者“帮助临产妇女生产的妇女”。 虽然直到近期产科学还一直抵制助产术一词,但是obstetric 的语源却与其很相似。 它可以上溯到拉丁词语obstetrix 意为“接生者”, 该词由动词obstare “站在…的前面”再加上阴性后缀 -trix 构成; 于是obstetrix 这个词字面上的意思是站在婴儿前面的人




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