单词 | 德国 |
释义 | 〔Erlangen〕A city of south-central Germany north-northeast of Nuremberg. Chartered in 1398, it passed to Bavaria in 1810. Population, 100,523.埃尔兰根:德国中部偏南一座城市,位于纽伦堡东北偏北,1398年经特许建立,该城于1810年并入巴伐利亚。人口100,523〔Bavaria〕A region and former duchy of southern Germany. Conquered by the Romans in 15b.c. , the region became one of the five preeminent duchies of medieval Germany but was later overrun and ruled by numerous factions and powers. 巴伐利亚州:德国南部的一地区,原为公爵领地。于公元前 15年被罗马人占领,这个地方成了中世纪德国的五个有权势的公爵领地,但是后来被许多势力和政权占领和统治 〔Alder〕German chemist. He shared a 1950 Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning the structure of organic matter.阿尔德,库尔特:(1902-1958) 德国化学家,因其有关有机物结构的发现而获1950年的诺贝尔奖〔Hildesheim〕A city of central Germany south-southeast of Hanover. A member of the Hanseatic League, it passed to Hanover in 1813 and to Prussia in 1866. Population, 101,017.希尔德斯海姆:德国中部的一个城市,位于汉诺威东南偏南汉萨同盟的成员,于1813年归属汉诺威,于1866年归属普鲁士,人口101,017〔Erymanthos〕A mountain range of southern Greece in the northwest Peloponnesus. The tallest peak isMount Erymanthos, about 2,225 m (7,295 ft) high. In Greek legend, the range was the haunt of the ferocious Erymanthian boar, which was ultimately slain by Hercules. 埃里曼索斯山脉:德国南部的一座山脉,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛西北。最高峰就是埃里曼索斯 山,大约2,225米,即7,295英尺高。在德国传说中,凶猛的埃里曼索斯野猪经常出没于此地,这些野猪后来被赫拉克勒斯杀死了 〔Aschaffenburg〕A city of west-central Germany on the Main River. Once the site of a Roman garrison, it became part of Bavaria in 1814. Population, 59,088.阿沙芬堡:德国中西部的一座城市,位于莱茵河畔,曾是罗马要塞所在地,1814年成为巴伐利亚的一部分。人口59,088〔Berlin〕[bûr-lĭnʹ] The capital and largest city of Germany, in the northeast part of the country. Divided between 1945 and 1990 intoEast Berlin and West Berlin, it was the center of the Prussian state and after 1871 was the capital of the German Empire. The division of the city grew out of the zones of occupation established at the end of World War II. The Berlin Wall, a wire and concrete barrier, was erected by the East German government in August 1961 and dismantled in November 1989. Population, 3,034,118. [bûr-lĭnʹ] 柏林:德国首都和最大城市,在德国的东北部。从1945年到1990年被划分为东柏林 和 西柏林, 它曾是普鲁士国的中心和1871年之后日耳曼帝国的首都。二次大战结束时形成的战领区导致了该城的分裂。 柏林围墙, 一道电缆和水泥屏障,于1961年8月由东德政府竖起,于1989年十一月被推倒。人口3,034,118 〔Stresemann〕German politician who served as foreign minister (1923-1929) and was largely responsible for Germany's conciliatory and cooperative policies after World War I. He shared the 1929 Nobel Peace Prize.斯特莱斯曼,古斯塔夫:(1878-1929) 德国政治家,曾任外交部长(1923年-1929年),他是一战后德国安抚和合作政策的主要负责人。1929年他与人共获诺贝尔和平奖〔nix〕A water sprite of German mythology, usually in human form or half-human and half-fish.水中精灵:德国民间传说中的水妖,一般说它象人形或一半象人,一半象鱼〔Humperdinck〕German composer who wrote the fairy tale operaHansel and Gretel (1893). 胡姆普丁克,恩格尔伯特:(1854-1921) 德国作曲家,作品有童话歌剧《汉塞尔和格丽塔尔》 (1893年) 〔York〕American World War I hero famed for his single-handed attack on a German post, during which he captured 132 of the enemy.约克,阿尔文·库尔姆:(1887-1964) 美国第一次世界大战英雄,以其单独攻打一德国哨所而闻名,在此期间还俘虏132名敌军〔Paracelsus〕German-Swiss alchemist and physician who introduced the concept of disease to medicine. He held that illness was the result of external agents attacking the body rather than imbalances within the body and advocated the use of chemicals against disease-causing agents.帕拉塞尔苏斯,菲利浦斯·欧雷奥卢斯:(1493-1541) 德国瑞士籍炼金术士和医生,他把疾病这一概念引进医学,认为疾病是分割身体的外用药剂的结果,而不是体内失调,并主张使用药物抵抗致病药剂〔Moselle〕A river rising in the Vosges Mountains of northeast France and flowing about 547 km (340 mi) north then northeast to the Rhine River in western Germany. The German valley of the river is noted for its old castles and celebrated vineyards.摩泽尔河:发源于法国东北部孚日山脉的一条河流,流程约547公里(340英里),先向北后向东北在德国西部注入莱茵河。在德国境内的河谷以其古老的教堂和久负盛名的葡萄园而著名〔Adenauer〕First chancellor of West Germany (1949-1963), under whom the country began economic reconstruction and became a member of NATO and the Common Market.阿登纳,康拉德:(1876-1967) 西德首位总理(1949-1963年),在其任职期间,德国开始经济重建并成为北约及共同市场的成员国〔Choiseul〕One of the Solomon Islands in the southwest Pacific Ocean southeast of Bougainville Island. It was under German control from 1886 to 1899.舒瓦瑟尔岛:太平洋西南部所罗门群岛中的一个岛屿,位于布干维尔岛东南。1886至1899年间被德国控制〔margrave〕The lord or military governor of a medieval German border province.总督:中世纪德国边境省份的长官或军事统治者〔Niebuhr〕German historian whose greatly influential history of Rome (published 1811-1832) established the modern scientific study of history.尼布尔,巴托尔德·乔治:(1776-1831) 德国历史学家,其极具影响力的《罗马史》(1811-1832年出版)奠定了现代历史科学研究的基础〔Weser〕A river, about 483 km (300 mi) long, of central and northwest Germany, flowing generally northward to the North Sea through a long estuary.威悉河:德国中部与西北部的长达483公里(300英里)的一条河,大致向北流,通过长长的三角湾流入北海〔berlin〕After Berlin [Germany] 源自 Berlin[德国] 〔Mann〕German writer whose fascination with the artist's role in society and concern for the intellectual and spiritual well-being of Germany permeate his works, includingDeath in Venice (1912) and The Magic Mountain (1924). He won the 1929 Nobel Prize for literature. 曼恩,托马斯:(1875-1955) 德国作家,他的作品充分显示了他对艺术家在社会中的角色的兴趣,及他对德国知识界和精神领域健康发展的关心,作品包括《威尼斯之死》 (1912年)和 《魔术山》 (1924年)。他获得1929年诺贝尔文学奖 〔Diesel〕German engineer who devised and patented (1892) an internal-combustion engine.狄赛尔,鲁道夫:(1858-1913) 发明内燃机并对之拥有专利(1892年)的德国工程师〔Baer〕Estonian-born German naturalist and pioneer embryologist who discovered the mammalian egg (1827).拜尔,卡尔·厄恩斯特·冯:(1792-1876) 爱沙尼亚裔德国自然学家和胚胎学先驱,他发现了哺乳动物的卵(1827年)〔White〕American educator and diplomat who founded Cornell University with Ezra Cornell and was its first president (1868-1885). He also served as U.S. ambassador to Germany (1897-1902).怀特,安德鲁·迪克森:(1832-1918) 美国教育学家和外交官,他与埃兹拉·康奈尔一起创建了康奈尔大学并担任第一任校长(1868年-1885年)他也担任过驻德国的美国大使职务(1897年-1902年)〔Koblenz〕A city of west-central Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers southeast of Bonn. Founded as a Roman frontier station, the city was prominent during Carolingian times as a residence of Frankish kings. Population, 111,235.科布修林:德国中西部一城市,位于莱茵河和摩泽尔河的交汇口、波恩东南。过去为罗马人的前沿哨所,在卡洛林王朝时期,该城因为法兰克国王们的居住地而闻名。人口111,235〔Bruch〕German composer known especially for his violin pieces, including Violin Concerto in G Minor (1868).布鲁赫,马克斯·卡尔·奥古斯特:(1838-1920) 德国作曲家,擅写小提琴曲,包括《G小调第一提琴协奏曲》(1868年)〔Wilhelmshaven〕A city of northwest Germany on an inlet of the North Sea. It was a major naval base during World Wars I and II and is now a port, an industrial center, and a resort with a new naval base rebuilt after 1956. Population, 97,495.威廉港:德国西北部城市,位于北海的一个海湾处,两次世界大战中都是主要的海军基地,现在是港口、工业中心和旅游胜地,并有一个1956年后重建的新海军基地。人口97,495〔Kristallnacht〕The night of November 9, 1938, on which the Nazis coordinated an attack on Jewish people and their property in Germany and German-controlled lands.水晶之夜:1938年11月9日夜晚,纳粹份子从中协作实施了对德国和德国控区内的犹太人及其财产的袭击〔embroider〕and partly from Old French embroder en- [intensive pref] * see en- 1 broder, brosder [to embroider] [of Germanic origin] 并且部分源自 古法语 embroder en- [加强词义前缀] * 参见 en-1 broder, brosder [刺绣] [源自德国] 〔Rilke〕German poet whose verse, often marked by a mystic lyricism and precise imagery, profoundly influenced 20th-century German literature. His collections includeThe Book of Hours (1905) and The Duino Elegies (1923). 里尔克,莱纳·玛丽:(1875-1926) 德国诗人,他的散文常以神秘色彩的抒情性和恰当的幻想而著称,并且深深地影响着20世纪的德国文学,他的文集包括《祈祷书》 (1905年)和 《杜伊诺哀歌》 (1923年) 〔Erhard〕German politician who served as chancellor of West Germany (1963-1966).埃哈德,路德维希:(1897-1977) 德国政治家,曾于1963-1966年任西德总理〔Fischer〕German chemist. He won a 1930 Nobel Prize for his work on the synthesis of hemin.费歇尔,汉斯:(1881-1945) 德国化学家,因在氯高铁血红素的合成研究而获1930年诺贝尔奖〔Cassirer〕German philosopher who was concerned with the formation of concepts in the mind and the theory of scientific knowledge.卡西尔,厄恩斯特:(1874-1945) 德国哲学家,他所感兴趣的是概念在头脑中的形成和关于科学知识的理论〔Hohenzollern〕German royal family who ruled Brandenburg from 1415 and later extended their control to Prussia (1525). Under Frederick I (ruled 1701-1713) the family's possessions were unified as the kingdom of Prussia. From 1871 to 1918 Hohenzollern monarchs ruled the German Empire.霍恩索伦:自1415年起控制勃兰登堡的皇族,后开始控制普鲁士(1525年)。在弗里德里希一世(1701-1713年在位)期间,这个家族占有的国土统称为普鲁士王国,从1871年到1918年这个皇族的国王统治了德国帝国〔Eckhart〕German theologian regarded as the founder of mysticism in Germany. His influential works concern the union of the individual soul with God.埃克哈特,约翰尼斯:(1260?-1327?) 德国神学家,被认为是德国神秘主义的创始人。他的著作影响很大,内容主要是关于个人灵魂与神的统一〔Ahlen〕A city of west-central Germany southeast of Münster. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 52,537.阿伦:德国中部偏西的一座城市,位于蒙斯特东南部,是制造业中心。人口52,537〔Mendelssohn〕German philosopher noted for his writings on the inborn ability of human beings to recognize beauty, truth, and goodness. His influence and works aided the assimilation of Jews into German society.门德尔松,摩西:(1729-1786) 德国哲学家,以其论述有关人类认识真善美的天生能力的著作而著名。他的影响和作品有助于犹太人与德国社会的同化〔Metz〕A city of northeast France on the Moselle River north of Nancy. Settled before Roman times, it prospered as a free imperial city after the 12th century and was annexed by France in 1552. The city was ruled by Germany from 1871 to 1918. Population, 114,232.麦茨:法国东北部的城市,位于摩泽尔河上,南锡北部,罗马时代前就已建立,12世纪后作为自由城市繁荣一时,1552年被法国合并,从1871年到1918年被德国统治。人口114,232〔Alps〕A mountain system of south-central Europe, about 805 km (500 mi) long and 161 km (100 mi) wide, curving in an arc from the Riviera on the Mediterranean Sea through northern Italy and southeast France, Switzerland, southern Germany, and Austria and into northwest Yugoslavia. The highest peak is Mont Blanc, 4,810.2 m (15,771 ft), on the French-Italian border.阿尔卑斯山脉:欧洲中南部一山系,绵延约805公里(500英里)长,161公里(100英里)宽,从地中海岸边的里维埃拉呈弧状通过意大利北部、法国东南部、瑞士、德国南部和奥地利,进入南斯拉夫西北部。最高峰是勃朗峰,4,810.2米(15,771英尺),位于法意边界〔Schubert〕Austrian composer who perfected the form of the German art song in his more than 600 compositions for voice and piano. He also composed symphonies and chamber music.舒伯特,弗朗兹·彼得:(1797-1828) 奥地利作曲家,他的600多部声乐及钢琴作品完善了德国歌唱艺术。他亦作有交响乐和室内音乐〔Eschweiler〕A city of west-central Germany northeast of Aachen. It is an industrial center in a coal-mining area. Population, 52,869.埃斯韦勒:德国西部中心的一座城市,位于亚琛东北部,该地是一个采煤区的加工中心。人口52,869 |
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